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The Mandalorian Sticker Art Puzzles is a children's activity and reference book by Steve Behling featuring content from seasons one and two of The Mandalorian television series. The title was published by Thunder Bay Press on September 7, 2021.

Publisher's summary[]

A new type of puzzle from a galaxy far, far away puts characters from The Mandalorian into your hands. Stick the puzzle pieces into their proper place to create 15 full-color scenes worthy of being displayed!

If you can't get enough of Mando and Grogu(TM), these 15 sticker puzzles featuring scenes from seasons1 [sic] and 2 of the hit television series The Mandalorian will take you on an adventure in a galaxy far, far away. Each puzzle contains more than 100 sticker shapes to be fitted into a tessellated grid—as the stickers are put in place, full-color artworks of your favorite Mandalorian characters, locales, and memorable moments will emerge. When you're done, you'll have a spectacular glossy art poster to display. This is the way.[1]




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