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"You've fought against it, you know its weaknesses, and more importantly, you know what a killer it can be. Men, meet the newest addition to the Stormtrooper Corps."
Stormtrooper commander TK-342 prior to the Battle of Ghorman[1]

The DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid, also known as a Burrowing Spider Droid, was a battle droid manufactured by the Commerce Guild for the Confederacy of Independent Systems.



A front view of a dwarf spider droid

The droids featured blaster cannon mounted on its dome that was capable of firing either rapid anti-personnel rounds, or slower high-intensity blasts that could destroy light vehicles. The droid's small frame and four all-terrain legs made it suitable for warfare in extreme environments or environments with lots of verticality such as mines. Its legs allowed the droid to navigate vertically on walls and narrow cliffsides, while its adjustable legs allowed it to attain better elevation for its central blaster cannon. However, because of the fixed laser cannon, it could not turn around to track enemies, thus making it susceptible to speedy targets.

Infrared photoreceptors and powerful scanners enabled the Dwarf Spider Droid to survey the terrain and relay target data back to the Homing spider droid. When these scanners identified a target, they sent a tracking message through a digital channel from the head-mounted aerial to the homing spider droid, which then moved toward the signal to deliver the killing blow. Dwarf Spider Droids also featured a self-destruct mechanism. If a clone unit moved in to destroy the Dwarf Spider Droid, it would usually self-destruct, destroying both itself and any enemies around it. The droid communicated in a beeping language similar to binary.


During the Clone Wars, dwarf spider droids were used on the front lines, in front of platoons of battle droids and other Separatist droids. The dwarf spider droid also worked in conjunction with the larger OG-9 homing spider droid and could operate as an armored scout exploring the battlefields.

Dwarf Spider Dwarf

A Dwarf Spider Droid during the First Battle of Geonosis

Several variants of the dwarf spider droid were used during the wars, including an amphibious model, designed for water-filled terrain such as marshes, swamps, or wetlands. This variant was equipped with a larger gun, but could not float. Two heavily armored variants—the heavy dwarf spider droid and the advanced dwarf spider droid were also utilized. Delta Squad encountered many advanced dwarf spider droids on their missions including two during the Battle of Geonosis, and several during the Battle of Kashyyyk, where they were used to counter the Republic's All Terrain Recon Transport units.

The droids during the Battle of Teth, using their laser cannons to hit the feet of the AT-TE walkers, causing the walkers to fall down the cliff. During the Second Battle of Felucia, a large number of these droids were utilized to protect the Separatist headquarters during the battle, ambushing potential Republic infiltrators.

Though most Separatist war vehicles were deactivated after the end of the Clone Wars, the dwarf spider droids were recommissioned through Imperial command and used by the Galactic Empire to enforce the submission of former Separatist worlds to fight against the remnants of the government that had once used them. The Stormtrooper Corps used the droids as their mechanical attack dogs, noting their potency in the preceding war.[1] The droids were utilized throughout the Empire's reign, sometimes alongside stormtroopers at Imperial checkpoints.

Behind the scenes[]

The dwarf spider droid first appeared in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Early in production, the plan was for the various commerce guilds to employ the same type of battle droids used by the Trade Federation, only with different color schemes to differentiate allegiance. It was instead decided to provide a greater visual diversity by designing wholly unique droids for the Commerce Guild, Corporate Alliance, and InterGalactic Banking Clan.[4]



DSD1s during the Second Battle of Felucia

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