Introduce Whisper large-v3-turbo model into faster-whisper and whisper_streaming

Introduce Whisper large-v3-turbo into faster-whisper

All you have to do is just follow the hints discussed in the issue below:

  1. Fetch the model into the local
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download

repo_id = "deepdml/faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2"
local_dir = "faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2"
snapshot_download(repo_id=repo_id, local_dir=local_dir, repo_type="model")
  1. Specify faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2 when creating WhisperModel
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel

model = WhisperModel("faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2")

Introduce Whisper large-v3-turbo into whisper_streaming

  1. Add faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2 into the choise set of --model argument
    parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='large-v2', choices="tiny.en,tiny,base.en,base,small.en,small,medium.en,medium,large-v1,large-v2,large-v3,large,faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2".split(","),help="Name size of the Whisper model to use (default: large-v2). The model is automatically downloaded from the model hub if not present in model cache dir.")
  1. Specify faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2 as the model when calling
python --model faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2 --backend faster-whisper  # and so on

Connect Cloud Functions to Postgres(on-prem) with Tailscale and Gost

Serverless functions have become increasingly popular due to their scalability and ease of use. However, connecting these functions to on-premises resources, such as databases, can be challenging. In this post, I'll explore an solution to connect Google Cloud Functions to an on-premises PostgreSQL database using Tailscale for secure networking and Gost for port forwarding.


Cloud Functions are designed to be stateless and ephemeral, making it difficult to establish persistent connections to resources outside the cloud environment. This becomes particularly problematic when you need to interact with on-premises databases that aren't directly accessible from the cloud.


We'll use a combination of technologies to bridge this gap:

  1. Google Cloud Functions: Our serverless compute platform.
  2. Tailscale: A modern VPN built on WireGuard, providing secure networking.
  3. Gost: A versatile proxy server that will forward our database connections.

Let's dive into the implementation details.

The Cloud Function code

First, let's look at our basic Cloud Function code:

import functions_framework

def cloud_event_function(cloud_event):

This is a minimal Cloud Function that uses the functions_framework decorator. In a real-world scenario, you'd add your database interaction logic here.

Building the Custom Container

To incorporate Tailscale and Gost, we need to build a custom container. Here's our Dockerfile:

FROM golang:1.22.6-bullseye AS builder
# Build gost.
WORKDIR /proxy
RUN git clone \
    && cd gost/cmd/gost \
    && go build

FROM python:3.10
# Copy gost binary.
WORKDIR /proxy
COPY --from=builder /proxy/gost/cmd/gost/gost ./

# Install dependencies.
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Copy source code.
COPY . .
RUN chmod +x

# Copy Tailscale binaries from the tailscale image on Docker Hub
COPY /usr/local/bin/tailscaled /app/tailscaled
COPY /usr/local/bin/tailscale /app/tailscale
RUN mkdir -p /var/run/tailscale /var/cache/tailscale /var/lib/tailscale

# Run on container startup.
CMD ["/app/"]

This Dockerfile does several important things:

  1. It builds Gost from source in a separate stage.
  2. It sets up a Python environment for our Cloud Function.
  3. It copies the Tailscale binaries from the official Docker image.

Configuring the Startup Script

The heart of our solution lies in the startup script:

echo Tailscale starting...
/app/tailscaled --tun=userspace-networking --socks5-server=localhost:1055 &
/app/tailscale up --authkey=${TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET} --hostname=${TAILSCALE_MACHINE_NAME} --advertise-tags=tag:tag_for_your_postgres_server
echo Tailscale started

echo Gost starting...
/proxy/gost -L tcp://:5432/your_postgres_server:5432 -F socks5://localhost:1055 &
echo Gost started

functions-framework --target cloud_event_function --signature-type cloudevent

This script:

  1. Starts Tailscale in userspace networking mode and connects to your Tailscale network.
  2. Launches Gost, configuring it to forward connections from port 5432 to my on-prem PostgreSQL server through the Tailscale SOCKS5 proxy.
  3. Starts the Cloud Function using the functions-framework.

How It All Works Together

When deployed, this setup creates a secure tunnel between your Cloud Function and your on-premises network:

  1. Tailscale establishes a secure connection to your private network.
  2. Gost listens on port 5432 (the default PostgreSQL port) and forwards connections through the Tailscale network.
  3. Your Cloud Function can now connect to localhost:5432, and Gost will securely proxy the connection to your on-premises PostgreSQL server.

Deployment and Configuration

To deploy this solution:

  1. Build and push your container image to Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry.
  2. Deploy your Cloud Function, specifying your custom container.
  3. Set the necessary environment variables:
    • TAILSCALE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Tailscale auth key
    • TAILSCALE_MACHINE_NAME: A unique name for this Tailscale node


This approach allows you to securely connect your Cloud Functions to on-premises resources without exposing your database to the public internet. It combines the scalability and ease of use of serverless functions with the security and flexibility of a modern VPN solution.

While We're focused on PostgreSQL, this method can be adapted for other databases or services. The combination of Tailscale and Gost provides a powerful and flexible way to bridge the gap between cloud and on-premises resources.

