Grand dad, is it true

Given this week news about a woman, which by some are called princess, in Sweden getting married, I imagined a future conversation with my possible grandchildren:

– Grand dad, is it really true that Sweden had a king and queen before I was born?

– Yes, it is true

– Just like in Cinderella and Snowy white ….

– Yup

– But what did they do all day long?

– I have no idea…. I have no idea

I heard that the marriage is going to cost at least 2 000 000 Euros. Can anyone think about better way to spend that money?

… I can. Indeed I can.

GNU Xnee: kiss

Keep It Simple Stupid!

How many time do we have to repeat that to learn?

It’s possible to write scripts using some GNU Xnee bash functions to fake user input. To speed up things (don’t pre optimise!!!) I’ve tested launching one one instance of cnee and use a fifo or tail -f to write to that instance. The solution has been buggy to say the least.

A while ago, I got yabr (yet another bug report). This time I decided to be a bit bolder and perhaps remove old code. So right now when diving down into the report I remove all the fancy fifo and file/tail -f stuff and start a new cnee process for every xnee function the user calls. Guess what, it works better. Smoothly. …. and not consuming that much CPU.

real     0m0.047s
user    0m0.012s
sys     0m0.004s

So again, the kiss principe proves to be a good one.

Anti pirate Henrik Pontén about illegal companies

Swedish anit pirate Henrik Pontén was interviewed the other day in He says.

– Det är viktigt att svenska staten har väckt det har åtalet för att slå fast att det inte är okej att bedriva en kommersiell verksamhet på andra människors kreativitet

This would translate into something like.

– It is important that the Swedish state has prosecuted to settle that it is not ok to run a commercial business on other people’s creativity.

Hummm, what does record companies do? Stim? Ifpi? Don’t they do commercial activity based on other people’s creativity?

FOSDEM …. always great

Back to reality after a weekend in Brusselles and FOSDEM. As usual I attended few lectures but met many people.

Andreas Nilsson thinking about pongo

Quim Gil (see picture below), Jeremiah (see man with a beer glass below), TImo and some more people spent hours discussing GPLv3…. on a Friday….. over some beers.

Quim Gil
Jeremiah Foster
Jeremiah Foster
Timo Jyrinki

Timo Jyrinki carefully listening to the others ... or is he bored?

Simon Josefsson and Jeremiah don't seem to be overly exited about the ext4 session by Theodore Ts'o

Lenny release party Feb 18 in Gothenburg, Sweden

Jeremiah Foster just invited to a release party for Debian Lenny.

Cut paste from his blog post:

A bunch O people are planning to gather in Göteborg to celebrate the planned release of Lenny, otherwise known as debian GNU/Linux 5.0. Even if debian does not release Lenny as scheduled, we are having the party anyway! The target release date is the 14th but our party is on the 18th, here are the details;

Lenny Release Party on Wednesday the 18th of February
Delirium Café
Kronhusgatan 2B
411 13 Göteborg
Tel. 031-13 60 70

See you there 🙂

Swedish journalist Daniel Levin about illegal file sharing

Daniel Levin talks about illegal filesharing in the Swedish newspaper GP (Swedish).

Daniel thinks we will see an end to the “piracy” and gives rather good arguments to support that. He ends the article with a little note on the new services, web based services, where you (the user) subscribe or by some other means pay for the content, which is good. .. until you do some more thinking.

Those services, again, put the control of the media in the hands of the middle man. Not in the hands of the “creator” or the user. When I buy music (yes, I do buy music!!!) I want to be in control. I want to be able to listen to the music I paid for in my portable ogg player, without being connected to the internet. Furthermore, using services where you use clients under a proprietary license you’re not only lacking control of the content but you’re also not in control of the software itself. What does the software do, apart from playing music? Does it spy on you? Does it send information about what you’re listening to to some central place somewhere?

…. I can see one good solution to this. One that benefits the artists and the users. If the artists themselves release their music under a free license in a free format and let people pay if they want. … and go out and play live in front of an audience.