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«You're outmanned, laserblade.»
―Embo to Anakin Skywalker on Felucia[5]

Embo was a male Kyuzo bounty hunter who operated during the Clone Wars. He belonged to Sugi's band of bounty hunters, but was known to work on his own. He wore a large-rimmed circular hat, which could be thrown as a weapon, used as a shield against small arms fire, and even ridden as a sled over snowy terrain. He also made use of a modified bowcaster. He was very athletic, as he could jump very high in the air and cover large distances quickly. He was recognized, along with Cad Bane, as one of the best bounty hunters during the Clone Wars.


Battle on Felucia[]


Embo with his bowcaster

A male Kyuzo from his species's homeworld of Phatrong, circa 22 BBY, Embo was hired as part of Sugi's band of bounty hunters by farmers on Felucia.[6] The leader of the farming village, Casiss, had taken on the mercenaries to protect his people and their nysillin harvest from the predations of Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates. Shortly after the bounty hunters had been hired, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano crash-landed on the planet and sought assistance in the village. The three Jedi found the village seemingly deserted, but upon entering one of the dwellings, Embo and the other bounty hunters surrounded them. It turned into a tense standoff, with the Jedi igniting their lightsabers, until Cassis intervened, pleading with the two groups to work together.

Kenobi was reluctant to help the villagers, as he feared their presence would simply make the farmers a target for Separatist forces. But after the Jedi learned that it was Ohnaka who threatened the farms and after Ohnaka turned down Kenobi's offer to buy him off - the Jedi decided to help the farmers after all. Kenobi advised the bounty hunters on protecting the village, while Skywalker began to train the farmers to defend themselves. As Skywalker showed the farmers how a simple farming tool could become a weapon, Embo watched from nearby, chuckling at the farmers' mistakes. Suddenly, Sugi spotted a pirate scout watching the preparations from a nearby ridge and sent Embo to take him out. Despite the distance, Embo caught up to the pirate before he could even get to his speeder, and destroyed the vehicle with a single, strategically placed blast from his bowcaster. The pirate then attempted to shoot Embo, but the bounty hunter used his armored hat as a shield while he charged straight at the pirate, the laser blasts leaving nothing but scorch marks on the hat. He then leaped into the air, twisting so that only his hat was visible to his enemy, then landed, disarmed the pirate, and threw him to the ground. The Weequay pirate again charged at Embo, this time throwing a punch, but the bounty hunter easily blocked it and snapped the pirate's neck with both hands. Kenobi and the others caught up to Embo, and Skywalker commended him on his handling of the pirate. While Embo had bought them some time, once the scout failed to check in, the defenders knew Ohnaka wouldn't wait any longer to attack.

Embo hurt

Embo lies wounded after a blast from the pirate tank

Their observation proved true, as not long after, dozens of pirates on speederbikes swooped into the town, strafing the defenders with blaster fire. Embo kicked one pirate off his bike, then jumped onto another. He broke the pirate's neck, then tossed him aside and commandeered it himself, using it to dispatch others. When Ohnaka arrived in his repulsortank, Embo wasn't quick enough to avoid one of the tank's blasts. He was knocked to the ground, his right arm badly wounded. Skywalker saw that the bounty hunter was hurt, and cried out his name. Sugi and the others helped him into the main barn of the village while the battle continued. Later, Ohnaka escaped the planet and the day was won, with Ohnaka declaring his reaping of the village's profits "no longer profitable". Embo and the others left along with the Jedi in Sugi's ship, to take them to a Republic outpost. At some point during the events of the Clone Wars, a five thousand credit bounty was placed on his head for "crimes against the Republic" on Coruscant.[7]

Freelancing during the Clone Wars[]


Embo with his pet anooba Marrok

In 21 BBY,[6] Embo and Sugi were both present at Jabba Desilijic Tiure's palace on Tatooine when Pantoran diplomats Notluwiski Papanoida and his son Ion were searching for Greedo after the Rodian kidnapped Papanoida's daughters.

