
  1. bollard

    An asynchronous Docker daemon API

    v0.18.1 422K #docker #async-client #build-kit #api-client #daemon #api-version #async-stream
  2. elasticsearch

    Official Elasticsearch Rust client

    v8.17.0-alpha.1 471K #api-client #search #api-bindings #api-calls #lucene #tls-client #elastic
  3. k8s-openapi

    Bindings for the Kubernetes client API

    v0.24.0 1.3M #kubernetes #k8s #api-client
  4. octocrab

    A modern, extensible GitHub API client

    v0.43.0 118K #github-api #pull-request #github #api-client #http-client #extensible #integration
  5. graphql_client

    Typed GraphQL requests and responses

    v0.14.0 641K #graphql #graphql-schema #wasm-client #api-client #wasm #api #web
  6. foundationdb

    High level client bindings for FoundationDB

    v0.9.2 463K #client #kv #api-client #bindings #future #fdb #high
  7. twilight-http

    Discord REST API client for the Twilight ecosystem

    v0.16.0 46K #twilight #discord #discord-api #http-client #api-client #rest-client
  8. cynic

    A code first GraphQL client for Rust

    v3.10.0 92K #graphql-client #graphql #graphql-schema #api-client #client
  9. meilisearch-sdk

    Rust wrapper for the Meilisearch API. Meilisearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine.

    v0.28.0 13K #search-engine #meilisearch #api-client #http-client #sdk #document #deployment
  10. slack-morphism

    Slack Morphism is a modern client library for Slack Web/Events API/Socket Mode and Block Kit

    v2.10.0 35K #slack #api-bindings #api-client #web-api #sockets #async-client #client
  11. pulsar

    Rust client for Apache Pulsar

    v6.3.1 18K #api-client #client #apache #api #consumer #tls-connection #tokio
  12. etcd-client

    An etcd v3 API client

    v0.14.1 133K #etcd #api-client #async-client #client #tls-connection #async #rustls
  13. progenitor

    An OpenAPI client generator

    v0.9.1 33K #api-client #openapi #generator #async-api #sdk #proc-macro #api-bindings
  14. openai-api-rs

    OpenAI API client library for Rust (unofficial)

    v5.2.7 16K #chat-completion #api-client #unofficial #env-vars #gpt-4 #api-key #real-time
  15. frankenstein

    Telegram bot API client for Rust

    v0.39.2 1.4K #telegram-bot #http-client #bot-api #api-client #async-http-client #bot #telegram
  16. octorust

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the GitHub API

    v0.9.0 5.9K #github-api #api-client #user #rest-client #generated-client #auth-token #user-agent
  17. google-partners2

    A complete library to interact with Partners (protocol v2)

    v6.0.0+20180925 #partner #google #partners #protocols #google-api #web #api-client
  18. genai

    Multi-AI Providers Library for Rust. (DeepSeek, Anthropic, OpenAI, Gemini, xAI, Ollama, Groq, ...)

    v0.1.23 1.3K #generative-ai #openai #ollama #gemini #chatgpt #api-client
  19. mangadex-api

    SDK for the MangaDex API

    v3.4.1 600 #manga-dex #api-client #client #sdk #api-bindings #mangadex #http-request
  20. crates_io_api

    API client for crates.io

    v0.11.0 24K #api-client #io #async-io #http-client #async-http-client #http-request #crates
  21. unleash-edge

    Unleash edge is a proxy for Unleash. It can return both evaluated feature toggles as well as the raw data from Unleash's client API

    v19.7.0 #unleash #edge #proxy #proxy-server #flags #client-token #api-client
  22. graph-rs-sdk

    Rust SDK Client for Microsoft Graph and Microsoft Identity Platform

    v2.0.3 1.5K #oauth #microsoft #sdk #api-client #one-drive #blocking-client #api-request
  23. google-cloud-longrunning

    Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust - Long Running Operations API

    v0.22.0 4.1K #google-cloud #gcp #google-api #api-client #sdk
  24. vaultrs

    An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API

    v0.7.4 158K #hashicorp #hashi-corp #vault #client #api-client #async-client
  25. twapi-v2

    Twitter API v2 library

    v0.18.2 8.9K #twitter #api-client #oauth #api #api-bindings #client #web-api
  26. scaleway_api_rs

    Generated library to interact with Scaleway API

    v0.1.8 2.8K #api-server #cloud #scaleway #api-client #infrastructure #version #management
  27. ory-kratos-client

    OpenAPI API client for Ory Kratos, Ory's central identity management solution with hardened authentication, MFA, FIDO2, TOTP, WebAuthn, SSO, profile management, and more

    v1.3.8 3.8K #identity-management #api-client #webauthn #authentication #session #ory #recovery
  28. aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagement

    AWS SDK for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi

    v1.60.0 10K #api-gateway #aws-sdk #api-management #api-client #api-service
  29. ipinfo

    ipinfo: A Rust library for IPInfo

    v3.1.1 350 #ip-address #ip-geolocation #ip #geolocation #ip-lookup #api-client #networking
  30. ory-client

