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Squid Lake

Squid Lake was a ballet performed by the Mon Calamari Ballet during the Clone Wars. This experimental aquatic performance was created by a genius Mon Calamari composer. Its opening debut occurred at the Galaxies Opera House the night before Senator Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine made his last public appearance with his master at the ballet before he killed him later that night.[1] One of the ballet's later performances took place at the Galaxies Opera House shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. It was during this performance that Palpatine told Anakin Skywalker of The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, which the former claimed to be Sith legend.

Behind the scenes[]

"My now-wife and I were going out to dinner and I got a call, which I rarely did, asking me develop ideas for a scene that George wanted to change. He wanted the scene to take place at a ballet or an opera. He said, Think about it being Swan Lake, or Squid Lake with squid guys. So I was thinking that we could do a space twist on a water ballet and have this giant ball of water in zero-gravity. So I sent these paintings over the next day and they ran with it. Once the paintings got approved, George sent me to Vegas where they have the Cirque du Soleil show O. He sent me to take notes so we could really nail the final look."
―Ryan Church[2]

Originally, the scene where Palpatine tells Anakin Skywalker about Darth Plagueis in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, was supposed to take place in the Chancellor's office. However, George Lucas felt that there were too many scenes in this locale already.[3] Wanting something different for the scene, the director decided to move the locale to a opera house or ballet. Concept artist Ryan Church came up with the idea of a giant anti-gravity water ball[2] and designed the look of the show.[3] The name Squid Lake is a reference to the real-world ballet Swan Lake. The look of the show was partially inspired by the water-themed Cirque du Soleil show O.[2]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

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