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The Star Wars Adventure Journal Volume 1, Number 5 is the fifth issue of the role-playing magazine Star Wars Adventure Journal. It was published by West End Games in February of 1995 and contained several articles, role-playing adventures and short stories.

Publisher's summary[]

Take a fascinating voyage through the Star Wars galaxy with the Star Wars Adventure Journal. Each issue features exciting adventures, source material and tales from the Star Wars universe!

"It has been a really bad day ..." Sien Sconn was just minding his own business at his favorite dive when a young woman caught his eyes. Little did he know she was a New Republic operative running from Imperial agents — or that he'd be plunged into a hair-raising starport chase from stormtroopers, a bounty hunter and a ruthless Imperial officer. Come along for the ride with Sconn and New Republic agent Shandria L'hnnar in One of A Kind.

Other features in this issue include:




Short stories[]

Behind the scenes[]

Although the summary on the back cover of this issue mentions Galactic News Service reporter Kella Rand, the character would not make her appearance until the next one, Star Wars Adventure Journal 6, in the short story Kella Rand, Reporting....

That issue would also reuse the sentence "The misadventures of Galactic News Service reporter Kella Rand." in its summary.


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Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
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Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Notes and references[]

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