    OpenAPI API client for Ory Network, Ory's web-scale API for identity and access control

    v1.17.2 4.2K #access-token #api-client #client-token #ory #identity #endpoint
  31. aws-sdk-resourcegroupstagging

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API

    v1.60.0 7.8K #aws-sdk #resources #tagging #group #api-client #operation #api-service
  32. zookeeper-client

    ZooKeeper async client

    v0.9.0 478K #async-client #zookeeper #zoo-keeper #api-client #api-bindings
  33. kittycad

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the KittyCAD API

    v0.3.30 12K #api-client #user #cad #generated-client #user-agent #api-key #opinionated
  34. spiffe

    Rust client library implementation for SPIFFE

    v0.6.4 4.3K #jwt #x509 #workload #client #api-client #svid #bundles
  35. aws-sdk-appconfigdata

    AWS SDK for AWS AppConfig Data

    v1.60.0 1.7K #aws-sdk #configuration #data #app-config #api-client #applications #session
  36. fbtoggl

    Terminal client to interact with track.toggl.com REST api

    v2024.8.2 3.4K #time-tracking #toggl #productivity #track #workspace #api-client
  37. musicbrainz_rs

    MusicBrainz Rust is a utility crate for the MusicBrainz API

    v0.9.0 380 #music-brainz #search-query #blocking-client #async-client #api-client #utility #user
  38. atrium-api

    API library for AT Protocol (Bluesky)

    v0.25.0 1.8K #bluesky #protocols #at-proto #api #api-client #xrpc #agent
  39. bollard-next

    An asynchronous Docker daemon API

    v0.18.1 320 #docker #async-api #api-version #buildkit #http-api #daemon #api-client
  40. rustify

    interacting with HTTP API endpoints

    v0.6.1 168K #http-request #http-api #http-client #api-client #endpoint #async-http #http
  41. atac

    Arguably a Terminal API Client. Feature-full, free, open-source, offline and account-less.

    v0.18.2 100 #api-client #postman #tui #insomnia #client #api
  42. sendgrid

    An unofficial client library for the SendGrid API

    v0.23.0 46K #send-email #email-client #email #api-key #api-client #blocking #rustls
  43. dockworker

    Docker daemon API client. (a fork of Faraday's boondock)

    v0.6.0 2.6K #docker #api-client #daemon #fork #boondock
  44. taskcluster

    API client for Taskcluster; typically used via taskcluster

    v83.0.1 900 #continuous-integration #api-client #ci #functions
  45. kubert

    Kubernetes runtime helpers. Based on kube-rs.

    v0.23.0 2.3K #kubernetes #run-time #server #client #https-server #helper #api-client
  46. zitadel

    API access and authentication in Rust

    v5.5.1 3.7K #grpc-client #authentication #grpc #oidc #client #api-client #clients
  47. aws-sdk-amplifybackend

    AWS SDK for AmplifyBackend

    v1.60.0 430 #aws-sdk #api-client #amplify #operation #admin #service #amplify-backend
  48. aws-sdk-chimesdkidentity

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Identity

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #identity #amazon #messaging #chime #operation #api-client
  49. aws-sdk-ioteventsdata

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Events Data

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #events #detector #data #api-client
  50. chat-gpt-lib-rs

    interacting with OpenAI's ChatGPT API, providing a simple interface to make API requests and handle responses

    v0.6.6 650 #chatgpt #openai #chat-completion #api-client #gpt #artificial-intelligence #request-response
  51. aws-sdk-shield

    AWS SDK for AWS Shield

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #shield #advanced #operation #waf #api-client #service
  52. aws-sdk-cloudcontrol

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud Control API

    v1.61.0 650 #control-api #aws-sdk #web-services #cloud #operation #api-client #user
  53. aws-sdk-panorama

    AWS SDK for AWS Panorama

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #aws #operation #panorama #api-client #service #developer
  54. graphql-ws-client

    A graphql over websockets client

    v0.11.1 19K #graphql-client #websocket-client #graphql #websocket #subscription #api-client
  55. aws-sdk-finspacedata

    AWS SDK for FinSpace Public API

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #public-api #operation #fin-space #client #api-client #services
  56. qcs-api-client-openapi

    Auto-generated bindings to the QCS OpenAPI

    v0.12.8 6.9K #quantum #api-client #http-client #qcs #rigetti #api-bindings #http-api
  57. aws-sdk-forecast

    AWS SDK for Amazon Forecast Service

    v1.60.0 490 #aws-sdk #forecast #amazon #resources #service #operation #api-client
  58. aws-sdk-elasticinference

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Inference

    v1.59.0 650 #aws-sdk #inference #elastic #aws #amazon #client #api-client
  59. modio

    Rust interface for integrating https://mod.io - a modding API for game developers

    v0.12.1 170 #mod #modding #io #async-io #api-client #client #api-bindings
  60. nats


    v0.25.0 41K #nats-client #distributed-systems #messaging #client #async-client #api-bindings #api-client
  61. peopledatalabs

    client for the People Data Labs API

    v3.0.0 550 #api-client #sdk #company-data #person-data #api #api-bindings #client-ip
  62. aws-sdk-migrationhubstrategy

