Slime Rancher Wiki

This article is about the plorts themselves. For plort prices, see: Plort Market


Plorts are a product of slimes that they produce when they are fed with food, or occasionally obtained as a reward from the Range Exchange. Their main use is to generate Newbucks by selling them at the Plort Market. Once the Lab is unlocked, they can also be deposited into the Refinery to create Slime Science Gadgets.

In Adventure and Casual Mode, plort values rise and fall on a daily basis and prices re-roll at midnight; this is partially influenced by how often they are sold.

Notes: Lucky Slimes do not drop plorts - they reward the rancher with a shower of Newbucks instead. Quicksilver plorts also can not be sold on the Plort Market.



A fresh plort encased in a gel sac, which dissolves soon after.

Plorts all share a basic global appearance, and each plort type shares a characteristic with the slime that created it.

When a plort is produced, it is encased in a gel sac which prevents other slimes from eating it until it dissolves. When a slime consumes a plort they do not produce, they undergo a sudden, permanent transformation into a largo; a larger hybrid version of the original slime and the type of slime of the plort it consumed. If a largo consumes another plort unlike its own, it transforms into a Tarr. Note that in Casual Mode, largos cannot eat plorts so Tarr do not exist in that mode. All plorts except the Puddle, Fire, Gold and Quicksilver plorts can be eaten by slimes. Slimes will never eat plorts of their own type.


Plorts are very useful for a variety of purposes, especially back on Earth. However, they are also widely used in Slime Science.

Below are each plort's uses as stated by their Slimepedia entries, and links to their category pages for Slime Science recipes each plort is used in.

Plorts in Slime Rancher

In-game model
Pink Plort
Slime science recipes
Pink Plorts are an excellent "multipurpose generic substance" used to manufacture everything from food products to household cleaners. All over the Earth, people are eating burgers, sweetening their coffees, or scrubbing their floors with pink plort products. That's some serious versatility! PlortPINKrender
Rock Plort
Slime science recipes
Rock plorts are prized for being a key component in the production of 'blue metal,' an amazing alloy that's stronger than titanium and lighter than plastic. Because of its amazing strength, blue metal is often a key component in the hulls of light-speed capable starships, synthetic appendages, and protective holophone cases. PlortROCKrender
Phosphor Plort
Slime science recipes
The luminescent compound found within phosphor plorts can produce light for over 100 years, making it an incredibly eco-friendly form of illumination on Earth. Cities across the globe are slowly switching over to phosphor lights, saving trillions of gigawatts of energy daily. Plus if you rub the stuff in your hair, it glows and looks really cool. PlortPHOSPHORrender
Tabby Plort
Slime science recipes
Tabby plorts are a key ingredient in a variety of "performance enhancing" products that grant the consumer a surge of the tabby slime's signature energy and exuberance. And while athletes the world over take them to gain an edge, prolonged use often results in "uncontrollable butt wiggles", another (less desirable) signature of the tabby slime. PlortTABBYrender
Rad Plort
Slime science recipes
Given that raddies are basically mobile batteries, it's no surprise that corporations value rad plorts for their incredible energy-producing capabilities. Most rad plorts get turned into 'plortonium' and everything from the latest holophone to a radwave microcook system runs on the stuff. PlortRADrender
Honey Plort
Slime science recipes
Honey plorts are highly prized by food manufacturers. Though the plorts are naturally incredibly sweet, the discovery that they could be refined into an even sweeter substance made their demand soar. These refined honey plorts are said to score an unprecedented 867 on the Werner-Thompkins-Hong sacchrino scale, just a few points shy of 'not fit for human consumption'. PlortHONEYrender
Boom Plort
Slime science recipes
Highly volatile boom plorts have all sorts of applications, including powering rocket thrusters and demolitions. Military organizations value their highly destructive capabilities for "medical technology and other research". Imagine that! PlortBOOMrender
Puddle Plort
Slime science recipes

