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"What are we waiting for?"
―Zinn Paulness, in response to a cry to vote on a bill[3]

Zinn Paulness[4] was a human male senator who served in the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars.[1] During the war, Paulness was part of the Council of Neutral Systems,[2] an outlier political wing of the Pacifist faction in the senate,[5] yet also displayed a hawkish attitude towards the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the bombing of Coruscant's central power distribution grid.[3]


"They attack, and now they want peace?"
―Zinn Paulness after the bombing of the central power grid[6]

Zinn Paulness was a senator in the Republic's Galactic Senate during the time of the Clone Wars. He was one of several senators who were taken hostage by bounty hunter Cad Bane and his associates during the Senate hostage crisis.[7] Later, as Senator Padmé Amidala advanced the Confederate–Republic peace initiative, Paulness was present for the Senate's final deliberations when the bombing of Coruscant's central power distribution grid occurred, sending numerous districts into blackout. Like many of his fellow senators, Paulness was outraged voted against attempting to make peace with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and instead passed the Republic military enhancement bill as well as the Republic financial reform bill, which deregulated the InterGalactic Banking Clan to pay for the new troops. He was enraged by the Senate's lack of action towards Separatist advances, and believed it to be too bureaucratic.[3]

Later in the war, Paulness was present at the Festival of Light on the planet Naboo, an event which was interrupted by an attempt, albeit a failed one, to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.[8] Paulness continued to serve in the Senate as the Republic entered more trouble regarding the Banking Clan after they were betrayed by Rush Clovis.[9]

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