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Illuin atop Helcar

llluin, also known as "Sky-blue", was the northern of the two Lamps of the Valar, set on the great tower Helcar by Aulë to bring light to the world of the Valar.


After the Valar entered the world and brought order to the seas, lands, and mountains, and subdued the fires of Melkor, there was a need for light. Aulë at the prayer of Yavanna forged two mighty lamps, Illuin and Ormal. Varda filled the lamps with light and Manwë hallowed them, and the Valar set them up on high pillars, Illuin in the furthest north upon the pillar of Helcar, Ormal in the deepest south upon the pillar of Ringil. In the middle of Arda, where the light of the lamps mingled, amid the Great Lake lay the Isle of Almaren, where the Valar dwelt.[1]

Later the pillars were cast down and their lamps broken by Melkor. Lands were broken and seas arose in tumult, destroying flame from the broken lamps poured out over the Earth, marring it, and the Valar fled Middle-earth for Valinor.[1] At the site where Illuin fell the inland Sea of Helcar was formed, of which Cuiviénen was a bay.


Foreign Language Translated name
Amharic ዒልሉኢን
Arabic إيلوين
Armenian Իլլուին
Belarusian Cyrillic Іллуін
Bengali ঈল্লুইন
Bulgarian Cyrillic Иллуин
Burmese ဤလ္လုဣန္
Dari یللوین
Georgian ილუინი
Greek Ιλλυιν
Gujarati ઈલ્લુઇન
Hebrew יללוינ
Hindi ईल्लुइन
Kannada ಈಲ್ಲುಇನ್
Kazakh Ыллұін (Cyrillic) Illuin (Latin)
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Иллуин
Macedonian Cyrillic Иллуин
Marathi ईल्लुइन
Mongolian Cyrillic Иллуин
Nepalese ईल्लुइन
Pashto یللوین
Persian یللوین ?
Punjabi ਈਲ੍ਲੁਇਨ
Russian Иллуин
Sanskrit ईल्लुइन्
Serbian Иллуин (Cyrillic) Illuin (Latin)
Sinhalese ඊල්ලුඉන්
Tajik Cyrillic Иллуин
Tamil ஈளுஇந்
Telugu ఈల్లుఇన
Thai ฬลลุิน ?
Tigrinya ዒልሉኢን
Ukrainian Cyrillic Іллуін
Urdu یللوین
Uyghur ىللۇىن
Uzbek Иллуин (Cyrillic) Illuin (Latin)
Yiddish יללוין

