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Death Star Technical Companion was a Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game sourcebook that provided schematics, illustrations, and background information on the Death Star. It was written by Bill Slavicsek and published by West End Games in 1991. A second edition was released in 1993 following the release of the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition.

Publisher's summary[]

"The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station."

It is a period of galactic civil war. On one side, a ragtag collection of freedom fighters called the Rebel Alliance. On the other, the terrible might of the Empire, best symbolized by the technological terror known as the Death Star.

An armored battle station the size of a small moon, the Death Star packed enough firepower to destroy planets. Alliance researchers have uncovered many of the secrets of the most devastating weapon in galactic history, and gathered the information together in this one volume. The Death Star has been destroyed but its legacy lives on.


  • Introduction
  • Grand Moff Tarkin's Data Journal
    • Chapter One: A Brief History of the Death Star
  • Death Star Battle Station
    • Chapter Two: Technical Specifications
    • Chapter Three: City Sprawls and Trenches
    • Chapter Four: Hangar Bays
  • Sector Organization
    • Chapter Five: General Sector
    • Chapter Six: Service and Technical Sectors
    • Chapter Seven: Military Sector
    • Chapter Eight: Security Sector
    • Chapter Nine: Command Sector
  • Appendices


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]
