
  1. rpfm_lib

    contains the basic functionality for interacting with Total War files

    v4.3.9 #modding #total #war #lib #table #total-war #rpfm
  2. cargo-depsize

    Rust cargo utility that calculates and displays the total size of each dependency in your Rust project

    v1.0.3 160 #size #cargo #cargo-command #display #total #package #utility
  3. multicache

    An LRU cache where each object has a given weight

    v0.6.1 2.1K #lru-cache #thread-safe #size #weight #arc #total #reference
  4. teloader

    Loader of Total Editor's level files (*.te3)

    v0.1.0 #tile #editor #total #serde-default #level #load #te3
  5. frieren

    Display free and used memory with freeze ❄️

    v0.2.1 #free-memory #display #command #freeze #linux #total #macos
  6. oint

    oint ('optional int') provides total operations on arithmetic

    v0.1.1 #arithmetic-operations #integer-arithmetic #optional #int #overflow #total #wrapper
  7. lcov-summary

    Summarize lcov files in the terminal

    v0.2.1 #lcov #diff #summary #coverage #total #file #terminal
  8. ramusage

    Get the used and total amount of memory

    v0.1.0 #amount #memory #info #system #total #query
  9. total_float_wrap

    Floating point wrapper implementing Hash and Ord according to IEEE 754 totalOrd

    v0.1.1 #float #hash #total #comparison #floating-point #order #data-structures
  10. eq-float

    Float wrappers with a total order (by setting NAN == NAN)

    v0.1.0 1.2K #nan #order #total #wrappers #float #eq #ieee
  11. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  12. fine-ill-do-it-myself

    Keep track of a directory's total size using filesystem events

    v0.1.1 #size #directory #events #track #total #keep #filesystem
  13. wcxhead

    Definitions of error codes, flags and callbacks for Total Commander packer plugins

    v0.1.0 #plugin #file #commander #error #callback #total #definition
  14. tw_pack_lib

    A Total War series pack file library

    v0.1.21 #war #pack #total
  15. tds-meter

    An embedded-hal driver for TDS Meter (total disolved solids sensor)

    v0.1.0 #embedded-hal-driver #tds #meter #sensor #total #disolved #solids
  16. tw_unpack

    A Total War series pack file unpacker

    v0.1.11 #unpack #pack-unpack #war #pack #total
  17. typesize-derive

    Internal proc-macro crate for typesize

    v0.1.10 53K #typesize #memory #total #fetch #accurate #estimate #value
  18. tv1d

    Total variation denoising algorithms for 1D data

    v0.1.0 #data #denoising #algorithm #variation #1d #total
  19. size-of-derive

    Automatically derives the SizeOf trait

    v0.1.2 10K #derive #size-of #traits #memory-object #total #measuring #automatic
  20. heapsize_plugin

    Automatically generating infrastructure for measuring the total runtime size of an object on the heap

    v0.1.6 100 #heap-allocation #measuring #run-time #total #programs #heapsize #automatic