Remember to always follow security best practices and thoroughly test your setup before using it in a production environment.

Mobile-First Data Handling Strategy Realized Through Client-Side Event Sourcing

↓ It's a technical article, but it's about how this app was created ↓

Please check it out!

1. Introduction

This article proposes a client-side data management method using event sourcing.

The proposal aims to address the following requirements:

  1. Reduce database server maintenance costs and allow the application to hold data independently in the initial stages
  2. Design that can flexibly accommodate future needs for synchronization with servers
  3. Design that can flexibly respond to changes in data aggregation requirements
  4. Easily usable from React-implemented client applications

This article will demonstrate that the proposed implementation meets the above requirements and can ultimately be used from React-based client applications in the following manner:

Recording events

const { addEvent } = useListenEvent();
addEvent({ itemId });

Using aggregated data

const { totals } = useListenEvent();
const total = totals[itemId];

2. Technologies Used

To realize this proposal, we adopted event sourcing and CQRS.

Event sourcing is a technique that records state changes in an application as events and reconstructs the current state by replaying these events. This method has the following advantages:

  • Maintaining a complete audit trail
  • Ability to rewind the state to any point in time
  • Flexible analysis and derivation of models based on events

CQRS is an architectural pattern that separates the responsibilities of data updates (commands) and reads (queries). This pattern has the following advantages:

  • Ability to optimize reading and writing independently
  • Simplification of complex domain models

3. System Design

The proposed system consists of the following components:

  1. EventStore: Responsible for storing and retrieving events
  2. EventAggregator: Responsible for aggregating events and managing state
  3. React Hooks: Responsible for connecting UI and data layer

By combining these components, we realize event sourcing and CQRS on the client side.

4. Implementation Details

4.1 Data Structures

The basic data structures are as follows:

// Base type for aggregatable events
interface Aggregatable {}

// Type for data recorded in the local database
interface StoredEvent<V extends Aggregatable> {
    localId: number; // Auto-increment primary key
    globalId: string; // UUIDv7 for global primary key
    value: V;

// Base type for aggregated data
interface AggregatedValue<T> {
    aggregationKey: T;

Events are defined as Aggregatable, become StoredEvent when saved in the local database, and then become AggregatedValue after aggregation processing.

Aggregatable and AggregatedValue can freely set properties in interfaces that inherit from them.

StoredEvent has a localId that is automatically numbered locally, as well as a globalId in UUIDv7 format. These values ensure that processing can be done in chronological order with some degree of accuracy even if the data is sent to the server and processed in the future.

Based on these interfaces, specific events and aggregated values are defined.

4.2 EventStore

The EventStore class provides functionality to store events using IndexedDB and retrieve them efficiently. The main features are as follows:

  • Adding events
  • Retrieving events before and after a specified ID
  • Event subscription functionality
import { Aggregatable, StoredEvent } from "./types";
import { v7 as uuidv7 } from 'uuid';

export interface GetEventsOptions {
    limit?: number;

const DatabaseVersion = 1;
const DataStoreName = 'Events';

export class EventStore<V extends Aggregatable> {
    private db: IDBDatabase | null = null;
    private listeners: Set<(msg: StoredEvent<V>) => Promise<void>> = new Set();

    constructor(public databaseName: string) {}

    async initialize(): Promise<void> {
        await this.initializeDatabase();

    async add(value: V): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const trx = this.db!.transaction([DataStoreName], 'readwrite');
            const store = trx.objectStore(DataStoreName);

            const globalId = uuidv7();
            const request = store.add({ globalId, value });

            request.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Add error: ${request.error?.message || 'Unknown error'}`));
            request.onsuccess = () => {
                const localId = request.result as number;
                const storedEvent: StoredEvent<V> = { localId, globalId, value };
            trx.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Transaction error: ${trx.error?.message || 'Unknown error'}`));
            trx.onabort = () => reject(new Error('Transaction aborted'));

    async getEventsAfter(localId: number, options?: GetEventsOptions): Promise<StoredEvent<V>[]> {
        return this.getEvents( 'next', IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(localId, true), options);

    async getEventsBefore(localId: number, options?: GetEventsOptions): Promise<StoredEvent<V>[]> {
        return this.getEvents( 'prev', IDBKeyRange.upperBound(localId, true), options);

    private async getEvents(
        direction: IDBCursorDirection,
        range: IDBKeyRange,
        options?: GetEventsOptions
    ): Promise<StoredEvent<V>[]> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const trx = this.db!.transaction([DataStoreName], 'readonly');
            const store = trx.objectStore(DataStoreName);

            const results: StoredEvent<V>[] = [];
            const request = store.openCursor(range, direction);
            request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
            request.onsuccess = (event) => {
                const cursor = ( as IDBRequest<IDBCursorWithValue>).result;
                if (cursor) {
                    const storedEvent: StoredEvent<V> = {
                        localId: cursor.key as number,
                        globalId: cursor.value.globalId,
                        value: cursor.value.value
                    if (!options?.limit || results.length < options.limit) {
                    } else {
                } else {

    private async initializeDatabase(): Promise<void> { ... snip ... }
    async hasAnyRecord(): Promise<boolean> { ... snip ... }
    private broadcastAddEvent(event: StoredEvent<V>) { ... snip ... }
    subscribe(listener: (msg: StoredEvent<V>) => Promise<void>): () => void { ... snip... }
    dispose() { ...snip... }

