
  1. comfy-table

    An easy to use library for building beautiful tables with automatic content wrapping

    v7.1.3 1.4M #table #terminal #ansi-term #unicode #bigtable
  2. tabled

    An easy to use library for pretty print tables of Rust structs and enums

    v0.17.0 462K #table #print #terminal #format #pretty-table #macro-derive #pretty-print
  3. utf8parse

    Table-driven UTF-8 parser

    v0.2.2 7.7M #utf-8 #parser #table #parse #utf8 #virtual-terminal
  4. prettytable-rs

    printing pretty formatted tables in terminal

    v0.10.0 327K #table #pretty-print #print #pretty #tabs #format #csv
  5. aws-sdk-dynamodb

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB

    v1.55.0 250K #aws-sdk #table #database-table #dynamo-db #web-services #numbers #request
  6. delta_kernel

    Core crate providing a Delta/Deltalake implementation focused on interoperability with a wide range of query engines

    v0.5.0 64K #query-engine #delta #interop #table #storage-engine #kernel #arrow
  7. cli-table

    printing tables on command line

    v0.4.9 98K #command-line #table #format #cli
  8. gcp-bigquery-client

    An ergonomic async client library for GCP BigQuery

    v0.24.1 64K #google-cloud #big-query #async-client #table #service-account #gcp #dataset
  9. read-fonts

    Reading OpenType font files

    v0.25.1 96K #opentype #table #font #generate-table #graphics #reading #record
  10. gptman

    Pure Rust library to read and modify GUID partition tables

    v1.1.2 8.0K #partition-table #partition #disk #table #gpt
  11. jupiter

    providing high-throughput ultra low latency services via the RESP protocol as defined by Redis

    v3.1.4 2.2K #low-latency #lru-cache #resp #redis #protocols #framework #table
  12. term-table

    Tables for CLI apps

    v1.4.0 26K #table #terminal #cli
  13. yeslogic-ucd-generate

    A program for generating packed representations of the Unicode character database that can be efficiently searched with support for additional tables

    v0.7.0 350 #unicode-characters #unicode #table #generate-table #character #generate #fst
  14. tlua

    Zero-cost high-level wrapper for Tarantool-LuaJIT

    v4.0.0 2.8K #lua-jit #lua #lua-bindings #tarantool #table #user-data #tarantool-lua-jit
  15. ascii_table

    Print ASCII tables to the terminal

    v4.0.5 7.1K #table #ascii #terminal #terminal-colors #data #print #color
  16. fxprof-processed-profile

    Create profiles in the Firefox Profiler's processed profile JSON format

    v0.7.0 184K #json-format #profile #firefox #profiler #processed #sample #table
  17. acpi

    A pure-Rust library for parsing ACPI tables

    v5.1.0 11K #table #bootloader #kernel #bios #pure #parser #platform
  18. write-fonts

    Writing font files

    v0.33.0 1.8K #font #table #opentype #spec #graphics #editing #engineering
  19. aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Streams

    v1.50.0 2.8K #aws-sdk #dynamo-db #stream #stream-processing #records #operation #table
  20. lrtable

    LR grammar table generation

    v0.13.8 15K #parser-generator #table #grammar #lr #state #generation #analysis
  21. cursive_table_view

    A basic table view implementation for cursive

    v0.15.0 700 #tui #cursive #table #ui #ncurses
  22. aws-sdk-keyspaces

    AWS SDK for Amazon Keyspaces

    v1.53.1 290 #aws-sdk #cassandra #web-services #table #keyspaces #operation #service
  23. rpfm_lib

    contains the basic functionality for interacting with Total War files

    v4.3.9 #modding #total #war #lib #table #total-war #rpfm
  24. rainfrog

    a database management tui for postgres

    v0.2.10 550 #postgresql #key-bindings #table #tui #editor #management #database
  25. leptos-struct-table

    Generate a complete batteries included leptos data table component from a struct definition

    v0.13.1 550 #table #leptos #table-column #data-grid #data-sheet #data-provider
  26. datavzrd

    create visual HTML reports from collections of CSV/TSV tables

    v2.44.4 850 #csv-tsv #reports #html #config-file #interactive #table #histogram
  27. db-rs

    fast, embedded, transactional, key value store

    v0.3.2 #key-value-store #embedded-database #transactional #single-threaded #table #lookup-tables #schema
  28. nanosql

    Tiny, strongly-typed data mapper for SQLite

    v0.9.1 800 #sqlite #sql-query #strongly-typed #table #statement #parameters #mapper
  29. dypdl

    Libarary for Dynamic Programming Description Language (DyPDL)

    v0.8.0 #dynamic-programming #variables #modeling #integer #time #model #table
  30. tass

