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"As is evident by its designation, the AT-PT is operated by a single trooper. It turns a soldier into an armored, elevated weapons platform, and adds extra firepower to a standard infantry formation."
Colonel Maximilian Veers, Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide[3]

The All Terrain Personal Transport (AT-PT) was a light anti-infantry walker used by the Galactic Republic and, later, the Galactic Empire. It was manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering, a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards. Made to take a single trooper into an intense combat situation on his own, it was the basis for the AT-ST and AT-AT.


"Sure, they don't look like much. But when you're trapped on Eos, where the electromagnetic fields keep 'advanced' airspeeders grounded, you'll wish you had a whole fleet of AT-PTs."
Imperial commander Brenn Tantor[7]
AT-PT schem

AT-PT schematics.

AT-PTs were made to take single troopers into intense combat situations on their own, with the firepower of a squad. They stood only three meters tall, and were driven by AT-PT pilots.

The walkers were capable of reaching speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour and could climb a 45-degree angle, with hydraulic adjusters keeping the unit balanced. The vehicles carried a long-range comm antenna for patrols. The main drive unit provided power and hydraulic pressure for the two legs, and featured cooling vents. The cockpit entry hatch was on the side,[8] while the emergency flare launcher was just above the viewport.[11]

The AT-PT was — compared to its intended threat, enemy soldiers — heavily armored, enough so that small-arms fire could not penetrate the craft's armor. The walker was armed with twin blaster cannons and one concussion grenade launcher, which were only effective against infantry. The walker's superior agility made up for its light armor (in comparison to most other cavalry units).

The units often traveled in packs for increased firepower.[11]

AT-PTs were upgraded versions of Light All Terrain Personal Transports, and were constructed at Imperial mech factories.[6]


"I don't understand why they keep making these walkers."
―Rachi Sitra[12]
Targeted Strike DC Mariusz Gandzel

An AT-PT disabled by a missile shot to the leg joint

The AT-PT was designed for the Galactic Republic decades before the Clone Wars, but during the war, the Republic found a need for a small, anti-personnel walker, and the AT-PT became more relevant. It was one of the earliest AT series transports.

The AT-PT was a limited production model, the majority of which were stationed aboard the Dreadnaught-class cruisers of the legendary Katana fleet, and many were lost when the fleet itself vanished.

Many of the concepts pioneered in the AT-PT were used in the AT-AP, AT-ST and the AT-AT.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire utilized a number of the walkers. They were often used as sentries and patrol vehicles near Imperial installations.

Imperial commander Brenn Tantor ordered the use of AT-PTs in several battlefronts prior to his defection.[13] Tantor also used them during the Battle of Eos.[7]

Trandoshans At-PT EotE by Christopher Burdett

Two Trandoshans escorting an AT-PT.

Large numbers of AT-PTs were used in the Battle of Ralltiir soon after the Battle of Yavin, where most of them were destroyed by Luke Skywalker and Rogue Squadron.[14] Three AT-PTs were carried aboard a Sentinel-class landing craft during the search for the starship Nonnah. They also guarded a supply base on the Jade Moon. Several were also on Gerrard V during the planet's liberation. Soon after, Rebel Alliance commandos stole three AT-PTs from the Weapons Research Facility on Fest; they were protected during their escape by the Rebel flight group Rogue Squadron.[9] The Sith Lord and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military Darth Vader used AT-PTs during the Reytha campaign and the Battle of Zaloriis. A number of AT-PTs also served as part of Blizzard Force under Vader's command during the Battle of Hoth.[6] AT-PTs also patrolled an Imperial prison in the Maw. The Star Destroyer Motivator carried a group of AT-PTs, which escaped from the ship's wreckage during the Battle of Kothlis.[15]

The m'Yalfor'ac Order in Guiteica used some three dozen AT-PTs during the Rebellion era. Due to the AT-PT being designed for Human users, and to the Order being composed almost exclusively by Bitthævrians (who were larger than Humans), the Order's AT-PTs were commonly piloted by short Bitthævrians. It was believed that the Order took control of those AT-PTs by boarding a pirate ship in one of the rare situations where Bitthævrians left Guiteica.[16]

The walkers of the Katana fleet, along with the fleet itself, were rediscovered by the New Republic, and were used in the Republic's war against Grand Admiral Thrawn.[7]

Behind the scenes[]



In Alliance Intelligence Reports, the cost of an AT-PT was specified as 15,000 credits and its capacity as 25 kilograms; those stats were superseded by later publications.

The walkers first appeared in Timothy Zahn's novel Dark Force Rising. In the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, the AT-PTs serve as the Empire's Heavy Strike Mech unit.

Originally, the AT-PT's forward viewport was restricted to a small window near the roof, with a large anti-glare panel below it. Sometime after its first appearance in the West End Games' Dark Force Rising Sourcebook, the anti-glare panel was mistaken for the lower half of the viewport and almost every image of the walker since then has carried over this mistake.

A walker with the designation of AT-PT was developed by Pandemic Studios for the original Star Wars: Battlefront, but was cut from the game. Unlike the Imperial version, this walker featured a sleek pod with an open design.


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All Terrain Personal Transport

An AT-PT in the field.

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