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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the actor who uses the professional name Bam, see Brandon Morales

"You feel like dancing."
Mantis to Bam[src]

Bam[2][3] is a security guard working for OrgoCorp.


Infiltration into the Orgoscope[]

In 2026, Bam worked as a security guard at the Orgoscope. He was sent to respond to Mantis and Drax the Destroyer's appearance in the Orgoscope. Drax and Karja started a fight, which Bam participated in. Bam prepared to shoot Mantis, who disarmed him and used her empathic powers to make him feel like dancing, prompting him to do so. He continued to do so even as Mantis made another guard fire blasts from her weapons in a violent rage.[4]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Kree Physiology: As a Kree, Bam possesses various superhuman attributes. Most notably, superhuman strength, durability, agility, and an efficient healing factor.
    • Superhuman Strength: Like all Kree, Bam is superhumanly strong and possesses great physical strength. However, he was easily overpowered by Mantis.
    • Superhuman Durability: Bam's body is more resistant to physical damage.
    • Superhuman Agility: Bam naturally has great agility.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: As with all Kree, Bam possesses a healing factor which allows him to recover from injuries in a very short period of time.
    • Longevity: Bam possesses a long lifespan, being able to have lived for many years.


  • Marksman: As a security guard at OrgoCorp, Bam was trained to use a firearm. He prepared to use it against Mantis, but she quickly disarmed him.


  • Firearm: Bam was equipped with a firearm by OrgoCorp and attempted to use it against Mantis, but she disarmed him.





Behind the Scenes[]

  • Bam is also the professional name used by Brandon Morales, who portrayed Bam. The dance which Bam does in the movie was created by Morales, which he calls "Bam Reverse."[3]
  • Morales is credited as "Dancing Guard" in the role of Bam.

