Rulemaking Resources
The Montana Secretary of State’s Administrative Rules Services publishes the administrative rules promulgated by state agencies. Administrative rules are developed under a process outlined in the Montana Administrative Procedure Act. That process requires state agencies to provide notice to the public when they wish to adopt, amend, or repeal administrative rules. The notices are compiled in the Montana Administrative Register (MAR). Once adopted, administrative rules are published in the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) and have the force of law.
Learn to Search the New Administrative Rules Website Tutorial Video
Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen is excited to unveil a new look to the state’s Administrative Rules website.
New Administrative Rules Website Announcement
More information from Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen on the state’s new Administrative Rules website.
Notice Templates will continue to be available for agencies to use during the transition of the new rulemaking submission process.
Having trouble viewing the Administrative Rules in your browser? This quick reference guide provides the steps to resolve issues viewing rules in the new Administrative Rules website.
Questions About Agency Rules?
The state agency that promulgates an administrative rule can answer questions about the content or meaning of a rule. If you have a question about a rule, click the box below.