
  1. similar

    A diff library for Rust

    v2.7.0 1.9M #diff #difference #compare #change #patience
  2. version-compare

    easily compare version numbers with no specific format, and test against various comparison operators

    v0.2.0 738K #version #compare #comparison #comparing #semver
  3. constant_time_eq

    Compares two equal-sized byte strings in constant time

    v0.3.1 3.1M #byte-string #constant-time #compare #linux-kernel
  4. float_eq

    Compare IEEE floating point primitives, structs and collections for equality

    v1.0.1 76K #comparison #compare #equality #float #approximate #assert #testing-debugging
  5. prettydiff

    Side-by-side diff for two files

    v0.8.0 85K #diff #compare #change #text
  6. float-cmp

    Floating point approximate comparison traits

    v0.10.0 1.6M #comparison #approximate #compare #fuzzy #float
  7. float-ord

    A total ordering for floating-point numbers

    v0.3.2 123K #sorting #floats #compare #order
  8. versions

    parsing and comparing software version numbers

    v6.3.2 140K #sem-ver #version-string #semver #version #semantic #compare #string-parser
  9. all_asserts

    multiple types of asserts that don't exist in the standard library

    v2.3.3 21K #assert #compare #testing-debugging #test-macro #testing #asserts #test-output
  10. dssim

    Tool that measures structural similarity between images using a multi-scale variant of the SSIM algorithm

    v3.3.4 360 #ssim #comparison #color-space #visual #compare #image #benchmark
  11. havocompare

    A flexible rule-based file and folder comparison tool and crate including nice html reporting. Compares CSVs, JSON, text files, pdf-texts and images.

    v0.6.1 800 #csv #compare #diff #difference #config-file #image #file-metadata
  12. dify

    A fast pixel-by-pixel image comparison tool in Rust

    v0.7.4 14K #compare #diff #image #change #assert #nodejs
  13. rust-pgdatadiff-client

    Rust client for comparing two PostgreSQL databases

    v0.1.14 120 #postgresql #database-schema #comparison #compare #diff
  14. difftastic

    A structural diff that understands syntax

    v0.62.0 2.2K #diff #syntax #line #git-diff #compare #tree-sitter #structural
  15. csv-diff

    Compare two CSVs - with ludicrous speed 🚀

    v0.1.1 1.3K #csv #difference #compare #primary-key #diff #database-table
  16. biff

    Byte by byte file comparator

    v0.1.8 #text-file #binary-file #file #compare #line-numbers #binary #text
  17. catfish

    CLI tool that compares two directories by hashing all files. It reports which files are in the 'right' folder but not in 'left', regardless of how things were moved or renamed. Great for…

    v0.1.1 170 #compare #directories #hash #cli #filesystem #command-line-tool
  18. imara-diff

    A high performance library for computing diffs

    v0.1.7 54K #diff #git-diff #difference #compare #myers #change
  19. near-facsimile

    Find similar or identical text files in a directory

    v1.0.8 #duplicates #duplicate #compare #similarity #text-file #similar #json-file
  20. biodiff

    Compare binary files using sequence alignment

    v1.2.1 #binary-file #sequence-alignment #bioinformatics #reverse-engineering #side #byte #compare
  21. aws-regional-product-services

    list/diff of AWS services by regions

    v0.3.0 #aws #aws-region #aws-cli #list #product #compare
  22. watchr

    Execute a command periodically. Like watch(1) command.

    v0.3.1 160 #execute-command #command-output #linux #watch #history #periodically #compare
  23. ddl-diff

    compare two databases and generate a diff for MySQL

    v0.1.1 #compare #diff #generate #mysql #database #original-user #original-password
  24. fmt-cmp

    Traits and utilities for lexicographically comparing values in their Display representations

    v0.1.2 180 #sorting #fmt #display #representation #compare #cmp #utilities
  25. legdur

    keep your legacy durable, detect changes to your directories over time

    v0.3.4 #directory #filesystem #compare #directory-structure #filetime #legacy #hash
  26. nearly

