The Thai Monarchist mob

Thai kingWe have been watching from afar the activities of the Thai Monarchist mob as they have occupied Bangkok’s airport and received the complicit support of the Thai military, which refused to disperse them. This has been no ‘people’s protest’ at all but rather a Right Wing mob, all comparable to the one the US mobilized recently in Eastern Bolivia to try to divide Bolivia into two parts and remove Evo Morales from power there.

‘Dissolution of the ruling People Power Party (PPP) will heal none of the basic rifts between Bangkok’s royalist elite and middle classes, who despise ousted and exiled leader Thaksin Shinawatra, and the urban poor and rural masses who love him and continue to vote his allies into office.’ (taken from the Reuter’s report Thai protesters lift airport siege

Around the world not all mobilizations are for the people from the people at all. In Colombia, the Right Wing death squad government, too, was able to mobilize millions of common citizens into the streets in support of their corrupt government fairly recently. Unfortunately this Thai mob is mobilizing people in support of a Monarchy and the King, and there can be nothing more reactionary in this day and time than that.

More from Reuters below…


The PAD, led by a group of royalist businessmen, academics and activists, formally marked the end of the occupation by singing the king’s anthem. Ominously, the PAD protesters vow to return if they see Thaksin allies getting near power again.

“I am sad that we are going,” said Ranatip, 48, an unemployed office assistant. “But I am ready to fight for my king and my country. I will come back as soon as I am needed.”

These people are sick. They are united in wanting to keep Thailand’s poor as poor as they can make them. Thailand’s class divisions and caste system isn’t quite as horrible as India’s but it is still pretty damn bad.

US Christians stay mum about Hindu violence against Christians in India

For months now there have been Hindu attacks on India’s Christian communities but America’s Christians remain silent about their cohorts abroad just as they previously have remained silent about Jewish attacks on Christian communities in the Middle East. Orissa mob attacks police station

Christian Rightists in America are too busy trying to whip up an anti-Muslim hysteria in the US to be distracted by the antics of India, which is a country they want to use in their Holy Crusades. Besides, who really cares about the lower castes of India anyway? Certainly not American Christians who support a caste system just about everywhere, with American Christians to be located exactly as the top caste. Christian America has kept entirely quiet about this violence in India, a violence they used to cry about when India was a more ‘non-aligned’ country (more aligned with the evil communist Soviet Union, say..) .

Speaking of how crazy the American Christian community can get, did anybody notice The Colorado Springs Gazette editorial today? No? … lol… Well it railed and ranted against what they declared was an atheist who wanted to behead 2 people for merely being Christians! I kid you not! They called the gun toting neighbor who knocked out one eye of the drunk (for that’s all this fight was really about, a drunk acting out) a ‘hero’, since he had guns! Oh Whooptee Doo!

Yes, it seems that with Sarah Palin now in the act nationwide, that the Right Wing Christian community thinks its time once again for their rampaging loonieness to prevail big time? God save us from your followers, PLEASE. And God save us from The Gazette’s editorial nutiness, too.

And, God, you might notice that some of your good people are getting the shit kicked out of them in India? Oh so what? It’s forward march to kill some more Muslims time, is it not? God is great! America is God! Forward Christian soldiers!

Gandhi and India’s ‘untouchables’

America’s Christian liberal pacifists have canonized Gandhi into being one of their Holy Trinity of Christian pacifist Gods. #1 Jesus, #2 Gandhi, #3 Martin Luther King… Almost all of these American pacifists, though, know little to nothing about Gandhi, the Indian subcontinent, or the history of the British Empire that Gandhi supposedly liberated ‘his’ people from, and these Christian-oriented liberals have an entirely idolized view of the man Gandhi and his life. So as a counter to their hero-God worship, we ask them, Why Do India’s ‘Untouchables’ Hate Gandhi?

If you want to know yet more about the Dalit’s struggles inside and against the Hindu caste system of India, then check out all the other Counter Currents articles about The Dalit Struggle for Equal Rights.

