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"Convinced yet! You now, they won the Battle of Binquaros, right?"
Pog, about ThunderForce[2]

The Battle of Binquaros was one of the final battles of the Ciutric Offensive, a conflict opposing the newly-formed Galactic Empire to the holdouts of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY. Following the Imperial victory at the Battle of Vinsoth, the ground forces of the Imperial Tenth Army, commanded by General Hurst Romodi, besieged the Separatist planet Binquaros. While most of the Imperial starfleet was involved in the battle of Bimmiel, pirates and Mandalorians defeated the Imperial rearguard at Botajef system and headed to Binquaros. They joined Mercenaries recruited by Separatist sympathizers on Serenno,[1] including the ThunderForce,[2] and succeeded in breaking the Imperial siege of Binquaros, allowing the besieged Separatists to withdrawal from the Binquaros system. Nevertheless, the retreating Separatist holdouts would be eventually defeated in the Vardoss system.[1] Decades later, the mercenaries of the ThunderForce used their success at Battle of Binquaros as an advertisement.[2]


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