Cannot create Largo Slimes

Puddle plorts are made almost entirely from an incredible hydro compound known by chemists across the galaxy as H2Ohhhhh. This compound is used to create an absurdly expensive brand of bottled drinking water that is sought after by the elite back on Earth. While some people argue that there is little difference in taste between it and tap water, those people seriously are not getting it. PlortPUDDLErender
Fire Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Fire plorts are used in the developing world on Earth to keep stoves and fireplaces burning. Thanks to fire plorts, warm hands and hot food is a possibility for millions of people who otherwise would not have access to such luxuries. A rancher won't get rich selling fire plorts, and certainly managing them can be a dangerous endeavor, but they should know that the sale of each helps those in need. Now and far into the future, the little noble actions of every individual help us move forward as a people. That much will never change. PlortFIRErender
Crystal Plort
Slime science recipes
Though the crystals produced by a crystal slime are highly unstable, a crystal plort, like all plorts, is far more pure and can be used by slime scientists to engineer a variety of metals that are entirely transparent. This innovation has lead to metropolitan areas on Earth completely transforming visually, allowing more light to reach the streets and the space as a whole a chance to 'breathe.' Architects often describe these transparent metals as 'so totally cooler than normal, boring metals'. PlortCRYSTALrender
Quantum Plort
Slime science recipes
Quantum plorts are believed by many to hold the secret to infinite resources. Given the Quantum slime's ability to change reality, it's theorized that unlocking the potential of Quantum Plorts would allow for a technology that converges the realities of other entities into our reality and- well basically we're talking about cloning stuff. Infinite energy, chickens, whatever. Probably no harmful side effects to this at all. PlortQUANTUMrender
Dervish Plort
Slime science recipes
Dervish plorts are a fantastic source of clean energy that helps give turbines and generators an extra boost. They are in constant demand as curiously, there is a finite number of spins stored in every dervish plort. PlortDERVISHrender
Hunter Plort
Slime science recipes
Amazingly, a serum can be made from hunter slime plorts that can actually render a person invisible! The effect only lasts for about a day, but this serum is nonetheless incredibly popular back on Earth as many people find its effects very soothing.

Sometimes you feel like you just want to disappear for a while. But then about a day goes by and you realize that not only did you miss being seen, but others missed seeing you too.

Mosaic Plort
Slime science recipes
Mosaic plorts are desired for researching the glass structures within the Glass Desert. Samples of this glass turn brittle when taken from the Far, Far Range, yet interestingly, mosaic plorts seem unaffected by this phenomenon.

Almost certainly, this glass is being studied because it's really pretty and not because it can cause devastating solar anomalies.

Tangle Plort
Slime science recipes
Despite the troublesome nature of the slimes that create them, tangle plorts have incredibly beneficial agricultural applications. Fertilizers and growth formulas made from tangle plorts are used by farms all across Earth to greatly enhance crop production.

It's speculated that the unusually high nutrient count found within tangle plorts that now grow Earth's vegetables results from the tangle slime's incredible appetite for chickens, but that's super gruesome so let's just ignore that.

Saber Plort
Slime science recipes
Saber plorts are collected for their historical value, offering a window into the primitive past of the Far, Far Range. Some slime scientists have tried to extract the slime DNA from these plorts in order to recreate a true saber slime, but all have failed. And honestly, that's probably for the better, because as soon as that happens some charming billionaire would be talking about making a whole theme park to view them in captivity and then... PlortSABERrender
Gold Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Gold plorts have little practical use and are the most valuable of all plorts simply because they are shiny and rare. Back on Earth, the elite love to adorn themselves in jewelry made of gold plorts, far exceeding the value of any terrestrial precious metal. For this reason a rancher should never pass up the chance to get a gold plort or two from a rare chance encounter with a Gold Slime. PlortGOLDrender
Quicksilver Plort

Cannot create Largo Slimes

Mochi sells quicksilver plorts off-market and little is known about her buyers or their motives. PlortQUICKSILVERrender

Despawn Times

Like food, plorts will eventually despawn if left on the ground for too long.
This table lists all of their despawn times. They are not affected by Miracle Mix.
Despawn times
(In-game time)
Pink Plort
24 hours
Rock Plort
24 hours
Phosphor Plort
24 hours
Tabby Plort
24 hours
Rad Plort
24 hours
Honey Plort
24 hours
Boom Plort
24 hours
Puddle Plort
24 hours
30 minutes outside of a Pond
Fire Plort
24 hours
30 minutes outside of an Incinerator
Crystal Plort
24 hours
Quantum Plort
24 hours
Dervish Plort
24 hours
Hunter Plort
24 hours
Mosaic Plort
24 hours
Tangle Plort
24 hours
Saber Plort
24 hours
Gold Plort
6 hours
Quicksilver Plort
24 hours
Attempts a teleport to the Augmented Vacpack after being produced if the inventory is not full.

