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The Cure

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The Cure (2008)

The Cure a son na formassion post-punk anglèisa, formasse dël 1976 e ativa fin al dì d'ancheuj.

Ij component a son scambià durant ij agn ma ël mèmber prinsipal e fondator dla banda a l'é stàit Robert Smith, cantant, autor dla pi granda part dle canson.

Sò stil a l’é stàit na fusion ëd géner diferent influensà an prevalensa dal rock e ëdcò dla new-wave.

Formassion atual

[modìfica | modifiché la sorgiss]

Àlbom ant lë studi

[modìfica | modifiché la sorgiss]
  • 1979 - Three Imaginary Boys (Fiction Records)
  • 1980 - Seventeen Seconds (Fiction)
  • 1981- Faith (Fiction)
  • 1982 - Pornography (Fiction)
  • 1983 - Japanese Whispers (Fiction)
  • 1984 - The Top (Fiction)
  • 1985 - The Head on the Door (Fiction)
  • 1987 - Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me (Fiction)
  • 1989 - Disintegration (Fiction)
  • 1992 - Wish (Fiction)
  • 1996 - Wild Mood Swings (Fiction)
  • 2000 - Bloodflowers (Fiction)
  • 2004 - The Cure (album) (Geffen Records)
  • 2008 - 4:13 Dream (Suretone Records)
  • 2024 - Songs of a Lost World