4.3 EventAggregator

The EventAggregator class aggregates events and manages the current state. It is an abstract class, and concrete classes inheriting from it need to implement the functions marked as abstract. The main features are as follows:

  • Processing new events
  • Batch processing for event aggregation
  • Managing processed ranges
  • Providing aggregation results
import {AggregatedValue, Aggregatable, StoredEvent} from "./types";
import { EventStore, GetEventsOptions } from "./eventStore";

interface ProcessedRange {
    start: number;
    end: number;

const MetadataStoreName = 'Metadata';
const ProcessedRangesKey = 'ProcessedRanges';

export type AggregatorChangeListener<V> = (changedItem: V) => void;

export abstract class EventAggregator<V extends Aggregatable, A extends AggregatedValue<string>> {
    protected db: IDBDatabase | null = null;
    private processedRanges: ProcessedRange[] = [];
    private processingIntervalId: number | null = null;
    private listeners: Set<AggregatorChangeListener<A>> = new Set();

        protected eventStore: EventStore<V>,
        protected databaseName: string,
        protected databaseVersion: number = 1,
        protected batchSize: number = 100,
        protected processingInterval: number = 1000,
    ) {}

    async initialize(): Promise<void> { ...snip... }

// Implement these abstract functions in inherited classes
    protected abstract applyMigrations(db: IDBDatabase, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): void;
    protected abstract processEvent(trx: IDBTransaction, event: StoredEvent<V>): Promise<A>;

    private applyMetadataMigrations(db: IDBDatabase, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): void {
        if (oldVersion < 1) {
            const store = db.createObjectStore(MetadataStoreName, {keyPath: 'key'});

    private async handleNewEvent(ev: StoredEvent<V>): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        const tx = this.db.transaction(this.db.objectStoreNames, 'readwrite');
        try {
            const changedItem = await this.processEvent(tx, ev);
            this.updateProcessedRanges(ev.localId, ev.localId);
            await this.saveProcessedRanges(tx);
            if (changedItem) {
            return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                tx.oncomplete = () => resolve();
                tx.onerror = () => reject(tx.error);
        } catch (err) {
            console.error("Error processing new event:", err);

    private async processEvents(): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        if (this.isFullyCovered()) {

        const range = await this.findRangeToProcess();
        if (!range) {

        const options: GetEventsOptions = { limit: Math.min(this.batchSize, range.end - range.start - 1) };
        const eventsBefore = await this.eventStore.getEventsBefore(range.end, options);
        if (eventsBefore.length === 0) {
        const maxId = eventsBefore[0].localId;
        const minId = eventsBefore[eventsBefore.length-1].localId;

        const changedItems: A[] = [];
        const tx = this.db.transaction(this.db.objectStoreNames, 'readwrite');
        try {
            for (const ev of eventsBefore) {
                const changedItem = await this.processEvent(tx, ev);
                if (changedItem) {
            if (eventsBefore.length < this.batchSize) {
                this.updateProcessedRanges(1, maxId);
            } else {
                this.updateProcessedRanges(minId, maxId);
            await this.saveProcessedRanges(tx);
            return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                tx.oncomplete = () => resolve();
                tx.onerror = () => reject(tx.error);
        } catch (err) {
            console.error("Error processing events:", err);

    private async findRangeToProcess(): Promise<ProcessedRange | null> {
        const size = this.processedRanges.length;
        if (size === 0) {
            return { start: 0, end: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }
        const rangeEnd = this.processedRanges[size-1].start;
        if (rangeEnd === 1) {
            return null;
        if (rangeEnd === 0) {
            throw new Error('Unexpected value');
        if (1 < size) {
            const rangeStart = this.processedRanges[size-2].end;
            return { start: rangeStart, end: rangeEnd };
        // size === 1
        return { start: 0, end: rangeEnd };

    private isFullyCovered(): boolean {
        if (this.processedRanges.length === 0) {
            this.eventStore.hasAnyRecord().then((hasAnyRecord) => {
                return !hasAnyRecord;
            return false;
        return this.processedRanges.length === 1 && this.processedRanges[0].start === 0;

    private updateProcessedRanges(start: number, end: number): void {
        const newRange: ProcessedRange = { start, end };

        const allRanges = [...this.processedRanges, newRange];
        allRanges.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);

        const mergedRanges: ProcessedRange[] = [];
        let currentRange = allRanges[0];

        for (let i = 1; i < allRanges.length; i++) {
            const nextRange = allRanges[i];
            if (currentRange.end + 1 >= nextRange.start) {
                currentRange.end = Math.max(currentRange.end, nextRange.end);
            } else {
                currentRange = nextRange;

        this.processedRanges = mergedRanges;

    private async loadProcessedRanges(): Promise<void> { ...snip... }
    private async saveProcessedRanges(tx: IDBTransaction): Promise<void> { ...snip... }
    startProcessing(): void { ...snip... }
    stopProcessing(): void { ...snip... }
    private notifyListeners(changes: A[]): void { ...snip... }
    subscribe(listener: AggregatorChangeListener<A>): () => void { ...snip... }
    private async initializeDatabase(): Promise<void> { ...snip... }
    dispose() { ... snip... }

5. Specific Use Case

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this system, we present an example of its use in a music playback application.

