Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted for the next 10 minutes. Meditations cannot be paused. If you got interrupted, you are invited to → Leave The Meditation Room, and come back later again when you will be fully available. I will still be here, waiting for you ;-)

The myNoise meditation room uses prompts from a pool of different meditation scripts, so your experience will be different between visits.

This function is still in beta. Do not hesitate to contact me - stephane at mynoise dot net - to leave feedback about your experience, and share suggestions for improvements. "; setPreset(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Meditation Room"); //playBell(); for (var i = 0; i<7; ++i) { if (!voiceover[i]){voiceover[i]=new Audio('/Audio/MeditationRoom/'+i+'_'+Math.floor(1+Math.random()*5)+fileExt);voiceover[i].preload='auto';} voiceover[i].volume=averageSliderLevel/2; } var s=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; s=s.sort((a, b) => 0.5 - Math.random()); var p=new Array(); var k=0; var maxDur=[7,14,7,16,65,17,19]; var startOffset=8; sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[0].play();},startOffset*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[1].play();},(startOffset+maxDur[0]+3)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[2].play();},(startOffset+maxDur[0]+maxDur[1]+6)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[3].play();},(startOffset+maxDur[0]+maxDur[1]+maxDur[2]+9)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[4].play();},(startOffset+maxDur[0]+maxDur[1]+maxDur[2]+maxDur[3]+12)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[5].play();},(540-maxDur[5]-maxDur[6]-6)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){voiceover[6].play();},(540)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=10; p=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; p[s[0]]=averageSliderLevel; setPreset(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],"")},(startOffset+maxDur[0]+3)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=60; p[s[1]]=averageSliderLevel; p[s[2]]=averageSliderLevel;p[s[3]]=averageSliderLevel; setPreset(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],"")},(startOffset+maxDur[0]+maxDur[1]+maxDur[2]+6)*1000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=60; p=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; p[s[4]]=averageSliderLevel; p[s[5]]=averageSliderLevel; setPreset(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],"")},3*60000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=60; p=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; p[s[6]]=averageSliderLevel; p[s[7]]=averageSliderLevel; setPreset(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],"")},5*60000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=60; p=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; p[s[8]]=averageSliderLevel; p[s[9]]=averageSliderLevel; setPreset(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],"")},7*60000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=60; setPreset(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")},9*60000); sto[k++]=setTimeout(function(){fAUDIOFADETIME=0.1;startMeditationRoom();},10*60000); } else { msg("You left the meditation room."); $('#bgimage').removeClass("animated"); $('#bgimage').css("background-image", "url(/Data/REYKJADALUR/bg.jpg)"); $('#bgimage').addClass("animated"); document.getElementById("description").innerHTML=allContents; $( "#description" ).hide(); $( ".nestedSection" ).show(); for (var i = 0; i', function() { selectedSlidersShift(-1);}); Mousetrap.bind('g', function() { playAllSounds();setAllLevels();msg("Now Playing...");fCONTEXTSTART=context.currentTime;}); Mousetrap.bind('y', function() { tune(432/440);msg("Experimental - Now tuned to A4=432Hz"); }); Mousetrap.bind('?', function() { randomSettings(); }); Mousetrap.bind('c', function() { collectNZ(); }); Mousetrap.bind('shift+c', function() { customGenLaunch(); }); Mousetrap.bind('x c', function() { clearStack(); }); // favs var fData=new Array(); var curGenCode="REYKJADALUR"; function favorite(what){ addToFavorites(what); refreshFavs(); } function addToFavorites(what){ var ndx=fData.indexOf(what); if (ndx==-1){ $('.c'+what).attr('src','/Pix/fav_b.png'); fData.push(what); } else { // is a favorite $('.c'+what).attr('src','/Pix/fav.png'); $('.c'+what+'.titlestar').attr('src','/Pix/fav_grey.png'); fData.splice(ndx,1); } fCookieWrite(); } function fCookieRead(){ var uids=readCookie('uIDS'); var cookieName='fSET_'+uids; var tmp=readCookie(cookieName); if (tmp!=null) fData=JSON.parse(tmp); } function fCookieWrite(){ var uids=readCookie('uIDS'); var cookieName='fSET_'+uids; var days=36500; createCookie(cookieName,JSON.stringify(fData),days); } function highlightFavs(){ $('.iFV').css('display', 'inline'); $('.iFV').prop('title', 'Your favorites'); $('.iFV').powerTip(); fCookieRead(); for (var i in fData) { $('.c'+fData[i]).attr('src','/Pix/fav_b.png'); } } function toggleFavs(){ if (!highlighted.localeCompare('favs')) { highlighted='none'; $('.hint').parent('span').show();} else { highlighted='favs'; $('.hint').parent('span').hide();} refreshFavs(); } function refreshFavs(){ if (!highlighted.localeCompare('favs')) { $('#iFV').attr('src','/Pix/fav_b.png'); // the fav star in the user panel for (var i in fData) { $('.c'+fData[i]).css('opacity', '1'); $('.c'+fData[i]).parent('span').show(); } } else {$('#iFV').attr('src','/Pix/fav_l.png');} } function checkFavGen(){ fCookieRead(); var ndx=fData.indexOf(curGenCode); if (ndx>-1) $('.c'+fData[ndx]).attr('src','/Pix/fav_b.png'); $('.c'+curGenCode).css('display', 'inline'); $('.c'+curGenCode).prop('title', 'Favorite'); $('.c'+curGenCode).powerTip(); } function addGenToFavs(){ addToFavorites(curGenCode); } Reykjadalur Valley — Natural Noise Generator

