Slime Rancher Wiki
Static Clinger: Charges a quicksilver slime with electricity that can chain to nearby quicksilvers. Make them work for YOU!
Monomi Park

The Static Clinger is an item found exclusively at the Nimble Valley activity. Shooting it at a Quicksilver Slime applies an electrical bubble around it which "feeds" other non-overcharged Quicksilvers that come into contact with it.

It is a possible drop from Charge Station nodes, alongside the Thunderclap and the Slooow Field. They are always given in groups of 3 and are stored in Slot 3 of the Augmented Vacpack. When claimed, the node deactivates for 2 in-game hours.

Any Charge Station charges remaining before picking up another are lost.

As with all Nimble Valley charges, any remaining Static Clingers are lost when leaving Nimble Valley.


  • Static Clingers have the same size area of effect as Spark Shots; this means that multiple Quicksilvers can be applied with the electrical charge bubble. However this also means accuracy is paramount if clustering together is not an option, because only a maximum of 3 can be obtained at a time.



  • 1.2.0 - Implemented.


  • The icon for the Charge Stations use the Static Clinger icon. However this is not always the charge you will get.
  • The Static Clinger does not affect other slimes, despite not being able to be removed from Nimble Valley.
Mochi's Megabucks
Locations Mochi's ManorNimble Valley
Slimes Quicksilver Slime
Upgrades Augmented Vacpack
Electrical Charges Spark Shot
Charge Station Charges ThunderclapStatic ClingerSlooow Field
Game Modes Rush Mode