5.1 Recording and Aggregating Music Playback Events

MusicListenEventStore stores events indicating that music has been played. MusicListenEventAggregator aggregates the total number of plays for each track.

MusicListenEventStore and MusicListenEventAggregator Classes

import {Aggregatable, AggregatedValue, StoredEvent} from "../../types";
import {EventStore} from "../../eventStore";
import {EventAggregator} from "../../eventAggregator";

const TotalStoreName = 'Total';

export interface MusicListenEvent extends Aggregatable {
    itemId: string;

export interface MusicListenAggregationValue extends AggregatedValue<string> {
    total: number;

export class MusicListenEventStore extends EventStore<MusicListenEvent> {}

export class MusicListenEventAggregator extends EventAggregator<MusicListenEvent, MusicListenAggregationValue> {

        protected eventStore: EventStore<MusicListenEvent>,
        protected databaseName: string,
        protected databaseVersion: number = 1,
        protected batchSize: number = 100,
        protected processingInterval: number = 1000,
    ) { ...snip... }

    protected applyMigrations(db: IDBDatabase, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): void {
        if (oldVersion < 1) {
            db.createObjectStore(TotalStoreName, {keyPath: 'aggregationKey'});

    protected async processEvent(trx: IDBTransaction, event: StoredEvent<MusicListenEvent>): Promise<MusicListenAggregationValue> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const store = trx.objectStore(TotalStoreName);
            const aggregationKey = event.value.itemId;

            const getReq = store.get(aggregationKey);
            getReq.onerror = (error) => reject(getReq.error);
            getReq.onsuccess = () => {
                const data = getReq.result as MusicListenAggregationValue | undefined;
                const total = (data?.total ?? 0) + 1;
                const updated: MusicListenAggregationValue = { aggregationKey: aggregationKey, total };
                const putReq = store.put(updated);
                putReq.onerror = () => reject(putReq.error);
                putReq.onsuccess = () => resolve(updated);

    async getAggregatedTotal(itemIds: string[]): Promise<{ [key: string]: number }> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const trx = this.db!.transaction([TotalStoreName], 'readonly');
            const store = trx.objectStore(TotalStoreName);

            const getItemData = (itemId: string): Promise<[string, number]> =>
                new Promise((resolveItem, rejectItem) => {
                    const request = store.get(itemId);
                    request.onerror = () => rejectItem(new Error(`Error fetching data for item ${itemId}: ${request.error}`));
                    request.onsuccess = () => {
                        const data = request.result as MusicListenAggregationValue;
                        resolveItem([itemId, data ? : 0]);

                .then(entries =>
                    entries.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [key]: value }), {})

            trx.onerror = () => {
                reject(new Error(`Transaction error: ${trx.error}`));

If changes to the aggregation logic or additions to the aggregation targets become necessary after release, a new Aggregator can be created.

For example, consider creating a MusicListenEventAggregatorV2 that newly adds "time of first play" as an aggregation target.

In this case, if you specify an instance of MusicListenEventStore to the constructor of MusicListenEventAggregatorV2 in the same way as MusicListenEventAggregator, MusicListenEventAggregatorV2 can also aggregate all events accumulated in MusicListenEventStore.

useListenEvent Hook

By using a React custom hook like the following, it becomes possible to easily add events and retrieve aggregation results from React components using the above classes.

'use client';
import React, {createContext, useContext, useState, useEffect, ReactNode, useRef, useMemo} from 'react';
import {MusicListenAggregationValue, MusicListenEvent, MusicListenEventAggregator} from './listenEvent';
import {EventStore} from "../../eventStore";

type ListenEventContextType = {
    addEvent: (event: MusicListenEvent) => Promise<void>;
    totals: { [key: string]: number };
    isInitializing: boolean;
    isSyncing: boolean;
    error: Error | null;

export const ListenEventContext = createContext<ListenEventContextType | undefined>(undefined);

export type ListenEventContextProps = {
    keys: string[];
    children: ReactNode;

export const ListenEventProvider: React.FC<ListenEventContextProps> = ({ keys, children }) => {
    const [totals, setTotals] = useState<{ [key: string]: number }>({});
    const [isInitializing, setIsInitializing] = useState(true);
    const [isSyncing, setIsSyncing] = useState(false);
    const [error, setError] = useState<Error | null>(null);

    const { eventStore, aggregator } = useMemo(() => {
        const eventStore = new EventStore<MusicListenEvent>('MusicListenEvents');
        const aggregator = new MusicListenEventAggregator(eventStore, 'MusicListenAggregator_V2');
        (async() => {
            await eventStore.initialize();
            await aggregator.initialize();
        })().then(() => {
        }).catch((err) => {
            setError(new Error(`Failed to initialize EventStore/Aggregator: ${err}`));
        return { eventStore, aggregator };
    }, []);

