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The CDC: Perception vs. Reality


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presents itself as a government agency dedicated to protecting the health and safety of the American people. Their mission statement emphasizes disease prevention, health promotion, and the safeguarding of public health.

  • “CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. CDC puts science into action to help children stay healthy so they can grow and learn; to help families, businesses, and communities fight disease and stay strong; and to protect the public’s health.” 1
  • Public Health Definition: “The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals.” 2


The CDC’s policies are often one-size-fits-all, oftentimes targeting vulnerable populations. This approach exacerbates existing health disparities and strips away our right to personal autonomy. The CDC’s mission to protect public health should never override individual liberties or prey on underserved communities.

The CDC Is Captured, Controlled and Bought-Off by Big Pharma.

    • Conflict of Interest
      The CDC’s close relationships with pharmaceutical companies create conflicts of interest that undermine their ability to provide unbiased health guidance. Many of their top officials have past or future ties to the industry, which casts doubt on their objectivity.3,4,5,6,7,8

    • Manipulated Data
      There have been numerous instances where the CDC has been accused of manipulating or withholding data to benefit drug companies. This practice not only erodes public trust but also compromises the quality and credibility of health information disseminated to the public.9,10

    • Questionable Practices
      From the approval of controversial vaccines11,12 to the promotion of expensive treatments with dubious efficacy, the CDC’s actions often align more with the financial interests of Big Pharma than with the well-being of the American people. These practices have led to widespread skepticism and concern about the agency’s true agenda.

The CDC’s director, Dr. Mandy Cohen says she wants to restore trust and transparency yet she continues to do the opposite. Her words ring hollow.

    • “Trust and transparency” are the words of CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen, but they fall flat when FOIA requests are returned with a 148-page redacted document on Covid-19 vaccine and myocarditis.13

    • Dr. Mandy Cohen uses speaking engagements at universities and segments on TV as proof of her desire to “show up, look them in the eye and listen,” but she has yet to meet with Reform Pharma after being asked repeatedly.

How many more children need to die or suffer severe injury from unnecessary and harmful pharmaceutical products before the CDC is held accountable for its bad public health policies?

This is Pharmacide.

The CDC hasn’t filed vaccine safety data reports since it was mandated in 1986.14

  • The 1986 act mandated the Secretary of HHS to promote the development of safer childhood vaccines. This mandate included a provision that required biennial safety reports.
  • The CDC is responsible for providing these reports, and ensuring the ongoing monitoring and improvement of vaccine safety.
  • This egregious lack of transparency should immediately call for ALL federal funding to CDC to be stopped.
  • Prior to 1990, there was no centralized system for collecting data on vaccine reactions or deaths. Everyone just said vaccines were “safe and effective,” but no one was tracking.
  • The lack of systemic reporting meant that millions of reactions and deaths were allowed to go undetected for all those years prior to December 1990.
  • Trusting the CDC to implement a database of the highest standards had never been more important.
  • As of today, It has been 34 years since VAERS started. This means 34 years the CDC has allowed our most important data to be intentionally flawed, inconsistent, delayed and underreported by a jaw dropping 99%.
  • The CDC failed to protect the public’s health and safety and wasted 34 years of taxpayer dollars.

The CDC failed to promptly intervene and provide the necessary support to shut down an Illegal biolab, endangering public health.

    • Despite being alerted to the hazardous conditions and unethical practices within the biolab, their delayed response and lack of oversight allowed the biolab to continue operating, placing the public at significant risk.

    • Local officials spend months repeatedly trying to obtain assistance from the CDC, directly and indirectly through the California Department of Health. The CDC refused to speak with them. On a number of occasions, it was reported that the CDC hung up on them mid-conversation.

    • The CDC was called in for help yet it took them months to conduct an investigation. When they finally showed up months later, the CDC failed to test many of the pathogens, citing they were “unlabeled” and ordered them to be destroyed.

Read the investigative report for more details. Plus, download and read our sourced comic bookThe Known Unknown,” A Story Based on True Events. The CDC‘s actions have drawn significant criticism for their recklessness and inaction.

You are an indispensable part of the critical mass needed to reach the tipping point for change. Take action and connect with us on social media.

  1.  “About CDC,” US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Feb. 12, 2024,
  2. “Public Health 101 Series | Introduction to Public Health,” US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oct. 3, 2014, pg.5
  3. “Close Ties and Financial Entanglements: The CDC-Guaranteed Vaccine Market,” Children’s Health Defense, June 6, 2019,
  4. “Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making,” National Vaccine Information Center, Aug. 21, 2000,
  5. “CDC Stacks Its Vaccine Committee with Pharma-Affiliated Members Ahead of June 2024 Vote on COVID-19 Vaccines,” Informed Consent Action Network, June 14, 2024,
  6. Judith Garber, “CDC ‘Disclaimers’ Hide Financial Conflicts of Interest,” Lown Institute, Nov. 6, 2019,
  7. Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, “Voting Himself Rich: CDC Vaccine Adviser Made $29 Million Or More After Using Role to Create Market,” Age of Autism, Feb. 16, 2009,
  8. Jeremy R. Hammond, The Rotavirus Vaccine: A Case Study in Government Corruption and Malfeasance, Children’s Health Defense, Feb. 5, 2009,
  9. “CDC Purposely Prevents Fixing Vaers,” Informed Consent Action Network, Jun. 3, 2021,
  10. Apoorva Mandavilli , “The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects,” The New York Times, Feb. 20, 2022,
  11. U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, “FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development—Preserving the Integrity of the Process,” 106th Cong., 2nd sess., June 15, 2000,
  12. U.S. House of Representatives, Majority Staff Report, “Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making,” 106th Cong., 2nd sess., June 15, 2000,
  14. “The Public Health and Welfare | Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines,” 42 USC§ 300aa-27, Ch. 6A, Sub. XIX, Pt. 2,” GovInfo,”2016,