Treasure Pods that contain Plorts

Plorts Treasure Pod Location



Glass Desert Slimepedia icon (temp)

Glass Desert



Glass Desert Slimepedia icon (temp)

Glass Desert



The Dry Reef

Ring Island Vault



The Indigo Quarry

Ash Isle Vault



The Moss Blanket

Feral Path Vault

†The amounts presented are total amounts from their location, rather than individual.

Plorts in Slime Rancher 2

In-game model
Cotton Plort
Slime science recipes
Cotton plorts have an inexplicable "fluffy" quality to them, making them a great alternative to cotton, which is not native to the Far, Far Range. If one desired a quiet, isolated life on Rainbow Island, but still have soft pillows, warm sweaters, and lots of dry socks, they would do well to keep cotton slimes happily hopping about their ranch. PlortCottonSR2render
Flutter Plort
Slime science recipes
Flutter plorts have a nearly imperceptible weightlessness to them, never truly touching the ground. If one were to hold enough of them, they could similarly float as well, if just enough to slide a singe coin beneath their feet. It makes for a tiny but profound escape from the weight of the world that lingers just below. PlortFlutterSR2render
Batty Plort
Slime science recipes
Batty plorts have significant potential for navigation and sonar tech. Each plort can produce a perfect "ping" for echolocation. Having a supply of these and the right know how could allow you to navigate even the most devious of labyrinths with ease. But then again, how many of use find ourselves needing to do something like that? PlortBattySR2render
Angler Plort
Slime science recipes
Angler plorts are able to maintain their form at incredible depths and make for excellent material for deep sea diving tech. Because of this they are a uniquely comforting object to hold. To know something can be so small but manage to withstand so much pressure is oddly encouraging, perhaps even inspiring the courage for someone to take on the impossible... PlortAnglerSR2render
Ringtail Plort
Slime science recipes
Materials developed from ringtail plorts are extremely resilient, actually hardening in the face of UV rays. And similar to pink plorts, ringtail plorts are very malleable, allowing a clever person to craft a wide rang of things that can stand the test of time. Such things could be something as essential as sturdy shelter on a faraway island, or as simple as a collection of family photos that could survive a trek across the scorching desert... PlortRingtailSR2render
Pink Plort
Slime science recipes
Pink Plorts are an excellent "multipurpose generic substance" used to manufacture everything from food products to household cleaners. All over the Earth, people are eating burgers, sweetening their coffees, or scrubbing their floors with pink plort products. That's some serious versatility! PlortPinkSR2render
Rock Plort
Slime science recipes
Rock Plorts are prized for being a key component in the production of 'blue metal,' an amazing alloy that's stronger than titanium and lighter than plastic. Because of its amazing strength, blue metal is often a key component in the hulls of light-speed capable starships, synthetic appendages, and protective holophone cases. PlortRockSR2render
Phosphor Plort
Slime science recipes
The luminescent compound found within phosphor plorts can produce light for over 100 years, making it an incredibly eco-friendly form of illumination on Earth. Cities across the globe are slowly switching over to phosphor lights, saving trillions of gigawatts of energy daily. Plus if you rub the stuff in your hair, it glows and looks really cool. PlortPhosphorSR2render
Tabby Plort
Slime science recipes
Tabby plorts are a key ingredient in a variety of "performance enhancing" products that grant the consumer a surge of the tabby slime's signature energy and exuberance. And while athletes the world over take them to gain an edge, prolonged use often results in "uncontrollable butt wiggles", another (less desirable) signature of the tabby slime. PlortTabbySR2render
Honey Plort
Slime science recipes
Honey plorts are highly prized by food manufacturers. Though the plorts are naturally incredibly sweet, the discovery that they could be refined into an even sweeter substance made their demand soar. These refined honey plorts are said to score an unprecedented 867 on the Werner-Thompkins-Hong sacchrino scale, just a few points shy of 'not fit for human consumption'. PlortHoneySR2render
Boom Plort
Slime science recipes
Highly volatile boom plorts have all sorts of applications, including powering rocket thrusters and demolitions. Military organizations value their highly destructive capabilities for "medical technology and other research". Imagine that! PlortBoomSR2render
Puddle Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Puddle plorts are made almost entirely from an incredible hydro compound known by chemists across the galaxy as H2Ohhhhh. This compound is used to create an absurdly expensive brand of bottled drinking water that is sought after by the elite back on Earth. While some people argue that there is little difference in taste between it and tap water, those people seriously are not getting it. PlortPuddleSR2render
Fire Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Fire plorts are used in the developing world on Earth to keep stoves and fireplaces burning. Thanks to fire plorts, warm hands and hot food is a possibility for millions of people who otherwise would not have access to such luxuries. A rancher won't get rich selling fire plorts, and certainly managing them can be a dangerous endeavor, but they should know that the sale of each helps those in need. Now and far into the future, the little noble actions of every individual help us move forward as a people. That much will never change. PlortFireSR2render
Crystal Plort
Slime science recipes
Though the crystals produced by a crystal slime are highly unstable, a crystal plort, like all plorts, is far more pure and can be used by slime scientists to engineer a variety of metals that are entirely transparent. This innovation has lead to metropolitan areas on Earth completely transforming visually, allowing more light to reach the streets and the space as a whole a chance to 'breathe.' Architects often describe these transparent metals as 'so totally cooler than normal, boring metals'. PlortCrystalSR2Lrender
Hunter Plort
Slime science recipes
Amazingly, a serum can be made from hunter slime plorts that can actually render a person invisible! The effect only lasts for about a day, but this serum is nonetheless incredibly popular back on Earth as many people find its effects very soothing.

