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This article is non-canon.

This article covers a Star Wars subject that is considered non-canon.

"Repairs completed sir. Just need to load fuel and ammo."
[Chewbacca growls]
"Fuel, ammo, and Wookiee Cookies for Chewie."
―A Resistance worker and Han Solo discuss supplies for the Millennium Falcon — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[1]

Wookiee Cookies were a type of flat, round confectionery associated with the Wookiee species. While the cookies were favored by the Wookiee warrior Chewbacca, who carried some aboard the starship Millennium Falcon during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the famous snack was also edible by other species, including humans and Sullustans. The Wookiee Cookies were one of the delectable sweets that was sold at the Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors on the planet Pasaana.


"I guess demand for Wookiee Cookies has increased in recent years. Or you're just a collector of rhyming snacks."
―"Cookie Crook" — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[2]

Wookiee Cookies were a flat, round, and yellow-colored snack food with brown particles on them. Usually stored in jars, the cookies could be eaten by humans and Sullustans in addition to their namesake, Wookiees.[1] A famous type of sweet in the galaxy, the Wookiee Cookies were in high demand in the years leading up to the Festival of the Ancestors[2] of 35 ABY,[3] according to an individual known as "Cookie Crook."[2]


Battle of Endor and rathtar bait[]


Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb eat Wookiee Cookies aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Wookiee Cookies were favored by the human Rebel Alliance general Lando Calrissian and his Sullustan co-pilot, Nien Nunb, when they fought against the Galactic Empire during the Battle of Endor[1] in 4 ABY.[4] The two were eating the cookies aboard the Millennium Falcon—the freighter belonging to the smuggler-turned-rebel Han Solo—while they were on their way to attack the Death Star's main reactor. Upon realizing that the battle station's deflector shield was still up, Calrissian broke off the attack, and their cookies were left floating in space.[1]

Circa 3334 ABY,[4] Solo and his partner, the Wookiee warrior Chewbacca, traveled to the planet Twon Ketee in order to capture full-grown rathtars for King Prana. After successfully capturing one, Chewbacca teased the ravenous beast with a jar of Wookiee Cookies, and the creature was punished with an electric shock as it attempted to take the jar using its tentacle.[1]

Battle of Starkiller Base[]

"I'm going to give her the once-over before we take off. You concentrate on those supplies."
"Don't forget who the general is around here."
―Han Solo and Leia Organa prepare the Millennium Falcon — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[1]

Finn and Rey follow a trail of Wookiee Cookies left behind by Chewbacca on Starkiller Base.

Not long after, in 34 ABY,[4] Han Solo and Chewbacca were reunited with General Leia Organa, leader of the Resistance and Solo's estranged wife, and together they went to the Resistance base on D'Qar. As the Millennium Falcon was preparing to take off for the Resistance's assault on the First Order's Starkiller Base, Solo asked Organa and the ex-stormtrooper Finn, along with the droids C-3PO and BB-8, to find some Wookiee Cookies for Chewbacca.[1]

They managed to find some within the base's supply stores and loaded them onto the starship. During the battle, Chewbacca left behind a trail of Wookiee Cookies for Finn and the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey that led them to the Millennium Falcon following their duel with the dark warrior Kylo Ren.[1]

Festival of the Ancestors and Leia Organa's funeral[]

"I've been given some kind of cake, but I actually ordered the galaxy-famous Wookiee Cookie…"
―A customer — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[2]

"Cookie Crook" at the Festival of the Ancestors on Pasaana

About a year later,[3] Wookiee Cookies was one of the snacks available for sale at the Festival of the Ancestors, a celebration known for its delectable sweets and held by the native Aki-Aki in the Forbidden Valley on the desert planet Pasaana. During the festivities, an Aki-Aki vendor of sweets accidentally gave an Aki-Cake to a human customer who had actually ordered a Wookiee Cookie. Another human individual known as "Cookie Crook" was also selling a Wookiee Cookie at the festival.[2]

Not long after, shortly before the Battle of Exegol, members of the Resistance gathered at their base on Ajan Kloss for the funeral of their leader, Leia Organa. During the funeral, Chewbacca tried to steal one of the medals left on the late general's corpse. Although his efforts were unsuccessful, Lando Calrissian offered Chewbacca a Wookiee Cookie to appease the Wookiee.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Wookiee Cookie
"We have one mission where, jokingly, we have to get Wookiee Cookies for Chewie and, unbelievably, we managed to get Harrison Ford to say 'Wookiee Cookies.' That's still one of the highlights of Graham's [Goring] career and mine, that we managed to get Harrison Ford to say that."
Jamie Eden, game director for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens[5]

Wookiee Cookies have inspired real-life cookie recipes.

Wookiee Cookies were first pictured in the 2015 LEGO Classic Star Wars set 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium.[6] They first appeared and were identified by name in the 2016 non-canonical video game LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens,[1] in a dialogue written by the game's lead story designer, Graham Goring.[7] The cookies were originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity as Wookiee-ookiees in the 1978 television feature The Star Wars Holiday Special.[8] Wookiee-ookiees have since inspired Star Wars–themed recipes for real-life Wookiee Cookies, which were first featured in The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookiee Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes, published in 1998.[9][10]

Wookiee Cookies also appeared in a side quest titled "Speedy Sweets" in the 2022 video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The quest is given by a non-playable character, an Aki-Aki sweets vendor who gave out wrong orders to his customers, asking the player to hand the wrong orders to the right customers. For a customer who ordered a Wookiee Cookie but has been given a cake instead, the game requires the player to buy a Wookiee Cookie from another non-playable character called "Cookie Crook" for 7,500 studs, and give it back to the customer to complete the mission. Upon completion, the Aki-Aki vendor rewards the player a kyber brick.[2]



Notes and references[]

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