    useEffect(() => {
        const handleUpdate = (updated: MusicListenAggregationValue) => {
            setTotals(prevTotals => ({
        const unsubscribe = aggregator.subscribe(handleUpdate);
        return () => {
            if (typeof unsubscribe === 'function') {
    }, [eventStore, aggregator]);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (isInitializing || error != null) return;
        const fetchTotals = async () => {
            try {
                const result = await aggregator.getAggregatedTotal(keys);
                if (result != null) {
            } catch (err) {
                setError(err instanceof Error ? err : new Error('Failed to fetch totals'));
    }, [keys, isInitializing]);

    return (
        <ListenEventContext.Provider value={{ addEvent: eventStore.add.bind(eventStore), totals, isInitializing, isSyncing, error }}>

export const useListenEvent = () => {
    const context = useContext(ListenEventContext);
    if (context === undefined) {
        throw new Error('useListenTotal must be used within a ListenEventContext');
    return context;

The usage is as shown at the beginning:

Recording an event
const { addEvent } = useListenEvent();
addEvent({ itemId });
Using aggregated data
const { totals } = useListenEvent();
const total = totals[itemId];

However, since React.Context is used, the above processes need to be written within the following ListenEventProvider:

<ListenEventProvider keys={listenKeys}>
// Need to execute within this

6. Challenges

For the implementation based on this proposal to effectively integrate with the server side, there are the following challenges:

  • Implementing a mechanism to upload events recorded on the client to the server
  • Efficient processing and aggregation of event data on the server
  • Ensuring consistency between client-side and server-side aggregation results

7. Conclusion

This article proposed a method for implementing event sourcing and CQRS on the client side.

This proposal makes it possible to balance the reduction of database server maintenance costs in the initial stages with ensuring future extensibility.

We hope this proposal will serve as an aid for efficient data management methods for mobile application and SPA developers.

8. GitHub Repository

夏休みの宿題「クライアントサイド イベントソーシングで実現するモバイルファーストなデータハンドリングストラテジー」提出しました

↓ かたい きじ だけど この アプリ を つくった おはなし だよ ↓

ひらいて みてね!!

1. はじめに



  1. データベースサーバーの維持コストを削減し、初期段階ではアプリケーション単体でデータを保持すること
  2. 将来的なサーバーとの同期ニーズに柔軟に対応できる設計であること
  3. データ集計要件の変化に柔軟に対応できる設計であること
  4. Reactで実装されたクライアントアプリケーションから簡単に使用可能であること



const { addEvent } = useListenEvent();
addEvent({ itemId });


const { totals } = useListenEvent();
const total = totals[itemId];

2. 使用する技術



  • 完全な監査履歴の維持
  • 状態の任意の時点への巻き戻しが可能
  • イベントを基にした柔軟な分析や派生モデルの構築


  • 読み取りと書き込みの最適化を個別に行うことが可能
  • 複雑なドメインモデルの単純化

3. システム設計


  1. EventStore: イベントの保存と取得を担当
  2. EventAggregator: イベントの集計と状態の管理を担当
  3. React Hooks: UIとデータ層の連携を担当


4. 実装の詳細

4.1 データ構造


\\ 集計可能なイベントの基本となる型
interface Aggregatable {}

\\ ローカルデータベースに記録されたデータの型
interface StoredEvent<V extends Aggregatable> {
    localId: number; // Auto-increment primary key
    globalId: string; // UUIDv7 for global primary key
    value: V;

\\ 集計されたデータの基本となる型
interface AggregatedValue<T> {
    aggregationKey: T;


Aggregatable、AggregatedValue には継承するinterfaceで自由にプロパティを設定できます。



4.2 EventStore


  • イベントの追加
  • 指定したIDの前後のイベントの取得
  • イベントの購読機能
import { Aggregatable, StoredEvent } from "./types";
import { v7 as uuidv7 } from 'uuid';

export interface GetEventsOptions {
    limit?: number;

const DatabaseVersion = 1;
const DataStoreName = 'Events';

export class EventStore<V extends Aggregatable> {
    private db: IDBDatabase | null = null;
    private listeners: Set<(msg: StoredEvent<V>) => Promise<void>> = new Set();

    constructor(public databaseName: string) {}

    async initialize(): Promise<void> {
        await this.initializeDatabase();

    async add(value: V): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const trx = this.db!.transaction([DataStoreName], 'readwrite');
            const store = trx.objectStore(DataStoreName);

            const globalId = uuidv7();
            const request = store.add({ globalId, value });

            request.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Add error: ${request.error?.message || 'Unknown error'}`));
            request.onsuccess = () => {
                const localId = request.result as number;
                const storedEvent: StoredEvent<V> = { localId, globalId, value };
            trx.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Transaction error: ${trx.error?.message || 'Unknown error'}`));
            trx.onabort = () => reject(new Error('Transaction aborted'));

    async getEventsAfter(localId: number, options?: GetEventsOptions): Promise<StoredEvent<V>[]> {
        return this.getEvents( 'next', IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(localId, true), options);