    AWS SDK for Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #strategy #recommendations #hub #api-client #operation #service
  63. redmine-api

    API for the Redmine issue tracker

    v0.5.1 800 #redmine #api-client #api-bindings #response-body #json-response #api-response #api
  64. svix

    Svix webhooks API client and webhook verification library

    v1.61.0 9.6K #webhook #api-client #signature-verification #event-driven #message-queue #diahook #verifying
  65. aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon SageMaker Runtime

    v1.62.0 700 #aws-sdk #run-time #sage-maker #client #api-client #operation #information
  66. influxdb2

    Influxdb 2 client library for rust

    v0.5.2 4.6K #influx-db #influxdb #influxdb-client #api-client #query-api #date-time
  67. edc-connector-tui

    A TUI client for EDC management APIs

    v0.1.9 1.4K #tui #api-client #api-management #cli #dataspace #http
  68. aws-sdk-qldbsession

    AWS SDK for Amazon QLDB Session

    v1.60.0 700 #aws-sdk #qldb #amazon #session #client #api-client #transactional
  69. syspass-cli

    A CLI client for Syspass

    v0.7.2 130 #password-manager #secure-password #command-line #database-client #syspass #command-line-tool #api-client
  70. hrobot

    Unofficial Hetzner Robot API client

    v6.1.0 1.7K #api-client #robot #hetzner #client #async #server-api #api
  71. aws-sdk-lexruntimev2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Runtime V2

    v1.59.0 650 #aws-sdk #lex #amazon #run-time #client #api-client #operation
  72. dxr

    Declarative XML-RPC

    v0.7.0 3.5K #xml-rpc #client-server #macro-derive #client #derive #api-client #server
  73. aws-sdk-workmailmessageflow

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkMail Message Flow

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #message #flow #work-mail #email #amazon #api-client
  74. grammers-client

    A high level client to interact with Telegram's API

    v0.7.0 1.3K #telegram #tl #rpc-client #mt-proto #client-connect #api-client #api-bindings
  75. aws-sdk-codegurusecurity

    AWS SDK for Amazon CodeGuru Security

    v1.61.0 600 #aws-sdk #aws-security #vulnerabilities #security-policy #amazon #api-client #analysis
  76. paypal-rs

    that wraps the paypal api asynchronously

    v0.2.6 1.2K #paypal #api-bindings #paypal-api #strongly-typed #async-api #api-client
  77. mwapi

    A MediaWiki API client library

    v0.7.0-rc.2 170 #mediawiki #api-client #api-bindings #api
  78. alpaca_api_client

    Unofficial Alpaca API Client

    v0.6.3 1.3K #market-data #alpaca #api-client #trading #stock #stocks #api-access
  79. aws-sdk-ssmsap

    AWS SDK for AWS Systems Manager for SAP

    v1.63.0 650 #aws-sdk #sap #operation #manager #systems #aws #api-client
  80. google-cloud-artifact-registry

    Google Cloud Platform Artifact Registry client library

    v0.8.0 1.6K #google-cloud #gcp #api-client #google-api
  81. ergani-rust-sdk

    Ergani Rust SDK

    v0.2.1 100 #api-client #government #ergani #greek #sdk #employee #workflow
  82. aws-sdk-artifact

    AWS SDK for AWS Artifact

    v1.50.0 600 #aws-sdk #artifact #aws #client #operation #api-client #descriptions
  83. twitch_api

    talking with the new Twitch API aka. "Helix", EventSub and more!

    v0.7.0 1.4K #twitch #oauth #api-client
  84. k8-client

    Core Kubernetes metadata traits

    v13.1.0 3.2K #kubernetes #metadata #api-bindings #client #pod #api-client #traits
  85. darwin-v7

    Unofficial rust client for the V7 annotation platform

    v0.7.3 3.1K #v7 #annotation #api-client #platform #darwin #com #api-version
  86. fusionauth-rust-client

    FusionAuth server. Find out more at https://fusionauth.io. You need to set up an API key…

    v2.6.0 140 #api-key #api-client #api-calls
  87. megalodon

    Mastodon and Pleroma API client library for Rust

    v1.0.0 380 #mastodon #websocket #api-client #fediverse #pleroma #streaming #friendica
  88. clevercloud-sdk

    client and structures to interact with the Clever-Cloud API

    v0.13.0 120 #json-schema #api-client #sdk #logging #http-client #metrics #logging-tracing
  89. chromadb

    client library for the ChromaDB vector database

    v2.2.1 #vector-database #database-client #similarity-search #vector-search #api-client #embedding
  90. google-cloud-spanner

    Google Cloud Platform spanner client library

    v0.33.0 2.3K #google-cloud #spanner #google-api #api-client #gcp
  91. boavizta_api_sdk

    client/sdk to access Boavizta API

    v1.3.3 #api-client #boavizta #sdk #version #boavizta-api #access #generate
  92. containerd-client