Later, Embo was present with eleven other bounty hunters, including Obi-Wan Kenobi—disguised as Rako Hardeen—and Cad Bane, to fight in Count Dooku's "Box." During the most recent hunting season, his bounty tallies were known to have been second only to Bane's. While in the Box, Embo choked fellow contestant Sinrich and when Sixtat, another contestant, began to rise on a pillar above the other contestants, Embo kicked him off to escape from a poisonous gas, dioxis, which was seeping from a hole in the ground. Embo survived the challenge, being placed under leadership of Bane to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. As part of the plan, Bane stationed Embo and fellow hunter Twazzi as Senate Commandos to "protect" the Chancellor by using Sinrich's holographic disguise matrix. After Palpatine was knocked out in the chaos, his form was hidden by one of the matrix devices and he was taken from the scene. In turn, Twazzi was disguised as Palpatine, who was then rushed away by Embo. Though their distraction worked, they failed to escape, and as they arrived in the getaway speeder, both were arrested by Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu.[8]

Embo wasn't in Republic custody for long and was later seen a year later on Tatooine exiting the hut Boba Fett and Highsinger were in and walking away with his pet Anooba, Marrok.[9] He and Marrok were later seen sharing a table at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina with Asajj Ventress.

Bodyguard for the Hutts[]

Some time later, Embo accepted a job guarding the Hutt Grand Council, alongside Sugi, Dengar and Latts Razzi. When Darth Maul threatened the Council, Embo sprang into action to defend his employers. Maul and his brother Savage Opress battled Embo and the other bounty hunters; Embo fought against the ferocious Nightbrother alone, surviving his powerful attacks only due to the defensive strength of his helmet. When their defeat became clear, Embo then left along with his allies. Though Opress wanted to continue the fight, Maul believed that as mercenaries, Embo and the others had no true loyalty and would not continue to stand in their way.

Chasing Clovis[]

Embo was employed to target Rush Clovis, where he traveled to the banker's home planet, Scipio. Embo also tracked Padmé Amidala with a probe droid and killed Teckla Minnau via shooting. Then the Kyuzo kept a close eye at where Clovis was living in case he arrived. He attacked as the trio of Skywalker, Clovis and Padmé convened. The group fled and Marrok chased after them. Embo damaged the vehicle so that they could not escape via air, forcing them to travel through the snow. While Embo chased them while riding his hat, Skywalker held him at bay until R2-D2 could pick them up with the ship. Having been unable to stop them, Marrok retrieved Embo's hat. Embo contacted Darth Sidious to mention that Clovis had escaped, as planned. Sidious mentioned that he would take over from there.

Personality and traits[]


Embo wielding his bowcaster

Embo was mostly silent and spoke only in his native language, making it difficult for others to understand him. He was a merciless fighter, using his unorthodox weapons, his shield-hat and bowcaster, to take down foe after foe. This caused his bounty tally during one hunting season to be second only to Cad Bane, a fact recognized by Count Dooku.

Skills and abilities[]

Embo was a deadly fighter, and was able to fight even skilled combatants such as Jedi and Sith. He could jump extremely high and could run very fast. He would often throw his shield-hat during combat as demonstrated on Felucia and Naboo. He was proficient in unarmed combat. Embo was able to face and survive a physical fight with Savage Opress, an undefeated Sith warrior. While he proved to last longer than most, he was eventually beaten back by the fierce Nightbrother, and left limping away when he escape. Embo was physically strong, able to quickly overpower and break the neck of a Weequay pirate in seconds.


Embo, unlike high-tech bounty hunters such as Cad Bane, used relatively little technology. His primary weapons were a primitive bowcaster and a Kyuzo war helmet. His shield hat could be used as both a shield and a throwing weapon by the bounty hunter as shown when in tense situations. He was usually seen wearing a chest plate with an ammunition bandoleer and wore a fighting skirt longer and wider than the kamas worn by clone troopers.

Behind the scenes[]

Embo was voiced by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars director, Dave Filoni. In order to come up with a unique voice for the character, Filoni created a new language for Embo to speak, which is actually a badly enunciated version of The Smurfs Books in French, spoken by Dave Filoni himself. The character was originally planned to be killed off in "Bounty Hunters." However, due to the strong positive reception given by the show's crew, it was decided that Embo would survive, and the ending was redone.

As with many aspects of the episode "Bounty Hunters", Embo's species, Kyuzo, is an homage to the film Seven Samurai. In the film, one of the main characters is named Kyuzo.

Embo was also made into a LEGO minifigure, and appeared in only one set. It was the 7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship. Hasbro also released an action figure of Embo.


Non-canon appearances[]


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Notes and references[]

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