    async getEventsBefore(localId: number, options?: GetEventsOptions): Promise<StoredEvent<V>[]> {
        return this.getEvents( 'prev', IDBKeyRange.upperBound(localId, true), options);

    private async getEvents(
        direction: IDBCursorDirection,
        range: IDBKeyRange,
        options?: GetEventsOptions
    ): Promise<StoredEvent<V>[]> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const trx = this.db!.transaction([DataStoreName], 'readonly');
            const store = trx.objectStore(DataStoreName);

            const results: StoredEvent<V>[] = [];
            const request = store.openCursor(range, direction);
            request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
            request.onsuccess = (event) => {
                const cursor = ( as IDBRequest<IDBCursorWithValue>).result;
                if (cursor) {
                    const storedEvent: StoredEvent<V> = {
                        localId: cursor.key as number,
                        globalId: cursor.value.globalId,
                        value: cursor.value.value
                    if (!options?.limit || results.length < options.limit) {
                    } else {
                } else {

    private async initializeDatabase(): Promise<void> { ... snip ... }
    async hasAnyRecord(): Promise<boolean> { ... snip ... }
    private broadcastAddEvent(event: StoredEvent<V>) { ... snip ... }
    subscribe(listener: (msg: StoredEvent<V>) => Promise<void>): () => void { ... snip... }
    dispose() { ...snip... }

4.3 EventAggregator

EventAggregatorクラスは、イベントを集計し、現在の状態を管理します。 抽象クラスであり、継承する具象クラスでabstractとなっている関数を実装する必要があります。 主な機能は以下の通りです:

  • 新しいイベントの処理
  • バッチ処理によるイベントの集計
  • 処理済み範囲の管理
  • 集計結果の提供
import {AggregatedValue, Aggregatable, StoredEvent} from "./types";
import { EventStore, GetEventsOptions } from "./eventStore";

interface ProcessedRange {
    start: number;
    end: number;

const MetadataStoreName = 'Metadata';
const ProcessedRangesKey = 'ProcessedRanges';

export type AggregatorChangeListener<V> = (changedItem: V) => void;

export abstract class EventAggregator<V extends Aggregatable, A extends AggregatedValue<string>> {
    protected db: IDBDatabase | null = null;
    private processedRanges: ProcessedRange[] = [];
    private processingIntervalId: number | null = null;
    private listeners: Set<AggregatorChangeListener<A>> = new Set();

        protected eventStore: EventStore<V>,
        protected databaseName: string,
        protected databaseVersion: number = 1,
        protected batchSize: number = 100,
        protected processingInterval: number = 1000,
    ) {}

    async initialize(): Promise<void> { ...snip... }

// サブクラスで実装する
    protected abstract applyMigrations(db: IDBDatabase, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): void;
    protected abstract processEvent(trx: IDBTransaction, event: StoredEvent<V>): Promise<A>;

    private applyMetadataMigrations(db: IDBDatabase, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): void {
        if (oldVersion < 1) {
            const store = db.createObjectStore(MetadataStoreName, {keyPath: 'key'});

    private async handleNewEvent(ev: StoredEvent<V>): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        const tx = this.db.transaction(this.db.objectStoreNames, 'readwrite');
        try {
            const changedItem = await this.processEvent(tx, ev);
            this.updateProcessedRanges(ev.localId, ev.localId);
            await this.saveProcessedRanges(tx);
            if (changedItem) {
            return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                tx.oncomplete = () => resolve();
                tx.onerror = () => reject(tx.error);
        } catch (err) {
            console.error("Error processing new event:", err);

    private async processEvents(): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        if (this.isFullyCovered()) {

        const range = await this.findRangeToProcess();
        if (!range) {

        const options: GetEventsOptions = { limit: Math.min(this.batchSize, range.end - range.start - 1) };
        const eventsBefore = await this.eventStore.getEventsBefore(range.end, options);
        if (eventsBefore.length === 0) {
        const maxId = eventsBefore[0].localId;
        const minId = eventsBefore[eventsBefore.length-1].localId;

        const changedItems: A[] = [];
        const tx = this.db.transaction(this.db.objectStoreNames, 'readwrite');
        try {
            for (const ev of eventsBefore) {
                const changedItem = await this.processEvent(tx, ev);
                if (changedItem) {
            if (eventsBefore.length < this.batchSize) {
                this.updateProcessedRanges(1, maxId);
            } else {
                this.updateProcessedRanges(minId, maxId);
            await this.saveProcessedRanges(tx);
            return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                tx.oncomplete = () => resolve();
                tx.onerror = () => reject(tx.error);
        } catch (err) {
            console.error("Error processing events:", err);

    private async findRangeToProcess(): Promise<ProcessedRange | null> {
        const size = this.processedRanges.length;
        if (size === 0) {
            return { start: 0, end: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }
        const rangeEnd = this.processedRanges[size-1].start;
        if (rangeEnd === 1) {
            return null;
        if (rangeEnd === 0) {
            throw new Error('Unexpected value');
        if (1 < size) {
            const rangeStart = this.processedRanges[size-2].end;
            return { start: rangeStart, end: rangeEnd };
        // size === 1
        return { start: 0, end: rangeEnd };

