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T-6 1974,[8] also known as T-6 One-Nine-Seven-Four,[5] was a T-6 shuttle used by Ahsoka Tano after the Galactic Civil War when she traveled to the planet Lothal to pick up Sabine Wren and begin their search for Ezra Bridger.[2]


Manufactured by the Verpine hives of Slayn & Korpil, the nimble starship featured a featured a rotating engine block and cockpit, allowing the shuttle to land on varying planetary surfaces with flexibility. A single pilot could operate the shuttle, but Tano had the droid Huyang at her side as a navigator and copilot. Huyang used one area of the T-6's capacious interior as his workshop, where he stored his inventory of lightsaber components accumulated across his decades of teaching and overseeing lightsaber construction. Tano designated another area of the shuttle to lightsaber training, which she kept stocked with practice Bokken sabers and helmets.[1]


During the Clone Wars, T-6 shuttles was a sign assistance was on the way. Years later, the T-6's recognizable silhouette still symbolized hope.[1] Sometime after the Battle of Jakku, and having reacquainted herself with lightsaber expert Huyang, Tano used this ship to travel to the planet Lothal to pick up Sabine Wren and begin their search for Ezra Bridger.[2] Huyang and Tano landed the shuttle in the mouth of a Purrgil. Once inside the creature's mouth, the Purrgil jumped to hyperspace,[9] following an ancient migration from one galaxy to another, eventually arriving at the planet Peridea.[10] On Peridea, the T-6 shuttle engaged in a number of attacks, revealing its resilience that once served it during the Clone Wars.[1]

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