Last day for Nordic Free Software Award nominations

This is the last day to send in your nominations to Nordic Free Software Award 2010.

The Nordic Free Software Award is given to people, projects or organisations in the Nordic countries that have made a prominent contribution to the advancement of Free Software. The award will be announced during FSCONS 2010 in Gothenburg.

For more information, visit:

Previous winners:

  • 2009 Simon Josefsson and Daniel Stenberg
  • 2008 Mats Östling
  • 2007 SkoleLinux

GNU Xnee 3.07 released

We are pleased to announce the availability of GNU Xnee 3.07

GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute
user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can
imitate the job you just did. GNU Xnee can be used to:
 Automate tests
 Demonstrate programs
 Distribute actions
 Record and replay 'macro'
 Retype the content of a file

Getting the Software

or one of the mirror sites as found in:


 f9fca0c7475a90487c86eca2027d0fcd  xnee-3.07.tar.gz

 510662476 1779830 xnee-3.07.tar.gz

New in this release

 * New features:
 Supports recording xnd replaying of XInput device events
 * Forced replaying of X11 core events can be done
 * Backward compatible with old session files

 * Build changes:

 Checks for makeinfo once, uses result many times
 Can build guis and manual without all doc stuff

 By default Xnee is built with XI support

 Looks for gtk-config when configuring
 Checks for makeinfo once, uses result many times
 Can build guis and manual without all doc stuff

 * Issues
 Human printout of X Input events needs more work
 Need to make X Input code be totally ifdefed away

 * New options:
 Discard recorded X Input device data,
 use recorded core device data

 Disable recording of XInput events

 * Fixed bugs as reported on ubuntuforums:

 savannah bug: #30134 "Missing xnee.xpm in gnee"
 savannah bug: #30136 "Configure misses to check for gnome.h"

 * Reported problems on N900 are fixed

 * Patches from Tuukka Pasanen, Fabian Keil

 * Experimental and undocumented features (read the source):
 * replay backend
 * xswine - new swinput backend for Xnee

FOSSDay – 5 november 2010

För dig som beslutsfattare inom näringsliv eller i offentlig förvaltning eller som arbetar med fri programvara / öppen källkod.

FOSSDay 2010 är ett inspirerande halvdagsseminarium där du kan få information från företag, myndigheter och akademin kring produkter, tjänster, inköp och upphandling. Dagen organiseras av Fossgruppen och IT-Universitetet tillsammans med Op5, Cybercom och Redpill Linpro och äger rum i Göteborg den 5e november.

Seminariet erbjuder ett fullspäckat program med start klockan 09.45. Dagen erbjuder kortare föredrag, fika, mingel och lunch samt möjlighet att prata med och besöka de företag som deltar. Vi avslutar klockan 15.00 med kaffe.

Talare som deltar på seminariet är:

Peter Östlin – op

Kommersiella intressen som drivkraft för utvecklingen av öppen källkod

Patrik Lägermo – Cybercom Group

Starta och driva projekt med FOSS-verktyg
Göran Westerlund – Kivos

Hur samverkar västsvenska kommuner kring open source?

Thomas Altré – RedPill

Öppna möjligheter

Daniel Melin – Kammarkollegiet

Ramavtalsupphandlingen “Öppna programvaror 2010?

Marcus Rejås – Rejås Datakonsult

Öppna programvaror i offentlig verksamhet

Espen Riskedal – Cutehack

Mobila tjänster med Qt

Kostnaden för seminariet är 450 kronor och inkluderar lunch, kaffe och bullar. Anmäl dig och ditt företag på

Nordic Free Software Award 2010 – 7 days left to nominate

For one more week you can nominate a person, a project or an organisation for the Nordic Free Software Award.

The Nordic Free Software Award given to people, projects or organisations in the Nordic countries that have made a prominent contribution to the advancement of Free Software. The award will be announced during FSCONS 2010 in Gothenburg.

Send an email to “award at” with the following information:

  • Name of nominee
  • Description/Bio of the nominee
  • Motivation for the award
  • Description of accomplishments

The Nordic Free Software Award has previously been given to:

  • 2009 Simon Josefsson and Daniel Stenberg
  • 2008 Mats Östling
  • 2007 SkoleLinux

The Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit is a meeting place for social change. It’s a conference for and by the people who work to change our future.