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This article is about the food and phrase.
You may be looking for the swear word poodoo, or Bantha Poodoo, a Low Altitude Assault Transport.
"Great gobs of bantha poodoo!"
―Young Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Naboo[1]

Bantha fodder was a type of food eaten by banthas. The phrase "bantha fodder" was also used as an offensive term, as the substance smelled extremely foul. Alternatively, "poodoo"—"fodder" in Huttese—was used for the same purpose.

"Bantha fodder" was also used as a synonym for nonsense, e.g. "That's the biggest through of bantha fodder I'e ever heard anyone spit up in my life."[2] The term was also deal-slang for when a promised deal did not come through.[3] "Bantha poodoo" could also be used as an exclamation, e.g. "Great gobs of bantha poodoo!"[1]

During the Jedi Civil War, Revan went to Tatooine to retrieve one of the Star Maps leading to the Star Forge. He used Bantha fodder acquired from the Tusken Raiders' enclave on Anchorhead to bait banthas toward a krayt dragon to lure it out. The krayt dragon then stepped into a large amount of land mines and was killed. Revan then went into its cave and took the Star Map.[4]

Teggi fungal root was one of the main ingredients of bantha fodder.[5]

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Behind the scenes[]

"Bantha fodder" is a title awarded to the player who gets killed the most in a given battle in Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II.

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Revan acquires bantha fodder, and tells Komad Fortuna, "Look, I have your fodder!", an in-joke, as it resembles "Luke, I am your father," a common misquote of Darth Vader's line "No, I am your father" from The Empire Strikes Back.

A common misconception is that "poodoo" refers to a bantha's feces.[6] This meaning is also used in the Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones novelization, which contains the following excerpt: ""But there have been more signs of the Raiders about," Owen admitted. "The Dorrs found a pile of bantha poodoo half covering one of their perimeter sensors." "It may be just that there's a few banthas running loose in the area, probably half starved and looking for some food," Cliegg offered."[7]

Despite referring to fodder, the use of the word is similar to the real-world vulgar noun "shit," especially when used in phrases like "great gobs of bantha poodoo!", which is similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "holy shit,"[1] while "bantha fodder" as a synonym for nonsense is similar to the real-world noun "bullshit."[2]



Notes and references[]