    GRPC bindings to containerd APIs

    v0.8.0 14K #grpc-client #containerd #grpc #client #grpc-api #api-bindings #api-client
  93. aws-sdk-trustedadvisor

    AWS SDK for TrustedAdvisor Public API

    v1.61.0 480 #aws-sdk #public-api #api-client #trusted-advisor #operation #service
  94. dfns-sdk-rs

    Modular, extensible, and easy-to-use Rust SDK for the Dfns API

    v0.1.32 700 #wallet #dfns #crypto #api-bindings #api #sdk #api-client
  95. grammers-tl-gen

    Rust code generator from Telegram's API definitions

    v0.7.0 900 #telegram-api #telegram-bot #telegram #bot-api #tl #api-client #generator
  96. unleash-api-client

    An API client for https://www.getunleash.io/

    v0.12.0 2.0K #api-client #http-client #async-http-client #unleash #features #flags #api-bindings
  97. musicbrainz_rs_nova

    MusicBrainz Rust is a utility crate for the MusicBrainz API

    v0.8.0 310 #music-brainz #async-client #search-query #blocking-client #rate-limiting #api-client #utility
  98. cloudflare

    v4 API

    v0.13.0 2.4K #api-client #client #blocking-client #async-client #api-bindings #async-api #api
  99. curlio

    command-line tool built in Rust that mimics the functionality of cURL. It allows you to send HTTP requests to URLs with support for various HTTP methods, custom headers, request body…

    v0.4.3 #data-file #http-request #curl #send-http #tool #api-client #request-body
  100. tgbot

    A Telegram Bot library

    v0.35.0 300 #telegram-bot #bot-api #api-client #telegram-api #link
  101. ynab-api

    OpenAPI-generated API bindings for the YNAB API

    v4.0.0 #api-client #format #error #open-api #codegen #response #ynab
  102. vrchatapi

    VRChat API Client for Rust

    v1.19.1 210 #vr-chat #api-client #response #unofficial #create #calls #version
  103. thanix

    A yaml-to-rust code generator for generating Rust code from yaml config files e.g. as found in openAPI.

    v0.1.0-beta.13 #yaml-config #open-api #serialization #api-client #generator #generate #schema-file
  104. exoscale-rs

    A client library for Exoscale API generated using openapi-generator

    v2.1.0 #service #endpoint #update #exoscale #infrastructure #api-client #version
  105. squareup

    Rust SDK for the Square Developer API

    v2.12.3 #square #api-client #web-api #api
  106. supabase-auth

    Supabase Auth implementation following the official client libraries

    v0.10.11 750 #supabase #auth #authentication #api-client #third-party
  107. traq

    ⚠️ Community Driven ⚠️ traQ v3 API

    v0.1.5 #error #api-client #openapi #openapi-generator #community #driven #⚠️
  108. bollard-stubs

    Stubs used for the Bollard rust async Docker client API

    v1.47.1-rc.27.3.1 548K #api-client #stub #async-api #daemon #bollard #data #api-version
  109. rustypipe

    Client for the public YouTube / YouTube Music API (Innertube), inspired by NewPipe

    v0.11.0 210 #youtube #video #music #api-client #api-bindings #public-api
  110. open_ai

    OpenAI library for Rust

    v0.1.5 320 #chat-completion #artificial-intelligence #ai #client #api-client #ai-api #rust
  111. kube-client

    Kubernetes client

    v0.98.0 1.3M #kubernetes #api-client #api-bindings #client #config-parser
  112. aleph-alpha-client

    Interact with large language models provided by the Aleph Alpha API in Rust code

    v0.21.0 1.4K #language-model #api-client #api-bindings #llm #ai #aleph-alpha #fetch
  113. aws-sdk-eksauth

    AWS SDK for Amazon EKS Auth

    v1.58.0 460 #aws-sdk #eks #api-client #identity #pod #auth #agent
  114. ferrisgram

    An elegent rust client for the Telegram Bot API

    v0.2.1 500 #telegram-bot #bot-api #telegram #bot #telegram-api #api-client
  115. qiniu-http-client

    Qiniu HTTP Client for Rust

    v0.2.4 #http-client #qiniu #async-http-client #http-request #api-client #sdk #storage
  116. oauth10a

    oauth 1.0a protocol fully-async with logging, metrics and tracing facilities

    v2.0.1 150 #metrics #logging #client #oauth1a #clevercloud #api-client
  117. google_maps2

    An unofficial Google Maps Platform client library for the Rust programming language

    v3.5.3 #timezone #google-cloud #direction #api-client #geocoding
  118. dtz-identity

    a generated client for the DTZ Identity API

    v1.0.21 850 #api-client #generated-client #identity #dtz #open-api #openapi-generator #generate
  119. sendinblue-v3

    SendinBlue provide a RESTFul API that can be used with any languages. With this API, you will be able to : - Manage your campaigns and get the statistics - Manage your contacts…

    v3.3.0 #send-email #contact #error #sms #api-client #transactional #account
  120. bitwarden-api-api