    A pager for tabular data

    v0.10.1 600 #csv-tsv #parquet #pager #tabular #table #data-file #values
  31. txlib

    text based epub library

    v0.2.1 150 #plain-text #epub #text-format #text-file #book #table #manager
  32. sqlite-loadable

    A framework for building SQLite extensions in Rust

    v0.0.6-alpha.6 160 #sqlite #sqlite-extension #table #loadable #framework #virtual #cargo-build
  33. dte

    Decision table editor

    v0.0.6 #decision #table #editor #business #toolkit #dmn #dsntk
  34. prettytable

    printing pretty formatted tables in terminal

    v0.10.0 33K #table #pretty-print #print #pretty #format #tabs #csv
  35. stanza

    An abstract table model with customisable text formatting and renderers

    v0.5.1 #text-formatting #table #markdown-tables #format-text #terminal #output-format #table-name
  36. pg-extras

    PostgreSQL performance database insights

    v0.7.2 430 #postgresql #performance-monitoring #index-buffer #table #database #insight #optimization
  37. fea-rs

    Tools for working with Adobe OpenType Feature files

    v0.19.0 #font #opentype #table #features #parser #adobe #compilation
  38. mbrman

    MBR Partition Management in Rust

    v0.5.2 10K #partition-table #disk #partition #mbr #table #filesystem
  39. gitlasso

    Manage multiple Git repositories

    v0.2.1 190 #git-repository #multiple #parallel #table #completion #context #status
  40. papergrid

    core library to print a table

    v0.13.0 464K #table #grid #print #tabled #indent #structs #enums
  41. smallmap

    Small byte-sized generic key-value map type

    v1.4.2 700 #key-value #key #key-index #value #table #byte-array #map
  42. sparsevec

    Compress vectors using row displacement

    v0.2.1 15K #sparse-matrix #compression #row #vector #displacement #table #integer
  43. datafusion-table-providers

    Extend the capabilities of DataFusion to support additional data sources via implementations of the TableProvider trait

    v0.2.3 1.0K #sql-database #data-fusion #table #data-source #duck-db #provider #sqlite
  44. atm0s-sdn-network

    Main network-plane of atm0s-sdn

    v0.6.1 1.0K #networking #atm0s-sdn #routing #table #network-plane #behavior #part
  45. veg

    Flexible tables

    v0.5.4 240 #markdown-tables #table #generate-markdown #flexible #generate-table
  46. egui_table

    Table viewer for egui

    v0.1.0 14K #table #egui #dataframe #gui
  47. huski

    ASCII table aide command line utility

    v1.0.5 130 #ascii #table #ascii-table #command-line #aide #command-line-tool #information
  48. datafusion-catalog

    v43.0.0 168K #apache-arrow #query-engine #data-fusion #catalog #big-data #management #table
  49. tskit

    rust interface to tskit

    v0.15.0-alpha.0 1.9K #api-bindings #table #interface #tree #error #collection #sequences
  50. tabwriter

    Elastic tabstops

    v1.4.0 76K #white-space #elastic #tabs #table #aligned #alignment
  51. derive-sql

    Structure the interaction with SQL databases - currently SQLite and MySQL via trait and a procedural macro

    v0.12.1 #sql-database #proc-macro #mysql #sqlite #traits #table #procedural
  52. crc64

    checksum implementation

    v2.0.0 24K #checksum #hashing #algorithm #bit #table #redis
  53. asciit

    A compact and visually appealing ASCII table for your terminal, featuring colored numbers and letters

    v1.0.1 #ascii #table #terminal #letter #compact #numbers #man
  54. wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v5.0.3 67K #run-time #wasm #wasmer #memory #instance #table #vm
  55. vtable

    Helper crate to generate ffi-friendly virtual tables

    v0.2.0 29K #table #virtual #generate #helper #interface #create #macro
  56. mdbook-toc

    mdbook preprocessor to add Table of Contents

    v0.14.2 3.8K #mdbook #table #contents #toc #marker #add #inline
  57. garage_table

    Table sharding and replication engine (DynamoDB-like) for the Garage object store

    v1.0.1 #object-storage #object-store #storage-service #garage #table #sharding #distributed
  58. egui-data-table

    A generic data table widget implmentation for egui

    v0.4.0 150 #egui #table #widgets #undo-redo #clipboard #row #ui
  59. parquet_aramid

    Query engine using Parquet tables as a Key-Value store

    v0.1.0 140 #parquet #key-value #key-value-store #table #query-engine #column #index
  60. usbhidusage