    private isFullyCovered(): boolean {
        if (this.processedRanges.length === 0) {
            this.eventStore.hasAnyRecord().then((hasAnyRecord) => {
                return !hasAnyRecord;
            return false;
        return this.processedRanges.length === 1 && this.processedRanges[0].start === 0;

    private updateProcessedRanges(start: number, end: number): void {
        const newRange: ProcessedRange = { start, end };

        const allRanges = [...this.processedRanges, newRange];
        allRanges.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);

        const mergedRanges: ProcessedRange[] = [];
        let currentRange = allRanges[0];

        for (let i = 1; i < allRanges.length; i++) {
            const nextRange = allRanges[i];
            if (currentRange.end + 1 >= nextRange.start) {
                currentRange.end = Math.max(currentRange.end, nextRange.end);
            } else {
                currentRange = nextRange;

        this.processedRanges = mergedRanges;

    private async loadProcessedRanges(): Promise<void> { ...snip... }
    private async saveProcessedRanges(tx: IDBTransaction): Promise<void> { ...snip... }
    startProcessing(): void { ...snip... }
    stopProcessing(): void { ...snip... }
    private notifyListeners(changes: A[]): void { ...snip... }
    subscribe(listener: AggregatorChangeListener<A>): () => void { ...snip... }
    private async initializeDatabase(): Promise<void> { ...snip... }
    dispose() { ... snip... }

5. 具体的なユースケース


5.1 音楽再生イベントの記録と集計

MusicListenEventStore は音楽が再生されたというイベントを保存します。 MusicListenEventAggregator は楽曲ごとの再生回数の総数を集計します。

MusicListenEventStore および MusicListenEventAggregator クラス

import {Aggregatable, AggregatedValue, StoredEvent} from "../../types";
import {EventStore} from "../../eventStore";
import {EventAggregator} from "../../eventAggregator";

const TotalStoreName = 'Total';

export interface MusicListenEvent extends Aggregatable {
    itemId: string;

export interface MusicListenAggregationValue extends AggregatedValue<string> {
    total: number;

export class MusicListenEventStore extends EventStore<MusicListenEvent> {}

export class MusicListenEventAggregator extends EventAggregator<MusicListenEvent, MusicListenAggregationValue> {

        protected eventStore: EventStore<MusicListenEvent>,
        protected databaseName: string,
        protected databaseVersion: number = 1,
        protected batchSize: number = 100,
        protected processingInterval: number = 1000,
    ) { ...snip... }

    protected applyMigrations(db: IDBDatabase, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): void {
        if (oldVersion < 1) {
            db.createObjectStore(TotalStoreName, {keyPath: 'aggregationKey'});

    protected async processEvent(trx: IDBTransaction, event: StoredEvent<MusicListenEvent>): Promise<MusicListenAggregationValue> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const store = trx.objectStore(TotalStoreName);
            const aggregationKey = event.value.itemId;

            const getReq = store.get(aggregationKey);
            getReq.onerror = (error) => reject(getReq.error);
            getReq.onsuccess = () => {
                const data = getReq.result as MusicListenAggregationValue | undefined;
                const total = (data?.total ?? 0) + 1;
                const updated: MusicListenAggregationValue = { aggregationKey: aggregationKey, total };
                const putReq = store.put(updated);
                putReq.onerror = () => reject(putReq.error);
                putReq.onsuccess = () => resolve(updated);

    async getAggregatedTotal(itemIds: string[]): Promise<{ [key: string]: number }> {
        if (!this.db) throw new Error('Database not initialized');

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const trx = this.db!.transaction([TotalStoreName], 'readonly');
            const store = trx.objectStore(TotalStoreName);

            const getItemData = (itemId: string): Promise<[string, number]> =>
                new Promise((resolveItem, rejectItem) => {
                    const request = store.get(itemId);
                    request.onerror = () => rejectItem(new Error(`Error fetching data for item ${itemId}: ${request.error}`));
                    request.onsuccess = () => {
                        const data = request.result as MusicListenAggregationValue;
                        resolveItem([itemId, data ? : 0]);

                .then(entries =>
                    entries.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, [key]: value }), {})

            trx.onerror = () => {
                reject(new Error(`Transaction error: ${trx.error}`));


例えば新しく「最初に再生された時刻」を集計対象に追加した MusicListenEventAggregatorV2 を作成した場合を考えます。

その場合、MusicListenEventAggregatorV2 のコンストラクタに MusicListenEventAggregator と同様に MusicListenEventStore のインスタンスを指定すれば、MusicListenEventAggregatorV2 も MusicListenEventStore に蓄積された全てのイベントを集計の対象とすることができます。

useListenEvent フック

次のようなReact カスタムフックを使用することで、Reactコンポーネントから容易に上記クラスを使用したイベントの追加と集計結果の取得が可能になります。

'use client';
import React, {createContext, useContext, useState, useEffect, ReactNode, useRef, useMemo} from 'react';
import {MusicListenAggregationValue, MusicListenEvent, MusicListenEventAggregator} from './listenEvent';
import {EventStore} from "../../eventStore";