    Api bindings for the Bitwarden API

    v1.0.0 9.5K #api-bindings #api-client #bitwarden
  121. desec_cli

    Commandline client for the deSEC DNS API

    v0.1.4 190 #dns #dns-client #command-line #domain #api-client #de-sec #security
  122. datadog-api-client

    Rust client for the Datadog API

    v0.8.0 2.4K #datadog #open-api #openapi #api-client #was #requests
  123. wikipedia

    Access wikipedia articles from Rust

    v0.5.0 2.7K #api #article #api-client
  124. supabase_rs

    Lightweight Rust client for Supabase REST and GraphQL

    v0.4.1 430 #database-client #supabase #graphql-client #real-time #rest-client #storage #api-client
  125. stun-agent

    Rust Sans I/O framwework to implement STUN agents

    v0.1.2 #stun #client-send #ice #turn #client-builder #api-client
  126. lambda_runtime_api_client

    AWS Lambda Runtime interaction API

    v0.11.1 227K #aws-lambda #lambda #aws #api-client #rest-client #http-client
  127. openapi-client-gen

    Experimental OpenApi client generator for Rust with support for C-FFI and WASM

    v0.0.2 #openapi-generator #api-client #openapi #generator #http-request #source-file #ffi
  128. nomad-client-rs

    A HashiCorp Nomad's HTTP API client

    v0.9.3 270 #http-client #nomad #rest-client #api-client #http-api #client #hashi-corp
  129. doist

    unofficial command line app for interacting with the Todoist API

    v0.3.2 #todoist #command-line #command-line-tool #todo #api-client
  130. dtz-containers

    a generated client for the DTZ Containers API

    v1.1.4 440 #generated-client #container #api-client #dtz #open-api #language #generator
  131. dtz-observability

    a generated client for the DTZ Observability API

    v1.0.9 420 #api-client #observability #generated-client #dtz #version #api-version
  132. mediawiki

    client library

    v0.3.1 500 #api-client #query-parameters #wikipedia #api-bindings #mediawiki-api
  133. unofficial_appwrite

    wrapper on appwrite api -> https://appwrite.io/docs

    v1.0.0 #appwrite #unofficial #back-end #baas #api-client #server
  134. k8s-openapi-codegen-common

    Common code for the k8s-openapi code generator and k8s-openapi-derive

    v0.24.0 400 #http-client #kubernetes #api-bindings #k8s #client #api-client #http
  135. apisdk

    API toolkit for writing HTTP API Clients for Rust

    v0.1.0 #http-client #http-request #send-request #api-client #json-xml #api-request #http-api
  136. tinify-rs

    client for the Tinify API

    v1.4.2 700 #optimization #api-client #tiny-png #tinify #compression #tinyjpg #api-key
  137. rabbitmq_http_client

    RabbitMQ HTTP API client

    v0.23.0 950 #http-client #rabbitmq #http-api #api-client #blocking-client #amqp-client #async-client
  138. p7m-phone

    API for managing phone services This is the API of the service at P7M that manages phone services. Attention: this API will probably still change a lot in the future, it’s not at all stable yet

    v0.5.2 230 #queue #api-client #services #phone #p7m #bindings #api-service
  139. k8s-pb

    Bindings for the Kubernetes Client API

    v0.6.1 370 #kubernetes #api-client #openapi #protos
  140. authentik-client

    Making authentication simple

    v3.2025021.1 700 #endpoint #api-client #authentik
  141. spoify

    a spotify client inside your terminal

    v0.2.11 1.0K #spotify #client-secret #terminal #api-client #unix #rust #cli
  142. unleash-types

    API types for Unleash (https://github.com/Unleash/unleash) client features API response

    v0.15.9 1.5K #unleash #api-client #api-response #types #open-api #structs #metrics
  143. antimatter_api

    Interact with the Antimatter Cloud API

    v2.0.13 #api-client #cloud #antimatter
  144. render-api

    Render client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v1.1.2 330 #render #open-api #client #generated-client #api-client #spec #tokio
  145. ilert

    The official ilert api bindings

    v4.1.1 550 #alerting #client #api-bindings #oncall #incident-coms #api-client #events
  146. kodik-api

    An unofficial async Rust library that allows you to interact with the Kodik API

    v0.3.4 600 #kodik #api-client #async #sdk #api-bindings #wrapper #api
  147. lesspass-client

    LessPass API server client library and CLI written in Rust

    v0.8.0 120 #password #api-client #client #api-server #lesspass #server-client #library
  148. gateway-api

    Kubernetes Gateway API bindings in Rust

    v0.14.2 600 #gateway #kubernetes #api-bindings #resources #controller #networking #api-client
  149. spider-client

    Spider Cloud client

    v0.1.26 100 #web-crawler #web-scraping #spider #crawler #api-key #language-model #api-client
  150. unifi-tui

