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10-Point Plan

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This is how we Reform Pharma and restore healthcare integrity.

Restore Medical Freedom

RESTORED Medical freedom means your fundamental rights as individuals, families, and caregivers are respected and protected. Your ability to work, travel, socialize, and attend events are not based on your vaccination status or level of compliance to unjust, arbitrary, or unconstitutional mandates. And reformed medical freedom means that censorship, shadowbanning, and gaslighting are not allowed to restrict your access to the full body of knowledge on medical issues, leaving you able to make fully informed decisions.


SEPARATED Pharma & State means every facet of our healthcare system has been cleansed of Big Pharma funding and political influence. It means systems are in place to prevent back-door dealings and prevent the leveraging of their collective money and power to propagate a corrupt cycle of sickness and pharmaceutical dependence. Separated Pharma & State means the financial burden of poor health outcomes is no longer imposed on taxpayers, reducing the tax burden for us all.


REFORMED Regulatory and Oversight Agencies means Alphabet Agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, and certain departments at the DOD) no longer serve as extended arms of Big Pharma. It means the absence of conflicts of interest and there is transparency with clinical trials and every aspect of the drug approval process. Drug companies no longer fund the agencies that license and regulate them. Product use outcomes are properly tracked and publicly available, and independent researchers have access to data to repeat studies and verify results. Reformed agencies have laws in place to lock the revolving door to lucrative industry jobs, prevent unauthorized actions, and ensure accountability, transparency, and responsibility. Reformed agencies protect consumers with honest processes that ensure the products on the market have no hidden costs or dangers.

Establish Scientific Integrity in Research & Publications

ESTABLISHED Scientific Integrity in Research and Publications means that the mechanisms allowing corruption and conflicts to flourish that prohibit transparency have been systematically exposed and removed.  Data and research published in journals are not bound by the interests of Big Pharma. With integrity restored, science is more reliable, repeatable (a hallmark of good science), and more trustworthy.  


HOLDING Perpetrators Accountable means that everyone within our government, healthcare system, and the media who conspired or aided in the commitment of crimes against humanity is held accountable. Consequences for perpetrators are consistent with their wrongdoing.


BANNED Pharmaceutical Advertising means when you turn on your television or radio, or go online, you aren’t inundated by Pharma ads. It means content–including news programming–isn’t controlled by Pharma advertising dollars. Your six o’clock evening news will no longer be “brought to you by Big Pharma.” The United States will no longer have the notorious distinction of being one of two countries that allows direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising. 


REINSTATED Vaccine Manufacturer Liability means vaccine companies are now responsible for the injuries and deaths caused by their products. It means consumers have legal recourse against the vaccine maker and healthcare providers.  With liability in place, the threat of continuous expensive lawsuits keeps incentivizing vaccine manufacturers to provide full disclosure on the risks of their products and to develop safer vaccines. 


PROTECTED Doctor-Patient Relationships means your doctor is giving you guidance based on your needs without corrupt influence and pressure from pharmaceutical and insurance companies, government, hospital administration and licensing boards. A protected doctor-patient relationship means your doctor is not being bullied to stay within the sickcare industry script and can use his or her best judgment and experience to treat you.


PROHIBITED Gain-of-Function Research means the methods of circumventing laws prohibiting bioweapons research are exposed and eliminated. It means the back channels that funnel money to illegal research, including military intelligence channels, have been cut off.

Secure Affordable Drug Prices

SECURED affordable drug prices means unnecessary layers of the drug supply chain that drive up costs have been exposed. It means that state policies are in place to protect customers from price-gouging.  Secured affordable drug prices means that essential medicines are affordable to all who need them.