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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

The Columbia University Medical Center is an academic medical center affiliated with Columbia University.



James Rhodes getting x-rayed

In 2016, James Rhodes, who had been seriously injured in his legs by Vision's Mind Stone blast, was brought to the Center by Tony Stark for treatment. While Rhodes was X-Rayed, Stark questioned how Vision could make a mistake like that and Vision admitted he had been distracted, which neither he nor Stark had known could happen.


Natasha Romanoff approaches Tony Stark

Outside of the operating room, Stark was approached by Natasha Romanoff. Romanoff asked how Rhodes was doing, in which Stark told her he had been paralyzed in his legs. He then stated how disappointed he was as she had betrayed his team during the Battle at Leipzig-Halle Airport. Although Romanoff insisted that they had made all of the wrong actions in trying to resolve their situation, Stark then called her a double agent.

Captain America Civil War 132

Tony Stark offends and warns Natasha Romanoff

Stark informed Romanoff that T'Challa had reported to Thaddeus Ross about her betrayal and that the authorities would be coming after her. Romanoff insisted they went about this wrong, as Stark commented that betraying people was something Romanoff seemed unable to help. Romanoff, angry at the personal insult, told Stark he had a massive ego and stormed out of the Center.[1]



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