    Rust terminal user interface for the UniFi Network API

    v0.2.3 650 #tui #networking #unifi #api-client #api-bindings #terminal-interface
  151. pexels-cli

    client for the Pexels API

    v0.0.5 #api-client #api #client #pexels #pexels-api #cli
  152. solrstice

    A Solr 8+ client

    v0.9.0 490 #search #solr #api-client #api-bindings
  153. oxide

    SDK for the Oxide rack

    v0.10.0+20250212.0.0 #client #api-client #config-file #sdk
  154. core_api_client

    interacting with CORE API, a service that provides access to metadata and full texts of research papers from thousands of data providers

    v1.1.0 280 #api-client #data-provider #full-text #client #api-service #journal #article
  155. sip2

    SIP2 Library

    v0.3.4 #sip #communication #message #library #api-client #field-value #connection
  156. openrouter_api

    client library for the OpenRouter API

    v0.1.3 380 #json-schema #api-client #schema-validation #json-response #openrouter #ai #api-request
  157. megamind

    interacting with the Genius API

    v0.13.0 1.0K #music #genius #http-client #data-model #api-client #api-bindings
  158. ferrispot

    A wrapper for the Spotify Web API

    v0.4.3 600 #spotify #web-api #oauth #client #user #rate-limiting #api-client
  159. dsh_rest_api_client

    REST API client for KPN Data Services Hub

    v0.3.0 #api-client #rest-client #client #kpn #dsh #rest #generated-client
  160. postmark


    v0.11.0 4.3K #email-client #email #http-client #http-request #http #api-client #api-bindings
  161. ory-oathkeeper-client

    ORY Oathkeeper is a reverse proxy that checks the HTTP Authorization for validity against a set of rules. This service uses Hydra to validate access tokens and policies.

    v0.40.8 1.1K #reverse-proxy #access-token #api-client #authorization #hydra #oathkeeper #open-api
  162. crab_ai

    OpenAI library for Rust

    v0.1.9 240 #openai #chat-completion #artificial-intelligence #ai #client #api-client #rust
  163. notionrs

    A Notion API client that provides type-safe request serialization and response deserialization

    v1.0.0-alpha.35 260 #notion-api #properties #notion #api-client #user #deserialize #documentation
  164. cx-sdk

    Coralogix Management SDK

    v1.2.1 300 #api-client #management #log #sdk #api-bindings #coralogix #logging
  165. tosho-musq

    An asynchronous client of MU! API by SQ

    v0.6.1 #manga-downloader #api-client #api #mu #tosho #async-client #sq
  166. opsview

    API Client Library with batteries included

    v0.1.10 450 #host #configuration-management #monitoring #object #api-client #client-config #rest-client
  167. flipt

    Server SDK

    v1.1.1 #sdk #api-client #server-side #documentation #client-server #server-api
  168. postgrest

    client-side library

    v1.6.0 3.1K #postgresql #rest #rest-client #postgres #api-client #api #query
  169. tosho-kmkc

    An asynchronous client of KM API by KC

    v0.6.1 #manga-downloader #async-client #api-client #km #tosho #library #authentication
  170. aws-sdk-controlcatalog

    AWS SDK for AWS Control Catalog

    v1.43.0 600 #aws-sdk #web-services #control #catalog #api-client #operation #filter
  171. transip

    Call functions on the Transip Api Endpoint

    v0.4.1 700 #dns-records #encrypt #api-client #certificate #challenge #domain #api-token
  172. onedrive-api

    OneDrive HTTP REST API

    v0.10.2 130 #http-api #http-client #one-drive #http #api-bindings #http-request #api-client
  173. edgegap

    Auto-generated client library for the Edgegap API, used by the arbctl tool

    v0.1.0 #version #auto-generate #api-version #api-client #request #endpoint #http-request
  174. nethsm-sdk-rs

    Rust SDK to communicate with Nitrokey NetHSM

    v2.0.0 650 #nitrokey #sdk #net-hsm #error #api-client #communicate #http
  175. google-cloud-apihub-v1

    Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust - API hub API

    v0.1.0 #google-cloud #api-client #gcp
  176. zrsclient

    client for the Zerodha API

    v0.2.0 550 #trading #zerodha #stock #api-client #sdk #connect #mechanism
  177. ddragon

    pulling data from ddragon, with caching support

    v0.9.1 #league-of-legends #lol #tft #teamfight-tactics #api-client #deserializable #api-bindings
  178. rust-yandexmarket

    Библиотека для работы с API Yandex.Market на языке программирования Rust

    v0.1.2 220 #на #в #для #yandex #market #с #api-client
  179. collaboflow-rs

    A Collaboflow REST API client for Rust language

    v1.0.1 #api-client #collaboflow #rest-client #document #authorization #language #user
  180. flytrap

    Query the Fly.io runtime environment

    v0.2.1 490 #env-vars #fly #request-headers #http-request #fly-io #http-header #api-client
  181. b2_backblaze

    basic async library to upload small files to backblaze b2 service

    v0.1.9 #file-upload #api-client #upload #api #backblaze #b2 #async-api
  182. ruma-client-api