    A general purpose library for working with usb Human Interface Device Descriptors from the HID Usage Tables for Universal Serial Bus (USB) v1.5

    v0.1.3 480 #usb #table #hid #usage #hidusbtable
  61. castep-periodic-table

    Periodic-table-like database for relevant usage in CASTEP

    v0.5.1 #chemistry #castep #table #element #periodic #properties #database
  62. hc-wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v4.3.6-hc.1 1.1K #wasmer #wasm #run-time #memory #instance #table #vm
  63. text-grid

    create formatted plain-text tables

    v0.4.1 200 #table #pretty-table #grid #pretty #text
  64. rowboat

    A package for working with row/column/cell structured data AKA dataframe

    v0.0.8 230 #dataframe #table #csv #sql #matrix
  65. weedb

    A thin wrapper around RocksDB

    v0.3.8 #column-family #rocks-db #cache #migration #table #thin #context
  66. sst

    sorted string table abstraction

    v0.15.0 400 #string #sorting #table #abstraction #sorted-string-table #merge #tree
  67. stash

    An amortized O(1) table for cases where you don’t need to choose the keys and want something faster than a HashTable

    v0.1.6 130 #lookup-tables #data-structures #key #insertion #key-value #table #dont
  68. json_to_table

    pretty print JSON as a table

    v0.9.0 2.1K #json #table #format-json #print #format #pretty-table #serde-json
  69. sql_select_parser

    The SQL Parser CLI is a command-line tool designed to parse and analyze SQL SELECT queries

    v0.1.4 300 #sql-query #sql-parser #table #column #analyze #command-line-tool #condition
  70. rubbl_casatables

    Interfacing to the CASA table format within the Rubbl framework

    v0.8.0 320 #table #casa #astronomy #format #framework #rubbl #interface
  71. colonnade

    format tabular data for display

    v1.3.3 #table #alignment #justify #align #wrap #format-text #text
  72. deliminator

    Universal code documentation generator

    v0.3.1 270 #documentation-generator #block #universal #file #table #list #text
  73. ucd-generate

    A program for generating packed representations of the Unicode character database that can be efficiently searched

    v0.3.1 #unicode-characters #unicode #finite-state #character #generate-table #table #generate
  74. handler_table

    A lock-free table of event handlers

    v0.1.1 1.7K #event-handling #events #lock-free #arceos #table #handlers
  75. redbcli

    command-line tool for managing and operating Redb databases. It provides various commands to create, delete, query, and edit database tables.

    v0.1.6 450 #table #database-table #redb #command-line #delete #command-line-tool #edit
  76. gf256

    containing Galois-field types and utilities

    v0.3.0 400 #galois-field #error-correction #instructions #math #hardware #utilities #table
  77. rp-supabase-realtime

    Supabase Realtime client with Auth and subscription capabilities

    v0.2.0 140 #real-time #supabase #authentication #table #subscription #connection #events
  78. tabular

    Plain text tables, aligned automatically

    v0.2.0 32K #table #alignment #plain-text #formatting #cli #text
  79. iceberg-rest-catalog

    REST catalog for the unofficial Iceberg table format implementation

    v0.6.0 #table #rest-client #iceberg #catalog #api-client #generated-client #unofficial
  80. aws-sdk-s3tables

    AWS SDK for Amazon S3 Tables

    v1.0.0 #table #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #operation #bucket #maintenance #client
  81. egui-selectable-table

    egui to create tables with draggable cell and row selection

    v0.1.1 #row-column #table #egui #row #drag #selectable-table
  82. b-table

    A persistent database table based on b-tree

    v0.3.0 #database-table #table #persistent #indexed #relational #ordered
  83. hut

    The HID Usage Tables

    v0.3.0 110 #hid #table #page #devices #reserved #descriptor #report
  84. csv2html

    Convert CSV files to HTML tables

    v3.1.1 #csv #html #command-line-tool #table #convert #converter #build
  85. rat-ftable

    ratatui table widget for large data

    v0.28.0 160 #table #ratatui #large
  86. re_format_arrow

    Format arrow data

    v0.20.3 24K #arrow #formatting #table #rerun #visualization #format #family
  87. batadase

    incredible LMDB wrapper

    v2.0.0 #lmdb #flags #incredible #db #macro #table #tx
  88. re_log_types

    The basic building blocks of the Rerun data types and tables

    v0.20.3 25K #rerun #data #building-block #log-format #table #types #logging
  89. crepedb

    An versioned and forkable embedded Key-Value database

    v0.1.2 #key-value-database #snapshot #embedded-database #versioned #forkable #back-end #table
  90. rdb-pagination