Sometimes you feel like you just want to disappear for a while. But then about a day goes by and you realize that not only did you miss being seen, but others missed seeing you too.

Saber Plort
Slime science recipes
Saber plorts are collected for their historical value, offering a window into the primitive past of the Far, Far Range. Some slime scientists have tried to extract the slime DNA from these plorts in order to recreate a Jellassic giant saber slime, but all have failed. And honestly, that's probably for the better, because as soon as that happens some charming billionaire would be talking about making a whole theme park to view them in captivity and then... PlortSaberSR2render
Gold Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Gold plorts have little practical use and are the most valuable of all plorts simply because they are shiny and rare. Back on Earth, the elite love to adorn themselves in jewelry made of gold plorts, far exceeding the value of any terrestrial precious metal. For this reason a rancher should never pass up the chance to get a gold plort or two from a rare chance encounter with a Gold Slime. PlortGoldSR2render
Yolky Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Yolky plorts are highly valued for their concentrated nutrients, containing an extremely potent variant of vitamin D that allows people to reduce their sunlight intake for long periods of time, making them popular with cosmic pioneers, deep sea explorers, and gamers.

But though yolky plorts can replace the physical need for sunlight, they can never replace the warmth you feel when it touches your face, and the comfort it offers to know that the sun rose once more in your world. To be a stranger to that and still have hope for tomorrow would require the strongest of convictions.

Dervish Slime
Slime science recipes
Dervish plorts are a fantastic source of clean energy that gives turbines and generators an extra boost. They are in constant demand as curiously, there is a finite number of spins stored in every dervish plort. PlortDervishSR2render
Tangle Slime
Slime science recipes
Despite the troublesome nature of the slimes that create them, tangle plorts have incredibly beneficial agricultural applications. Fertilizers and growth formulas made from tangle plorts are used by farms all across Earth to greatly enhance crop production.

It's speculated that the unusually high nutrient count found within tangle plorts that now grow Earth's vegetables results from the tangle slime's incredible appetite for chickens, but that's super gruesome so let's just ignore that.

