
“人生” と言う名の大航海


心の底から失望した。I was disappointed from the bottom of my heart.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

突発な発想。A sudden idea.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

春の訪れ。The arrival of spring.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

毒蜘蛛2号。Poison spider No. 2.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

沢山話そう。Let's talk a lot.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

突き刺さる言葉。Words that pierce.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

持ち込んでみた。I brought it in.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

真実は1つしかない。There is only one truth.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

昔と変わらない性格。The same personality as before.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

忘れない。will not forget.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

弾き語り。Playing and talking.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…