    SQL query extension library for handling pagination and sorting in relational databases

    v0.2.2 160 #database #sql-database #sql-query #pagination #relational #order #table
  91. ormx

    lightweight procedural macros bringing orm-like features to sqlx

    v0.11.0 #proc-macro #orm #sqlx #procedural #string #table #maria-db
  92. tabprinter

    creating and printing formatted tables in the terminal. It supports various table styles and offers both color and non-color output options.

    v0.1.2 130 #table #printing #style #output #terminal #color #formatted
  93. sorm

    ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) built on SQLx

    v0.1.2 230 #orm #mapping #sqlx #model #primary-key #built #table
  94. dynamixel_ct

    working with the control tables of Dynamixel servos

    v0.1.1 #table #control #dynamixel #model #servos #dp #88
  95. sstable

    Sorted String Tables, an on-disk format for storing immutable maps consisting of string,string pairs, and retrieving values by key efficiently. This crate also features bloom filters…

    v0.11.1 180 #bloom-filter #key-value-store #checksum #sorting #table #immutability #string-key
  96. catalytic_table_to_struct

    Table mapper for the ORM for Scylla, fully compatible with Apache Cassandra™

    v0.2.0 1.0K #cassandra #orm #table #database-table #scylla #mapping #scylla-db
  97. tbll

    tbll outputs data in tabular format

    v0.2.3 #table #data #tabular #outputs #format #header #cli
  98. imessage-database

    Parsers and tools to interact with iMessage SQLite data

    v2.2.1 750 #sqlite #message #imessage #table #apple #database #reverse-engineering
  99. cwextab

    CodeWarrior Exception Table decoder

    v1.0.3 140 #exception #table #decoder #code-warrior #tool #extab #val
  100. EZDB

    Easy little database

    v0.1.15 1.0K #ezdb #database #key-exchange #csv #encryption #table #connection #security
  101. socketboard

    The official Rust SDK for Socketboard, a lightweight websocket variable table

    v0.1.0 #table #sdk #variables #types #connection-status #websocket
  102. iced_table

    A table widget for Iced

    v0.13.0 #iced #table #widgets
  103. spacetimedb-table

    A database Table implementation and friends

    v1.0.0-rc1 #database-table #table #spacetime-db #friends
  104. mdbook-pagetoc

    A mdbook plugin that provides a table of contents for each page

    v0.2.0 800 #mdbook #contents #table #page-table #content #toc #pagetoc
  105. dtee

    Decision table editor engine

    v0.0.6 #decision #editor #table #engine #dmn #toolkit #dsntk
  106. sql_wrapper

    Generate table Struct and Sql function for table based on sqlx and sql_builder

    v0.1.6 380 #sql #mysql #postgresql #table #sqlx #generate-table #sql-builder
  107. active_standby

    A concurrency primitive for high concurrency reads

    v2.0.0 #concurrency #table #reader #high #read #read-write #read-lock
  108. surrealdb_migration_engine

    Migration engine for surrealdb

    v0.3.0 330 #database-migrations #database-schema #surrealdb #migration #engine #table #run-time
  109. table_enum

    A convenient rust macro to create enums with associated constant data (note: this is different from normal rust enums which are really tagged unions)

    v0.3.0 #enums #constant #variant #enum #table #const #computer-science
  110. schema_guard_tokio

    Schema Guard: Relation (Postgres) DataBase (Schema) Management tool with BB8 and Tokio support

    v1.8.2 #postgresql #database-schema #management #tokio #bb8 #table
  111. materynskyis_yaml_schema_parser

    A YAML parser for database schema files

    v0.1.2 160 #yaml-parser #database-schema #table #table-column #column-name #materynskyis #required
  112. hff

    Hierarchical File Format

    v0.6.3 250 #file-format #zip-archive #hierarchical #container #table #directory #cross
  113. pinax

    creating charts and tables in the terminal

    v0.1.0 160 #table #terminal #chart #charts #command-line-interface #cli
  114. astrors-fork

    (FORK) Astronomical package to deal with FITS (compressed also) and WCS, still in development

    v0.1.10 #image-processing #fits #data-analysis #astronomy #astronomical #table #wcs
  115. datafusion-postgres

    Exporting datafusion query engine with postgres wire protocol

    v0.3.0 #postgresql #query-engine #datafusion #database #table #interface #apache
  116. verynicetable

    Number one table

    v0.5.0 #tui #table #terminal #console
  117. yaml_database_schema_parser

    A YAML parser for database schema files

    v0.1.1 #database-schema #yaml-parser #table #table-column #column-name #required #define
  118. iceberg-sql-catalog

    Sql catalog for the unofficial Iceberg table format implementation

    v0.6.0 #iceberg #catalog #sql #apache #datafusion #table #integration
  119. riblt

