List of all notable quotes by or about Bullseye (Lester) (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.) plans are based on my infallible aim--and my unique ability to turn anything into a most potent weapon.
The Man Without Fear! Bah! Where is this hero? I have offered him a challenge -- a duel to the death to prove my total superiority!
Kid, I work for money. Your boss ain't givin' me any and that means he gets what he pays for. Nothin'!
Recognize this? It belonged to Elektra. I ran one just like it straight through her. You shoulda heard her pal --- whimpered like a baby.
Just you an' me, huh, chatty? We're a Team, you an' me. Only I'm Team Leader. You gotta do what I say. You respect me, right? Am I right?
That's right. Norman's got plans for us. Big plans, and you're not a part of them. Now, there's something I need you to do for me. It's really simple...say 'kill me.'
Moon Knighhhht! Come out come out, wherever you are! What's with you, man? Running?! Didn't think "bitch" was in your repertoire.
You know, it's too bad I killed my mother in high school...she would have loved this. Joking. She wouldn't 'a cared.
I have to say I'm flattered. I didn't know if I'd still have this effect on you. I mean, I know I'm not the only one who's killed you. But I guess it's true what they never forget your first.
That arrow is tipped with an explosive. Nothing big. Just enough. When you wake up I got all kinds of other ways to kill you. And I'm gonna take my good, sweet time.
I mean, we all know your husband is nuts. But marrying you when he could be dating supermodels from numerous planets... now that is nuts.
Hey there, Fabian. Just give me a couple of minutes to deal with these clowns, okay? I'll have you out of here and home to dear old daddy in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
So, what's in it for me? Because right now, seems I'm screwed either way. Tell you what. I tell you where the kid is, you let me go. We both live to kill each other another day.
You know, it's too bad I killed my mother in high school... She would have loved this. Joking. She wouldn't a' cared.
Bullseye | Deadpoool, Deadpool, long has it been? |
Deadpool | Issue sixteen, Greece...What's up, Bullseye? |
Bullseye | What's the plan, cripple? You and ninja-skank kill me in broad daylight in front of a crowd with the feds on the way? |
Daredevil | You killed a woman up there, you sociopath. |
Bullseye | Boo-hoo. |
Daredevil | Why are you even here, Lester? |
Bullseye | Same reason you're here. I want those papers. I want to own you like the Kingpin does |
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