Citation Guide

Learn how to cite articles, books, reports, theses, government documents, etc. for NPS theses, papers, and publications

How to use this guide

BibTex Users


We provide the code for IEEE and INFORMS styles. See the sub-tabs in the top navigation.

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Research & Instruction Librarians

Citation Styles by Department or Program

Each of the following NPS departments has a required or preferred citation style for theses, dissertations, capstone project reports, and final project reports. If you do not see your department or program listed, check with your thesis advisor before the thesis proposal stage to determine the style best suited to your academic field.

Department or Program

Citation Style

Acquisition Research Program (ARP)

APA preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style

Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS)

Chicago Notes & Bibliography

Cyber Systems and Operations (CSO/MACO)

IEEE preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style

Defense Analysis (DA)

Chicago Notes & Bibliography preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style

Department of Defense Management (DDM) APA preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) IEEE
Engineering (if not listed separately) IEEE
Human Systems Integration (HSI) APA
Information Sciences (IS) APA preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) ASME, AIAA, or IEEE preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style
Meteorology & Oceanography (METOC) AMS
National Security Affairs (NSA) Chicago Notes & Bibliography
Operations Research (OR) Some OR advisors require INFORMS
Physics (PH) IEEE preferred, but advisors may choose another citation style
Space Systems Academic Group (SSAG) IEEE or Chicago Author-Datebut advisors may choose another citation style
Systems Engineering (SE) Chicago Author-Date; IEEE if using LaTeX


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