    Rateless Invertable Bloom Lookup Table (RIBLT) data structure

    v0.1.1 #lookup-tables #set #bloom #table #rateless #data-structures #networking
  120. mft

    A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows Master File Table (MFT) format

    v0.6.1 3.4K #windows-file #data-stream #table #csv #safe #output-format #binary-data
  121. fancy-table

    Fancy tables with bells and whistles

    v0.3.1 #table #table-column #ascii #cli
  122. nu-explore

    Nushell table pager

    v0.100.0 3.4K #table #interactive #shell #nushell #pager #nushell-plugin #explore
  123. sql_parser_project

    project to parse SQL queries using pest crate. Currently parser supports simple select queries whith where conditions.

    v0.1.0 #sql-query #sql-parser #query-parser #condition #pest-parser #table #columns
  124. nu-table

    Nushell table printing

    v0.100.0 5.4K #table #nushell-plugin #printing #shell #layout #command #viewer
  125. iceberg-file-catalog

    Filesystem catalog for the unofficial Iceberg table format implementation

    v0.6.0 #iceberg #catalog #table #filesystem #unofficial #format
  126. rsdp

    Zero-allocation library for locating and parsing the RSDP, the first ACPI table

    v2.0.1 2.0K #acpi #bootloader #table #zero-allocation #parser #kernel #bios
  127. anonymous_table

    A way to store data regardless of type

    v0.3.3 #table #anonymous #size #hold #regardless #store #data
  128. testing_table

    An easy to use library for pretty print tables of Rust structs and enums

    v0.2.0 2.8K #table #pretty-table #testing #assert #test
  129. iceberg-rust

    Unofficial rust implementation of the Iceberg table format

    v0.6.0 #iceberg #table #metadata #apache #format #catalog #view
  130. squeal

    A SQL query builder library for Rust

    v0.0.6 300 #sql-query #query-builder #postgresql #term #table #condition #targeted
  131. absolut

    Autogenerated Bytewise SIMD-Optimized Look-Up Tables

    v0.2.1 #lookup-tables #simd #table #byte #mapping #autogenerated #proc-macro
  132. re_space_view_dataframe

    A space view that shows the data contained in entities in a table

    v0.20.3 11K #space-view #visualizations #computer-vision #entities #table #rerun #show
  133. kitty_table

    Very small and barebones library for printing tables of data

    v1.1.0 #table #printing #data #debugging #bare-bones #style #information
  134. aml

    parsing AML

    v0.16.4 12K #acpi #bootloader #table #platform #parser #kernel #bios
  135. nu_plugin_periodic_table

    A periodic table of elements plugin for Nushell

    v0.2.10 200 #nushell-plugin #periodic #table #elements #command # #nu
  136. rust2antd

    Generate Ant Design table from Rust struct

    v0.1.0 #table #design #ant #struct #generate #serialization #antd
  137. dmntk-recognizer

    DMNTK | Decision Table Recognizer

    v0.3.6 #decision #table #dmntk #toolkit #deprecated #notation #model
  138. icelake

    Pure Rust Iceberg Implementation

    v0.3.141592654 550 #iceberg #table #apache #data #format #lake #pure
  139. to_markdown_table

    An easy way to format any data structure into a Markdown table

    v0.1.5 #markdown-tables #data-structures #table #structure #format
  140. iceberg-glue-catalog

    Glue catalog for the unofficial Iceberg table format implementation

    v0.6.0 #iceberg #catalog #glue #table #unofficial #format
  141. iceberg-s3tables-catalog

    S3Tables catalog for the unofficial Iceberg table format implementation

    v0.6.0 #iceberg #catalog #table #s3-tables #unofficial #format
  142. re_space_view_text_log

    A space view that shows text entries in a table and scrolls with the active time

    v0.20.3 11K #space-view #visualizations #text #table #data #rerun #show
  143. hash_table_datastruct

    Adds a HashTable type, allowing to store values in a table with integer-indexed rows and hashable keys for columns

    v0.6.3 110 #hash-table #key-value #table #key-hash #hash #struct #data-structures
  144. mercury-cli

    Mercury CLI

    v0.2.1 1.1K #mercury #cli #table
  145. const_ranged_int

    Ranged constant integers. Useful for lookup tables with constrained values to avoid secondary bounds check.

    v0.1.8 #lookup-tables #range #integer-value #check #table #bounds #constant
  146. table_to_html

    interface to convert a tabled::Table into a HTML table (<table>)

    v0.6.0 320 #table #html #print #pretty-table #format
  147. ron_to_table

    pretty print RON as a table

    v0.5.0 #table #ron #print #format #pretty-table #back-end
  148. sampsyn

    wavetable synth that takes it's wavetables from samples

    v0.1.4 240 #synth #table #sample #sound #synthesizer #audio #wavetable
  149. tc-collection