Shadow Slime
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
The umbral aura of a shadow slime's plort, like the slime itself, has a natural dampening effect against the prismatic energies that radiate through the Labyrinth and all of Rainbow Island. Those that manage to find this rare creature would do well to master acquiring their plorts as they will likely prove essential for solving the Labyrinth's many puzzles and peril.
Twin Slime
Slime science recipes
Like the slime itself, a twin slime plort is actually two plorts occupying the same space in reality, and always in opposing polarities. This makes them inherently unstable and a challenge for practical applications like other plorts. For example. if applied to construction technology they would simultaneously generate the strongest substance to ever exist as well as the weakest. On the Plort Market, they are simultaneously the most valuable plort to ever exist, as well as one that is so undervalued it actually costs you a fortune in newbucks to sell it. So it shakes out to a pretty standard value in the end.
Sloomber Slime
Slime science recipes
If held without safety equipment like a pair of gloves, the concentrated sloomber essence within a sloomber plort can make you fall into a deep, cozy sleep full of wonderful dreams. Once you finally awake you will recall every bit of the dream to its fullest, and feel a deep calm and refreshment that lasts all day. Therefore, a sloomber plort should never under any circumstances be held while wearing gloves.
Prisma Plort
Slime science recipes
Cannot create Largo Slimes
Possible uses for prisma plorts are as mysterious as the Grey Labyrinth itself, but perhaps some creative minds coming together can unlock their untapped potential.


  • Since plort prices change on a daily basis, you should sell expensive plorts in bursts by keeping them stored in an auto collector or a Silo.
  • Tarr are created when a largo eats a plort unlike their own. Unless intentionally clearing a corral or excess slimes from an area, it's a bad idea to expose largos to plorts that they do not produce.
  • Plorts are involved in a few different puzzles found on the Far, Far Range; six different plorts are required to open the gate to the Ancient Ruins, five Quantum plorts are required to activate the teleporter to the Glass Desert, and the four fountains each require three plorts inserted into their nearby Slime Statues to activate.
    • In Slime Rancher 2, similar Statues are spread around the map, which open various nearby doors, providing shortcuts or access to treasure pods.

Changelog (Slime Rancher)

  • 1.3.1 - Fixed an issue where plorts didn’t know if they should stay or they should go after a save/load.
  • 1.2.0 - Quicksilver Slimes and their plorts are added. Quicksilver plorts cannot be sold at the Plort Market thus have no value.
  • 1.1.1 - (Undocumented) The gel sacs that cover Plorts when first produced by a slime are now shinier and transparent.
  • 1.1.0 - Saber Plorts along with their largos are introduced.
  • 0.6.0 - Fire, Mosaic, Dervish and Tangle plorts are implemented, along with their respective slimes.
    • Puddle Plorts no longer splash on contact with dry land and despawn after some time like regular Plorts.
  • 0.5.0 - Quantum plorts, along with Quantum Slimes, are introduced.
  • 0.3.6 - Crystal plorts, along with Crystal Slimes, are introduced.
  • 0.3.5 - Hunter Plorts, along with Hunter Slimes, are introduced.
  • 0.3.0 - Rad plorts can be obtained once again with The Indigo Quarry's reintroduction and can be legitimately obtained.
  • 0.2.5 - Puddle Slime plorts no longer splash when sent into the Plort Market.
  • 0.2.4 - Puddle Slime plorts produce a splash effect after disappearing.
  • Before 0.2.0 - Pink, Tabby, Phosphor, Rock, Puddle, Rad, Boom, Honey and Gold plorts are in the game along with their respective slimes. Rad however was temporarily made unobtainable due to the removal of a work-in-progress Indigo Quarry.

Changelog (Slime Rancher 2)

  • 0.3.0 - Dervish and Tangle plorts were imported into the game similar to previous plorts from the previous game.
  • 0.2.0 - Saber and Yolky plorts are introduced, along with their respective slimes.
  • Before 0.2.0 - Pink, Tabby, Phosphor, Rock, Puddle, Boom, Honey, Gold, Hunter, Crystal and Fire plorts are kept from the original game at the initial release, with their respective slimes. They're joined by the Cotton, Flutter, Batty, Angler and Ringtail plorts and slimes. Just like in the first game, there's unused files for a Rad Plort, but the Rad Slime is currently unobtainable.

