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This article is non-canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

This article covers a Star Wars Legends subject that was published under the Infinities label or that Lucasfilm otherwise declared non-canon within the Legends continuity.

The Emperor is the title of the Head of State of the Galactic Empire. Until the Great Jedi Rebellion and the rise of the Knights of Sith, the position had been closely guarded by the Jedi-Bendu for at least 100,000 years. The Emperor in the aftermath of the rise of the Knights of Sith was Cos Dashit, although the Supreme Tribunal members Darth Vader, Crispin Hoedaack, and Vantos Coll planned to usurp the position.

Style of Office[]

The Emperor, at least during the time Cos Dashit ruled the Empire, was identified as "Your Highness." In addition, a common phrase for the Emperor when celebrating a speech was "Long Live the Emperor!"

Behind the scenes[]

This incarnation of the Emperor first appeared in George Lucas's 1974 rough draft of A New Hope. In this script, the Emperor had been a position used since at least 100,000 years prior to the events of the story and was originally benevolent. This was changed by the final draft to the Galactic Emperor being a position created when the Galactic Empire replaced the Old Republic, although hints of its original conception were retained in the novelization of A New Hope, including Obi-Wan Kenobi's mention of there being multiple Emperors, with the later ones becoming corrupt over time. Similarly, the same novelization also stated that Palpatine was a puppet ruler.

In 2013-2014, a comic book adaptation of the rough draft, titled The Star Wars, was published by Dark Horse Comics.



Notes and references[]