If you want to know more about Gandhi, then read up some about his military career! Yes, that’s right… Or read about his views on medicine and diet. Or read some about his family and his sex life. All interesting topics in their own right. Gandhi not only was not any saint, but was not all that great a man even. At least do more than just rent the movie titled ‘Gandhi’. Read up a little on where the funding for the movie came from, at least.

The Justice and Peace Commission’s Annual Meeting

Luckily I have to work and can’t participate in the nonsense called the J&P annual meeting. You see, the J&P has no other general membership meetings but just one poorly organized charade of a participatory event per year.

CS city council woman, Jan Martin, is the headlined speaker, and was chosen by nobody other than an irresponsible office staff that couldn’t think of any thing better to do with its time than to listen to Jan. Why Jan Martin of all possible choices? She’s not exactly an outspoken voice for peace and justice at all, now is she?

The choice was simply made and stupidly done because the J&P has office staff that think it most important to nuzzle up to ‘responsible violence’ …I meant ‘responsible power’… so they can curry favor. Last year they invited Ken Salazar’s local voice, Poor Pathetic Richard, to speak to the annual gathering. That was where he argued that it would be dangerous to withdraw from Iraq. It could hurt the Iraqi people he said with regret dripping from his cynical forked tongue. A great choice for a pro peace gathering, right, this Pathetic Richard? In short, it was a bad joke having him there! He is not pro peace at all. Merely pro career.

So not having learned anything but merely blundering repetitively ahead, the J&P administration has invited another such type to this years gala ball. We should be demanding that the Colorado Springs city council pass resolutions against this war, against the use of torture, and against Fort Carson Expansion. But no! The office staff want to ‘dialog’ with power, and any power that will throw them a bone, too. They will not make demands on anybody, and they will only try to triangulate into the lowest common denominator.

Jan Martin will speak to how good is good, and bad is bad, no doubt… Clap, clap, clap. Yawn, yawn, yawn. Boo, boo, boo… And the J&P hides in the shadows of the city because it is too scared and gutless to push forward with any fervor and passion, which would all involve taking some powers on instead of hugging them.

The problem with the J$P is that it is an organization run on bigger donations that are mainly used to fund a rather conservatized, rather do little, paid staff. These staff look at non salaried J&P members at times, as if they were trespassers by having other agendas than their own ‘united way’ funding approach. In fact, some salaried staff do graduate from the J$P funding school approach and do go directly into United Way funding afterwards for their new jobs. That has happened.

So what happens when people want to meet and there is only one annual meeting? They just give up PUNTO. It certainly turns new people away with this type of doing business ‘peace organizing’. They would have more democracy in their local church working together with Pastor Pretense running the entireshow.

At the J$P, new folk run around scratching their heads trying to find what they can do to fit in? They can eventually fit in some eventually, but only if they spend hours and hours and hours getting to know the various social grouplets that are administered to by the paid office staff. They have to be baptized by immersion into the jello pudding like ‘consensus’ adminstered by the salaried staff huddled in the office.

Is all this really anyway to organize against the war and injustice? Or a gigantic waste of time? Maybe Jan Martin can tell us at the annual meeting? Jan, is it good to be good? I don’t want to be bad to be bad. Think God I am having to work today. Isn’t this a sad and corrupt way to fight for justice and peace? We deserve better than this if we are against The Wars and looking to fight them.

Paid office people…. ‘Oh no. Don’t fight! Come together.’

And this year they brought in somebody who once again is little for Peace to talk to the more liberal who are. Counselling to the annual members extreme I guess it must seem to them, those paid and conservatized ‘peace activists’ who think that their way is the best way.

They get paid to think like that… ‘consensus’ always… and never quite understand why others seem to disagree with their choices? That’s because we are not adminstrators, Dudes. In fact, we prefer an organization not divided into a caste system of paid adminstrators and general members.