    Types for the endpoints in the Matrix client-server API

    v0.20.1 6.6K #server-api #api-client #api-response #messaging #chat #ruma
  183. licheszter

    An API wrapper for the Lichess API

    v0.3.1 260 #chess #api-client #chess-engine #lichess #api-bindings #bot-api #api-wrapper
  184. app-store-connect

    Apple App Store Connect API and client

    v0.7.0 9.0K #apple #api-client #connect #applications #macos #store #platform
  185. ory-hydra-client

    SDK Client for Ory Hydra

    v2.2.0 2.2K #client #api-client #hydra
  186. malwaredb-virustotal

    Logic and datatypes for interacting with VirusTotal

    v0.3.1 1.1K #malware-analysis #malware #virus-total #cybersecurity #api-client #data-file #data-analysis
  187. tro

    A Trello API client for the command line

    v2.10.0 #command-line #trello #pattern #board #card #api-client #productivity
  188. monzo-lib

    async Monzo client in pure rust

    v0.4.5 650 #async-client #monzo #client #api-client #async #access-token #api-bindings
  189. bodhi

    REST API client

    v2.2.0 #rest-client #api-client #rest #fedora #client #api-bindings #deserialization
  190. gems

    💎 A cli, tui, and sdk for interacting with the Gemini API (WIP)

    v0.0.9 #gemini #ai #text-generation #client #google #tui #api-client
  191. govee-api

    A blazingly fast thin wrapper around the public Govee API written in Rust

    v1.3.6 #govee #api-client #client #sdk #wrapper #api-wrapper #public-api
  192. tembo-api-client

    API client for Tembo Cloud's Platform API (api.tembo.io)

    v1.1.0 650 #api-client #api-version #tembo #platform #io #cloud #generate
  193. casdoor-sdk

    Casdoor SDK

    v2.0.4 #api-client #sdk #casdoor #openapi #api-bindings #api-version
  194. open-wechat

    sdk for wechat miniprogram open api

    v1.1.1 1.1K #open-api #we-chat #sdk #api-client #miniprogram #data #credentials
  195. golem-client

    Client for Golem Cloud's REST API

    v1.1.21 800 #distributed-computing #golem #cloud #wasm-component #rest-client #api-client #distributed-systems
  196. okta

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Okta API

    v0.7.1 1.5K #api-client #generated #user-agent #opinionated #access #customer #string
  197. ipify-rs

    ipify.org API

    v0.7.0 110 #ipify #api-client #client #api-bindings #http-api #api #command-line-tool
  198. gmail

    A fluent library for the Gmail API, based on OpenAPI spec

    v0.17.0 #open-api #fluent #client #specification #api-client
  199. vkclient

    Vk Api client implementation

    v5.1.2 #api-client #client #vk-api #api-bindings #vkontakte #vk #api-request
  200. pontoconnect_rs

    For more info, please refer to the documentation: https://documentation.ibanity.com/ponto-connect/

    v2.0.1 #documentation #org #info #was #refer #ibanity #api-client
  201. langdb_clust

    An unofficial Rust client for the Anthropic/Claude API

    v0.9.0 #client #claude #rest #api-client #machine-learning #api-request #api-bindings
  202. sheets

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Google Sheets API

    v0.7.0 1.6K #sheet #api-client #google-api #set #client-token #opinionated #refresh-token
  203. dtz-rss2email

    a generated client for the DTZ RSS2Email API

    v1.0.8 #api-client #dtz #generated-client #generate #rss2-email
  204. bambulab

    API client for Bambu Lab printers

    v0.4.18 420 #mqtt-client #api-client #mqtt #client #bambu #3d-printer #api-bindings
  205. ngrok-api

    ngrok API client library for Rust

    v0.6.0 390 #ngrok #async #api-client #require #http-api #forms
  206. lemmy-client

    HTTP client for Lemmy

    v1.0.5 280 #lemmy #http-client #fediverse #api-client #api-wrapper #api-bindings
  207. hiramu

    AI Engineering Toolbox to Access Ollama, AWS Bedrock

    v0.1.15 #text-generation #bedrock #api-client #aws #ollama #client
  208. shopify_api

    Shopify API client

    v0.9.1 750 #graphql-client #shopify #client #api-client #api-bindings #api
  209. tweety-rs

    interacting with the Twitter API

    v0.1.4 130 #twitter #api-client #api-bindings #rust #api #action
  210. tosho-sjv

    An asynchronous client of SJ/M by V

    v0.6.1 #api-client #manga-downloader #async #tosho #library #sj #download
  211. postman-tui

    API client (postman like) in your terminal

    v0.1.0 #postman #tui #ratatui #http #api-client
  212. kube-runtime

    Kubernetes controller runtime

    v0.98.0 1.2M #kubernetes #controller #run-time #api-client #watcher #reflector #runtime
  213. bitwarden-api-identity

    Api bindings for the Bitwarden Identity API

    v1.0.0 10K #bitwarden #api-client #api-bindings #identity #openapi-generator #generated #sdk
  214. rancher_client

