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Demophon was a planet in the Core Worlds, the primary planet of the Demophon system. The planet had two continents, Junno and Klis, which were surrounded by a vast ocean. It was named for Alres Demophon, one of the founders of the Republic Scout Service.


Demophon was a heavily industrialized world, containing many industrial complexes due to the abundance of uncommon resources. Prior to its ultimate destruction during the Galactic Civil War, Demophon's sun was unstable and approaching supernova. The resultant radiation required all cities to be completely covered by transparent domes made of neutronium alloy. Stripped of its ecosystem, the planet is a barren wasteland. Outside the cities the temperatures ranged from 35 degrees Celsius to as low as 40 degrees below zero.[2]


Demophon was first inhabited by Humans "hundreds of generations" before the Galactic Civil War.[2] In 22 BBY, scientists projected a supernova forecast for Demophon's sun in the near 50 to 75 standard years. The Demophon Council made no statement on the findings, representative of the general ignorance of the planet's citizens.[3] The star finally went supernova late during the Galactic Civil War. The system's population tried to escape the coming cataclysm, but the Galactic Empire had sabotaged the system's stellar observatory and it was too late.

It was the headquarters of Shankti Drive Works and TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated.[4]


Demophon had no known native species, and was inhabited primarily by Humans. Most inhabitants were employees of the labs or factories, serving for five-year terms, and a stint working on Demophon looked very good on an Imperial citizen's permanent record. Food, clothing, and shelter were all free to employees, and the pay was high, but there was a cost; life was strictly regimented, with random security inspections, curfews, laws prohibiting gatherings of more than ten persons, and regulations for nearly every conceivable activity.[2]

Society was split into three classes. The managerial class was the wealthiest, and included the management council, which reported directly to the Imperial governor. Laborers were the middle class, and while not as wealthy as the managerial class, they were still well provided for. There was also a slave class, the Sla Kar, made up of the poor and criminals and used for heavy labor.[2]



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