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The RTT-04 armored troop transport, also known simply as the Republic troop transport, was an armored troop transport utilized by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


The RTT-04 armored troop transport, also referred to as the Republic troop transport, was a light armored infantry fighting vehicle that was part of Rothana Heavy Engineering's line of military repulsorcraft designed and manufactured for the Galactic Republic. It as considered to be small and fast, and was light enough to be carried and airdropped by a LAAT carrier into the middle of a battlefield, where their maneuverability and infantry reinforcement could quickly turn the tide of a battle.[1]

The RTT-04 could carry a squad of eight or twelve fully armed and equipped clone troopers with all of their combat gear, and was also configurable to carry supplies, and was crewed by a pilot and a co-pilot or gunner. Although it had light armor and was considered to be delicate, the RTT-04 had immense firepower. Its main armament was a twin dorsal turret-mounted mass-driver missile launcher similar to the ones found in Low Altitude Assault Transport models, and as secondary armament had a twin light laser cannon.[1]


As a troop carrier, the RTT-04 was able to deliver a squad of clone troopers to battle and provide necessary light vehicle support. It was also used as a heavy hauler by engineering squads, and when decommissioned, they served as civilian craft for industrial purposes and resource-exploration roles.[1]


The RTT-04 armored troop transport was produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Although thousands were manufactured during the Clone Wars, only a few survived by the end of the war and into the Imperial Era after the Galactic Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire. The Imperial Army decided not to include them in their Order of Battle, and so the models that remained were stripped of their weapons systems and sold as military surplus for industrial and resource exploration roles.[1]


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