    TinyChain's collection types

    v0.5.0 #tiny-chain #collection #tensor #b-tree #table #deserialization #btree
  150. wikitext_table_parser

    implement for parse the wikitext's table

    v0.3.1 700 #wiki #table #parser #wikitext #data-processing #text-parser #python-bindings
  151. typed-sql

    A strongly typed sql serialization/deserialization framework

    v0.2.1 #sql-query #user-id #user-name #table #framework #serialization-deserialization #typed
  152. entity_table

    Data structure for associating data with entities in an Entity Component System

    v0.2.10 150 #ecs #structure #table #entities #data-structures #system
  153. crepedb-redb

    An versioned and forkable embedded Key-Value database

    v0.1.2 #key-value-database #embedded-database #versioned #back-end #redb #table #read
  154. table_formatter

    text table formatter written in Rust

    v0.6.1 3.8K #table #text #formatter #format-text #markdown-tables
  155. flue

    An efficient and secure actor runtime library

    v0.2.2 150 #routes #actor-model #message #capability #table #concurrency #process
  156. term-data-table

    Tables to render data in CLI apps

    v0.2.3 #table #terminal #cli
  157. toml_to_table

    pretty print TOML as a table

    v0.5.0 140 #table #toml #print #pretty-table #format
  158. rotbl

    Read Only Table

    v0.1.2 4.4K #table #read-only #ss-table #readonly #sstable
  159. rs-split-table

    Create tables by splitting a table

    v0.5.0 280 #table #splitting #create
  160. triton-air

    The Arithmetic Intermediate Representation (AIR) for Triton VM

    v0.44.0 950 #intermediate-representation #zero-knowledge-proofs #virtual-machine #triton #table #arithmetic #air
  161. jlu

    Command-line utilities for on-the-fly investigation of JSON Lines

    v0.1.0 #json-object #member #names #regex #command-line #markdown-tables #table
  162. qm-role-build

    Role builder from markdown tables

    v0.0.39 360 #markdown-tables #role #microservices #table #builder #quick
  163. c4-e5-chess

    C4-E5 Chess is a UCI compatible chess engine based on the move generator in crate Chess. These features are provided: Parallelised iterative depthening, late move pruning, principal variant search, transposition table.

    v0.2.3 #chess-engine #chess #search #iterative #uci #move #table
  164. spacetimedb-lib

    A common library for SpacetimeDB

    v1.0.0-rc1 290 #spacetime-db #index #table
  165. markdown-toc

    Markdown Table of Contents generator

    v0.2.0 #markdown-tables #markdown #generate-markdown #table #contents #generator #header
  166. sortedvec

    a sorted vector that enables quick lookups

    v0.5.0 1.7K #lookup-tables #lookup #binary-search #data-structures #vec #table #hash-map
  167. pretable

    show pretty table

    v0.4.2 #pretty-table #table #pretty #utilities
  168. ghee

    That thin layer of data change management over the filesystem

    v0.6.1 #primary-key #xattr #btrfs #data-management #path #filesystem #table
  169. ahtable

    Array Hash Table implementation

    v0.2.0 #hash-table #array #hash #table #array-vec #data-structures
  170. stybulate

    Tabulate with Style

    v1.1.2 #table #style #styled #ascii #create #cell #tabulate
  171. simple_tables

    An easy to use rust crate for creating table structures. Including macros for easily creating these table structures.

    v0.3.0 #table #table-row #macro #proc-macro #structures #data-structures #traits
  172. lock_free_hashtable

    Lock-free (almost) insertion only hashtable

    v0.1.1 1.6K #lock-free #hash-map #insertion #table #entries #shared #lookup
  173. gitstats

    fetch stats from a git repository

    v0.0.1-alpha7 #git-repository #git-commit #author #statistics #table #repo #fetch
  174. ascii-cli

    A small CLI for quickly viewing the ASCII table in your terminal

    v1.1.0 #ascii #table #utility
  175. redox_dmi

    DMI table parser

    v0.1.6 #parser #table #dmi
  176. mdbook-tocjs

    A mdbook preprocessor which adds extra js and css file for ToC hydration

    v0.1.1 #mdbook #css #contents #js #table #toc #block
  177. memtable

    Inmemory tables for use in Rust

    v0.2.0 #table #in-memory #persistent-storage #alloc #csv #sled-database #collection
  178. music-player-migration

    The migrations for the music player

    v0.1.9 #music-player #database-migrations #migration #rollback #applied #table
  179. encoding-next-index-singlebyte