type ListenEventContextType = {
    addEvent: (event: MusicListenEvent) => Promise<void>;
    totals: { [key: string]: number };
    isInitializing: boolean;
    isSyncing: boolean;
    error: Error | null;

export const ListenEventContext = createContext<ListenEventContextType | undefined>(undefined);

export type ListenEventContextProps = {
    keys: string[];
    children: ReactNode;

export const ListenEventProvider: React.FC<ListenEventContextProps> = ({ keys, children }) => {
    const [totals, setTotals] = useState<{ [key: string]: number }>({});
    const [isInitializing, setIsInitializing] = useState(true);
    const [isSyncing, setIsSyncing] = useState(false);
    const [error, setError] = useState<Error | null>(null);

    const { eventStore, aggregator } = useMemo(() => {
        const eventStore = new EventStore<MusicListenEvent>('MusicListenEvents');
        const aggregator = new MusicListenEventAggregator(eventStore, 'MusicListenAggregator_V2');
        (async() => {
            await eventStore.initialize();
            await aggregator.initialize();
        })().then(() => {
        }).catch((err) => {
            setError(new Error(`Failed to initialize EventStore/Aggregator: ${err}`));
        return { eventStore, aggregator };
    }, []);

    useEffect(() => {
        const handleUpdate = (updated: MusicListenAggregationValue) => {
            setTotals(prevTotals => ({
        const unsubscribe = aggregator.subscribe(handleUpdate);
        return () => {
            if (typeof unsubscribe === 'function') {
    }, [eventStore, aggregator]);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (isInitializing || error != null) return;
        const fetchTotals = async () => {
            try {
                const result = await aggregator.getAggregatedTotal(keys);
                if (result != null) {
            } catch (err) {
                setError(err instanceof Error ? err : new Error('Failed to fetch totals'));
    }, [keys, isInitializing]);

    return (
        <ListenEventContext.Provider value={{ addEvent: eventStore.add.bind(eventStore), totals, isInitializing, isSyncing, error }}>

export const useListenEvent = () => {
    const context = useContext(ListenEventContext);
    if (context === undefined) {
        throw new Error('useListenTotal must be used within a ListenEventContext');
    return context;


const { addEvent } = useListenEvent();
addEvent({ itemId });
const { totals } = useListenEvent();
const total = totals[itemId];


<ListenEventProvider keys={listenKeys}>

6. 課題


  • クライアントで記録されたイベントをサーバーへアップロードする仕組みの実装
  • サーバー上でのイベントデータの効率的な処理と集計
  • クライアント側の集計結果とサーバー側の集計結果の整合性確保

7. おわりに




8. GitHub Repository

Tailscaleを使ってSite to Siteネットワークを構築する

基本的なステップはここに従えばいい。 Site-to-site networking · Tailscale Docs


sudo apt install iptables-persistent
sudo netfilter-persistent save


ip route add via
ip route add via

1行目がtailnetへのアクセス、2行目が他サイトへのアクセスに関しての設定になり、 いずれもサブネットルーター経由で行うことをルーティングテーブルに明記する必要がある。


New-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix "" -NextHop
New-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix "" -NextHop


PowerToys Runの候補をタイトル(プログラム名)順に並べ替える

PowerToys RunはmacOSでいうところのSpotlightを実現するためのPowerToysのプラグイン。 こういうツールは慣れると高速で入力するようになり、あるキーを押したときにこうなるという結果が頭にキャッシュされていくので、アイテムが決まった順で並んでくれないと困る。 ちょっと使ってみたところ、PowerToys Runは結果がかなり揺らぐようで、対策する必要があった。



                return Query(program, programArguments).ToList();


                return Query(program, programArguments).OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList();

いくつかsubmoduleがあるのでgit cloneするときに--recursiveを指定する必要がある。 ビルドはVisual Studioで行えばよく、特に難しいところはなかった。

ASUS ROG Allyで超効率 語学学習環境を構築する


字幕がClosed Caption(CC)に近いクオリティであるかはかなり重要な点ですが、この部分は技術革新によって既に自動生成できるようになっていることを以前ご紹介しました。




あるいは音声トラックや字幕の切り替え、再生速度変更、ABリピート、スクリーンショットの保存、スクリーンレコーディングなど、学習の役に立つ機能は様々考えられますが、すべてのアプリにこのような機能が備わってはいません。 またそのような機能が備わっていても、タッチでの画面操作ではすべての機能に素早くアクセスすることができません。


ASUS ROG Allyはかなり優秀なハードウェアスペックを備え、7インチ フルHDのディスプレイも動画視聴に最適です。


MPC-BE(Media Player Classic - BE)は多機能かつ柔軟な機能へのキー割り当てが可能な動画プレイヤーです。



外国語の高精度なCC字幕が前述の通り作成できるようになったため、音声とそのTranscriptの対応については不自由なく学習できる環境を整えることができますが、その文の意味が取れなかったら…? その時はChatGPTに教えてもらいましょう。


PowerToysのText ExtractorでOCR

Microsoft PowerToysにはOCRを行い、結果をクリップボードに貼り付ける機能が備わっています。OCRはオフラインで動作しますがクオリティも悪くありません。







