Autumn morning

Autumn morning_e0038420_07212364.jpg

# by Scottts | 2019-10-28 07:24 | iPhone 11 Pro

I love the Autumn rose ~~

I love the Autumn rose ~~_e0038420_09363630.jpg

# by Scottts | 2019-10-20 09:45 | iPhone XS Max

カメラと一緒ならわたしゃ幸せ - のんたんさん@銀座

 カメラと一緒ならわたしゃ幸せ - のんたんさん@銀座_e0038420_13072183.jpg

# by Scottts | 2019-10-13 13:10 | SUMMILUX 35/1.4

My favorite corner

My favorite corner_e0038420_11005089.jpg

# by Scottts | 2019-10-08 05:10 | Thambar 90/2.2

a room

a room_e0038420_04392440.jpg

# by Scottts | 2019-09-20 04:42 | SUMMILUX 35/1.4