    Index tables for various single-byte character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 200 #character-encoding #index #table
  180. slr_lexer

    configuration format. This crate contains just the lexer, see the slr_config crate for the parser and other utilities.

    v0.0.13 #configuration #string #config-format #configuration-language #config-file #table #lexer
  181. static_table

    creates pretty tables at compiler time

    v0.5.0 340 #table #pretty-table #macro #compile-time #print #time-table
  182. table

    A specialized map for storing values of varying types

    v0.4.0 #serialization #key-value-store #configuration #data-structures #types #storing #map
  183. cff

    A zero-allocation CFF parser

    v0.5.0 #font #zero-allocation #font-file #parser #memory #glyph #table
  184. encoding-next-index-tradchinese

    Index tables for traditional Chinese character encodings

    v1.20180106.1 190 #character-encoding #chinese #table #index #standard #encode #string
  185. rust-steam

    IAPWS-IF97 steam tables

    v0.1.9 #steam #calculations #table #iapws-if97 #partial #region #cool-prop
  186. vega-view

    Display nushell tables using Vega Lite in a webview

    v0.1.0 #nushell #vega #lite #webview #table #display #specification
  187. encoding-index-singlebyte

    Index tables for various single-byte character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 190K #character-encoding #index #table #iso #encode #single-byte #string
  188. piece_table_rs

    piece table data structure

    v0.1.4 #piece #table #data-structures #structure
  189. multihash-derive

    Proc macro for deriving custom multihash tables

    v0.9.1 271K #multi-hash #proc-macro #table #macro-derive #ipfs #fixed-size #procedural
  190. encoding-next-index-simpchinese

    Index tables for simplified Chinese character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 210 #character-encoding #chinese #index #table #standard #encoding-next
  191. csv_fish

    CSV categorical data analyzer. Generates 2x2 contingency tables according to specified row/column group conditions, and applies Fisher's exact test.

    v0.2.4 #csv #table #condition #group #categorical #fisher #contingency
  192. rct

    CLI Table Output for Rust Project

    v0.2.1 #table #output #projects #color #macro #command-line-application #customization
  193. encoding-index-korean

    Index tables for Korean character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 190K #character-encoding #korean #table #index #standard #string
  194. sql

    The package provides a constructor of SQL statements

    v0.4.3 #sqlite #database #statement #constructor #sql-database #table #user
  195. encoding-next-index-japanese

    Index tables for Japanese character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 200 #character-encoding #japanese #index #table
  196. encoding-next-index-korean

    Index tables for Korean character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 200 #character-encoding #korean #table #index #standard #encode
  197. rocksdb-utils-lookup

    using RocksDB as read-only lookup table (after initial bulk import)

    v0.4.0 400 #lookup-tables #rocks-db #table #terraform #import #read-only #static
  198. lluvia

    A stripped down Entity Component System that allows for no-nonsense data storage in finite time

    v0.0.2 #ecs #entities #object #zero #finite #table #footprint
  199. catalytic_macro

    Macros for the ORM for Scylla, fully compatible with Apache Cassandra™

    v0.2.0 200 #orm #cassandra #scylla-db #macro #queries #mapping #table
  200. tabula

    Rust bindings for tabulapdf/tabula-java

    v0.2.0 #pdf #table #java #parser #api-bindings
  201. encoding-index-japanese

    Index tables for Japanese character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 203K #character-encoding #japanese #table #index #string #standard
  202. datafusion_iceberg

    Datafusion integration for Iceberg table format

    v0.6.0 #iceberg #datafusion #apache #integration #table #format #traits
  203. constable

    const lookup table generation

    v0.1.2 150 #lookup-tables #table #const #compile-time #generation #attributes #generate
  204. dbcrossbarlib

    copying data between databases (pre-release)

    v0.5.3 #database-schema #csv #database #table #copy #copying #translate
  205. encoding-index-tradchinese

    Index tables for traditional Chinese character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 166K #character-encoding #chinese #index #table #encode #standard
  206. sql-table-macros

    Helper macros to generate SQL table definitions

    v0.1.2 #sql #table #sql-macros #definition #macro #helper #fields
  207. encoding-index-simpchinese

    Index tables for simplified Chinese character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 178K #character-encoding #chinese #index #table #standard
  208. agnes

    A data wrangling library for Rust

    v0.3.2 #data-source #field #data-processing #preprocessor #csv #table #serialization
  209. huski-lib

    ASCII table aide library

    v1.0.2 #ascii #lib #table #ascii-table #range #huski #aide
  210. unicode_names

    Map characters to and from their name given in the Unicode standard. This goes to great lengths to be as efficient as possible in both time and space, with the full bidirectional tables weighing barely 500 KB…

    v0.1.7 #unicode #unicode-characters #name #table #unicode-text #bidirectional #character
  211. leptos_datatable