    Rancher API client for Rust using OpenAPI Generator and kube

    v1.0.4 320 #kubernetes #client #open-api #generated-client #api-client #openapi #rancher
  215. osv

    parsing the OSV schema and client API

    v0.2.1 #vulnerabilities #security #api-client #schema #source #open #foundation
  216. prediction-guard

    SDK for the Prediction Guard API

    v0.14.0 1.3K #prediction #guard #api-bindings #api-client #chat-client
  217. akvakulturregisteret_rs

    API for det nye offentlige Akvakulturregisteret

    v0.3.0 #api-client #version #akvakulturregisteret #det #offentlige #nye #csv
  218. edgee-api-client

    Edgee API client

    v0.8.6 700 #edgee #wasm-component #api #edge #api-client #platform #full-stack
  219. tosho-rbean

    An asynchronous client for 小豆 (Red Bean)

    v0.4.1 #manga-downloader #api-client #bean #red #tosho #async #library
  220. vereinsflieger

    API client for Rust based on the reqwest crate

    v0.8.0 1.0K #api-client #reqwest #status
  221. solaredge

    API client

    v0.4.2 #api-client #solar #http-client #panel #async-client #equipment #interface
  222. tmdb-async

    The Movie Database (TMDb) API for async Rust

    v0.7.1 600 #async-api #api-client #tmdb #movie #async-client #database-client #search
  223. typesense-rs

    An open source search engine for building delightful search experiences

    v27.0.1 #search #search-engine #api-client #client #openapi #typesense #request-parameters
  224. pexels-api

    client for the Pexels API

    v0.0.5 360 #api #api-client #pexels #client #env-file #cli
  225. google-cloud-apigateway-v1

    Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust - API Gateway API

    v0.1.0 100 #api-client #google-cloud #gcp #sdk
  226. hexpm

    client for the Hex package manager

    v3.1.0 1.4K #package-manager #hex #erlang #api-client #elixir #programming-language #gleam
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. firecracker-http-client

    A comprehensive HTTP client for the Firecracker VMM API

    v0.1.3 #http-client #firecracker #vmm #api-client #virtualization #micro-vm #rate-limiting
  229. zoom-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Zoom API

    v0.7.0 170 #user #zoom #account #api-client #set #information
  230. dtz-objectstore

    a generated client for the DTZ Objectstore API

    v1.0.7 100 #api-client #generated-client #dtz #objectstore #openapi-generator #language #generate
  231. lidarr

    API docs

    v0.1.0 #api-client #api-version #docs #language #remote
  232. jquants-api-client

    client for the J-Quants API, providing seamless access to financial data

    v0.1.0 #api-client #refresh-token #financial-data #response #api-access #specification #j-quants
  233. google-cloud-apikeys-v2

    Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust - API Keys API

    v0.1.0 #google-cloud #sdk #gcp #api-client
  234. rippling-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Rippling API

    v0.1.8 190 #api-client #rippling #user #generated #opinionated #platform #required
  235. madsim-rdkafka

    The rdkafka simulator on madsim

    v0.4.3+0.34.0 2.7K #kafka #simulator #rdkafka #commit-message #async #oauth-token #api-client
  236. reflectapi

    code-first web service API declaration and corresponding clients code generation tools

    v0.14.4 190 #web-services #rest-api #reflection #openapi #codegen #web-api #api-client
  237. sideko_rest_api

    Rust API Client

    v0.4.3 500 #api-version #documentation #api-client #mocking #specification #sideko #sdk
  238. deepseek_rs

    client library for the DeepSeek API

    v0.1.4 350 #ai #deepseek #chat-completion #api-client #api-bindings
  239. dtz

    The DownToZero Cloud SDK

    v0.7.0 1.5K #cloud #observability #sdk #api-client #service #identity #authentication
  240. dco3

    Async API wrapper for DRACOON in Rust

    v0.17.1 #dracoon #async-api #api-client #api-calls #rust-sdk #api-access
  241. bpx-api-client

    Backpack Exchange API client

    v0.6.1 550 #exchange #backpack #api-client #endpoints #stream #rest #ws
  242. gsuite-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Google Admin API

    v0.7.0 700 #user-group #google #api-client #admin #client-token #manage #resources
  243. slack-chat-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Slack API

    v0.7.0 140 #slack #api-client #user #oauth #web-api #generated #user-agent
  244. avassa-client

    integrating with the Avassa APIs

    v0.6.0 420 #avassa #api-bindings #api-client #information #integrating #documentation #integrate
  245. dtz-billing

    a generated client for the DTZ Billing API

    v1.1.3 210 #generated-client #api-client #billing #dtz #endpoint
  246. misanthropy

    An interface to the Anthropic API

    v0.0.7 #anthropic #claude #model #interface #ai #text-image #api-client
  247. furse

    wrapper for the official CurseForge API

    v1.5.15 210 #curse-forge #minecraft-mod #modding #minecraft #api-bindings #api-client #strong-typing
  248. notion-client

    A Notion API Client for Rust

    v1.0.5 #notion-api #api-client #database-client #query