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Steam Valley
Natural Noises from Reykjadalur


Windy ValleySteamerHot BubblesSulfur WaterHot Tub RiverRainy StreamWind and RainEarth CaldronOrganic BrownOrganic Pink Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed &div;8 &div;4 &div;2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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iEQ • Calibration


  Guided Meditation

Enter the Meditation Room beta

Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Natural Sounds from Reykjadalur, Iceland

Reykjadalur Valley, or “Steam Valley,” is a special place in Iceland, a few miles away from Hveragerði. It’s an area where geothermal activity warms the ground, creating hot springs and streams that gently blend into the landscape. Walking through this valley, you will hear the bubbling of mud pools, the soft hissing of steam vents, and the steady flow of the river, which all were recreated here. And of course, as you are in Iceland, wind, and rain invited themselves in our recordings. Check out the pictures taken from our sampling session, in Fall of 2024.

The main highlight of Reykjadalur is its small river. The water changes in temperature along the way, as warm currents meet the cooler river. There, you can find spots that feel just right (see the sampling session pictures). The landscape around is simple and quiet, but you feel the hidden energy of the place, as steam rises from the earth everywhere around you!

If you find joy in the idea of being transported by sound to various locations around the globe, help me capture new and unique sounds for myNoise by contributing to to the project.

Published by Stéphane on December 6th, 2024

User Stories

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  Exactly what I needed to help me relax and get to sleep today! Just lovely.

  How very lovely! I've been in or around Hveragerði twice already and like listening to this noise machine whenever I miss Iceland (which happens a lot).

  I love this, thank you. I like the battering noise of the wind; it reminds me of what you hear with your hood up when you're out in wild places. And the blipping of the mud in the 'earth cauldron' is such a great idea for a recording. The hiss of the steam vents is a very specific noise, very evocative. I'd love to go to Iceland. But this conjures the atmosphere up so perfectly from my sofa.

  This new generator has great potential. I don't think bubbling sounds are anywhere else on the site, making for a cool new effect to blend with other things! I keep playing with the track speeds and clicking "Surprise" to discover something new. I like this one as it has the rain, wind, and water in a good balance. I am a sucker for wind sounds, especially when mixed with rain.

  Thanks for this new generator! I enjoy the Organic Brown one especially. I have a feeling I'll be using it to help me sleep tonight!