    A leptos component for creating tables with data validation

    v0.1.1-alpha #leptos #table #table-column #component #validation #data #html
  212. iceberg-rust-spec

    Unofficial implementation of the Iceberg table format specification

    v0.6.0 #table #iceberg #specification #format #datafusion #arrow #apache
  213. kad

    A generic / futures based implementation of the Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT)

    v0.6.1 #hash-table #dht #kademlia #distributed #table #hash
  214. compiler-course-helper

    & library to help you with the compiler course

    v0.1.0 #compiler #education #lalr-parser #table #automata #lr #course
  215. mlua_proc_macro

    used to convert structs into lua tables with mlua

    v0.1.12 500 #table #mlua #struct #proc-macro #convert #applications #lua
  216. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  217. json2lua

    Convert JSON to Lua table

    v0.1.2 #convert-json #json #parse-json #json-parser #lua #table #parse
  218. csv-sql

    CLI tool to generate SQL tables from CSV files

    v0.4.0 #csv #table #sql #primary-key #generate #merge #schema
  219. cordoba

    Zero-copy and mmapable CDB access library with a Python interface

    v0.3.4 #cdb #python #access #zero-copy #interface #read #table
  220. chafka

    Extensible service for real-time data ingestion from Kafka to ClickHouse

    v0.2.1 #clickhouse #kafka #real-time #service #extensible #deserialize #table
  221. pr-summary

    Generates a markdown table that summarizes PRs

    v0.1.0 #markdown-tables #status #pr #review #ci #generate-markdown #table
  222. hpack_codec

    Encoder and Decoder for HPACK (RFC 7541)

    v0.1.1 #hpack #http2 #codec #encoder #decoder #rfc #table
  223. x2bool/xlite

    Query Excel spredsheets (.xlsx, .xls, .ods) using SQLite

    GitHub 0.2.0 #sqlite #excel #table #spreadsheet #sqlite-extension #xlsx #ods
  224. parity-db

    Key-value database for the blockchain

    v0.5.0 198K #blockchain #index #table #write #trie #key #value
  225. encoding-next_index_tests

    Helper macros used to test index tables for character encodings

    v0.1.5 #character-encoding #testing #macro #whatwg #standard #table #index
  226. table-extract

    extracting data from HTML tables

    v0.2.3 430 #table #html #html-parser #parse #content
  227. checkm

    genome assessor

    v0.2.0 100 #genome #tabs #table #assessor #format
  228. text-tables

    A terminal/text table prettifier with no dependencies

    v0.3.1 550 #table #terminal #ascii #pretty #pretty-print #cli
  229. nom-sql

    A SQL parser written using nom

    v0.0.11 #sql-parser #nom #sql-query #table #delete #sqlite #mysql
  230. rbatis-tools

    Generate the RUST structure based on the MySQL table structure

    v0.1.19 #mysql #table #structure #generate #template #directory
  231. vidyut-kosha

    A Sanskrit key-value store

    v0.1.0 #key-value-store #sanskrit #data-store #nlp #word #dictionary #table
  232. pretty-table

    printing pretty tables or writing them to a file!

    v0.1.3 #table #file #string #formatting #pretty #numbers #printing
  233. sqlite-xsv

    A SQLite extension for reading large CSVs

    v0.2.1-alpha.10 #sqlite-extension #csv #sqlite #table #reader #reading #xsv
  234. xd

    tool that dumps binary input in a variety of formats

    v0.0.4 #hex-dump #binary #input #format #default #variety #table
  235. periodic_table

    that provides a list of elements in the periodic table

    v0.5.0 180 #elements #periodic #table #csv
  236. af_search


    v0.1.2 #table #query #json #快速查询库
  237. tablers

    create tables and export them into CSV or PDF. Without external deps

    v1.2.0 #table #pdf #csv #export #external #deps #creation
  238. solana-address-lookup-table-program

    Solana address lookup table program

    v2.1.5 41K #solana #lookup-tables #table #address #version #install #rustup
  239. dbspec

    Database introspection and model generation

    v0.2.0 #introspection #mysql #database #fake #table #schema #postgresql
  240. encoding_index_tests

    Helper macros used to test index tables for character encodings

    v0.1.4 164K #character-encoding #testing #index #table #helper #macro
  241. voltdb-client-rust

    A socket client library for Voltdb server

    v0.1.11 #voltdb #client #sockets #big-decimal #server #table #async
  242. taskmr

    Task ManageR for CLI

    v0.2.0 #task #task-manager #events #table #es #manage-r #layer