About Us
The Department of Statistics and Operations Research specializes in inference, decision-making, and data analysis involving complex models and systems exhibiting both deterministic and random behavior. We focus on developing and analyzing the necessary quantitative and computational tools to enable practitioners to solve problems in statistical and probabilistic analysis, modeling, optimization, and the evaluation of system performance.
Our Faculty
Our faculty engage in fundamental research in probability, statistics, stochastic processes, and optimization, and are also heavily involved with interdisciplinary areas of application such as genomics, biological modeling, environmental statistics, insurance, and financial mathematics, revenue, workforce, and supply-chain management, traffic flow and congestion, and telecommunications.
Hanes Hall – our home on campus
Our Programs
Our Graduate Programs in Statistics and Operations Research provide challenging and comprehensive training across the full spectrum of statistics and operations research, including theoretical foundations, cutting-edge applications, and state-of-the-art computation. Graduates work in many diverse areas of industry and government, as well as serving on university faculties throughout the United States and abroad.
Our Undergraduate Program in Statistics and Analytics is ideal for students who like to tackle challenging quantitative problems in a business or scientific environment. STAN graduates go on to attend some of the most competitive graduate programs in statistics, biostatistics, operations research, finance disciplines and related industry disciplines, as well as serving in top corporations in a wide variety of fields, including Actuarial, Towers Watson, Insurance, Fidelity, CreditSuisse, State Farm, Banking, Bank of America, Federal Reserve, Capital One, and other industries needing Data Analysts such as IBM, Google, Comcast and even the NFL.
We have close collaborative working relationships with the Thurstone Psychometric Lab, housed in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and the Department of Biostatistics.
The STOR Department supports the University’s core values encouraging diversity and equal educational and employment opportunities throughout the University community, as articulated in the University’s non-discrimination policy and by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.