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"Razor Crest, M-One-Eleven. Come in, Razor Crest. Do you copy?"
―Carson Teva, to Din Djarin[9]

The ST-70 assault ship,[10] also known as the ST-70 Razor Crest assault ship or simply as the ST-70 class,[11] was a class of gunship[2] manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation.[1] Ships of the class were sometimes informally referred to as a "Razor Crest".[12] Its usage predated the rise of the Galactic Empire,[4] when they were used for local military patrols.[7] One starship of this class was the similarly-named Razor Crest, also designated M-111,[1] the starship used by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin during the New Republic Era[4] around 9 ABY.[13]

ST-70 Assault Ships had a single pilot and could hold at least four passengers.[6] Two laser cannons were equipped.[5] ST-70s had two engines and a hyperdrive.[4]

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Non-canon appearances[]


Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Amazon-Favicon Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy on Amazon.com (backup link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 SWYT-Logo The Mandalorian Panel – Sunday on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (content now obsolete; backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Hasbro Vintage collection is 1:18 scale. HasbroInverted Star Wars: The Vintage Collection (Pack: Razor Crest) (backup link)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian"
  5. 5.0 5.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger"
  6. 6.0 6.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 6: The Prisoner"
  7. 7.0 7.1 StarWars-DatabankII Razor Crest in the Databank (backup link)
  8. "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" states that the usage of the ST-70 Assault Ship predated the Imperial Era, which began with the proclamation of the New Order. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the proclamation of the New Order to 19 BBY, the ST-70 Assault Ship must have been in use by 19 BBY.
  9. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 10: The Passenger"
  10. SWZ01 logo Star Wars: X-Wing Second EditionRazor Crest Expansion Pack (Card: The Mandalorian — ST-70 Assault Ship)
  11. AltayaCite "Miscellaneous Ships and Vehicles (1)" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  12. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian"
  13. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" of The Mandalorian Season One to 9 ABY. In addition, SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 228 also dates "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness" to nine years after the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 9 ABY per Timelines. "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness" takes place after the conflict on Mandalore, which is the main event depicted in "Chapter 23: The Spies" and "Chapter 24: The Return," the final two episodes of The Mandalorian Season Three. Therefore, Seasons One through Three of The Mandalorian must all be set in 9 ABY as well.