
  1. rpfm_lib

    contains the basic functionality for interacting with Total War files

    v4.3.13 300 #modding #total #war #lib #table #total-war #rpfm
  2. war_card_game

    War (card game) simulation

    v0.3.1 #card-game #war #game #card #deck #cards
  3. warapi

    The War API allows developers to query information about the state of the current Foxhole World Conquest

    v1.0.0 #api #war #api-client #world #version #information #api-version
  4. bwapi_wrapper

    Bindings to BWAPI

    v0.3.4 #starcraft #war #bwapi #ai #game-client #bindings #brood
  5. galactic-war

    A casual game of Galactic War

    v0.1.0 #war #real-time #galactic #casual #conquest #casual-game
  6. wt_blk

    Parser and unpacker for the BLK file format

    v0.2.1 #binary-format #file-format #war #binary-file #thunder #blk #internally
  7. war

    A viewer/editor for Darksiders saves, worlds, and scripts

    v0.2.0 #game #darksiders #modding #game-assets
  8. foxhole-api

    wrapper for the Foxhole War API

    v0.3.0 #foxhole #api-bindings #war #api-client #async #shard
  9. wt-battle-report

    A parser for War Thunder battle reports

    v0.1.1 #battle #parser #war #war-thunder #report #deserialize #serde
  10. wt_custom_lang

    create custom language files for the game War Thunder

    v1.1.0 100 #language #war #game #rename #elements #thunder #file
  11. corewars

    The classic programming battle game Core Wars

    v0.2.0 #wars #war #redcode #core
  12. war-rs

    Automatic encoder of "1-bit" WAVE files with LUFS calculation

    v0.1.0 #wave #calculations #encoder #automatic #war #1-bit #lufs
  13. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  14. wt_csv

    Custom CSV parser for the .csv files that the game War Thunder utilizes

    v0.10.0 #csv #war #parser #thunder #utilizes #warthunder #game
  15. wt_afterburner

    Wraps thrust levels for the game War Thunder

    v1.3.0 #level #war #game #thrust #thunder #wraps
  16. pnwkit

    bindings for Rust

    v3.0.0-alpha.15 #bindings #api #war #wrappers
  17. tw_pack_lib

    A Total War series pack file library

    v0.1.21 #war #pack #total
  18. tw_unpack

    A Total War series pack file unpacker

    v0.1.11 #unpack #pack-unpack #war #pack #total
  19. corewars-core

    Data structures and common utilities for the corewars crate

    v0.2.0 #wars #corewars #war #redcode #core