    Compare IEEE floating point types

    v0.4.0 170 #floating-point #comparison #equals #compare #float #almost
  27. cargo-benchcmp

    comparing Rust micro-benchmark output

    v0.4.5 #benchmark #compare #bench #micro #testing-cargo
  28. critcmp

    A command line utility for comparing benchmark data generated by Criterion

    v0.1.8 2.0K #benchmark #compare #command-line-tool #cmp #benchcmp
  29. compare-files

    CLI to compare two files and show the differences

    v0.1.3 #compare #file #cli-file #command-line #command-line-tool #git-diff #cli
  30. later_operator

    Parsable, storable, printable comparison operators, w/ optional serde support

    v0.4.2 #operator #comparison #compare #relational #string-parser
  31. fast-float-compare

    A lightweight benchmark comparing minimal float comparison implementation against rust_decimal

    v0.1.1 100 #comparison #floating-point #decimal #benchmark #performance #compare #order
  32. cmp

    convenience macros and function for comparing

    v0.1.1 1.7K #fields #struct-fields #compare #macro #struct #field
  33. tsverify

    Compare alignments produced by tsalign

    v0.2.0 #alignments #compare #produced #tsalign
  34. simagef

    CLI tool for finding similar images

    v0.2.6 #image #comparison #similarity #finding #compare #image-path #command-line-tool
  35. picodiff

    Tiny GUI app to compare text easily

    v0.9.2 #productivity #text #cross-platform-gui #compare #diff #text-input
  36. compare

    Experimental comparators for collections to be generic over

    v0.1.0 67K #comparator #data-structures #collection #generic #experimental #equals #order
  37. editorconfiger

    Plain tool to validate and compare .editorconfig files

    v0.4.10 #editor-config #compare #validate #tool #plain #command #package
  38. rust-fuzzy-search

    Fuzzy Search with trigrams implemented in Rust

    v0.1.1 73K #fuzzy-search #fuzzy-string #string-similarity #search-algorithms #fuzzy #compare #compare-strings
  39. dirscomp

    comparing two directories using BLAKE3 hashing

    v0.2.2 #blake3 #hashing #comparison #file #directory #compare #file-content
  40. html-compare-rs

    comparing HTML with configurable comparison options

    v0.3.0 210 #html #comparison #compare #assert #testing #diff #html-content
  41. jsonkeycompare

    A very simple program that compares two or more JSON files and reports any keys that are present in the first file but not in any of the other files

    v0.1.1 #compare #key #json #reports #first #present #file
  42. compare_version

    comparing semantic versioning strings and checking version compatibility

    v0.2.5 #version #comparison #semantic-version #semver #compare #rust
  43. assure

    macros for Rust runtime checks and error handling

    v2.1.0 #error-message #testing #compare #assert #test
  44. line_diff

    compare single lines by tokenizing them into chunks

    v0.13.2 #single-line #command-line #compare #diff #command-line-arguments #command-arguments #single-file
  45. xlsx-diff

    a libray for comparing differences between two XLSX files

    v0.1.3 #xlsx #diff #compare #excel
  46. cistring

    A string type that preserve case, but compares insensitiveley

    v0.2.0 110 #case #compare #preserve #insensitiveley
  47. cmpdt

    compare directory trees

    v0.1.0-rc2 180 #directory-tree #compare #path #cmp
  48. bluejay-schema-comparator

    A GraphQL schema comparator

    v0.2.0 #graphql-schema #graphql #compare #comparator
  49. graph_safe_compare

    Equivalence predicate that can handle cyclic, shared, and very-deep graphs

    v0.2.1 #graph #graph-algorithms #cyclic #comparison #equivalence #graphs #compare
  50. hash-roll

    Rolling hashes & Content Defined Chunking (cdc)

    v0.3.0 #content-defined #cdc #hash #rolling #incremental #split #compare
  51. natural-sort-rs

    sorting strings based on Natural sort order

    v0.2.0 #sorting #string #natural #order #wikipedia #en #compare
  52. stringmatch

    Allow the use of regular expressions or strings wherever you need string comparison

    v0.4.0 21K #string #regex #comparison #string-pattern #compare #match #generate
  53. ddh

    Compare and contrast directories

    v0.13.0 #directory #compare #contrast #command-line-tool #report #input #duplicates
  54. afid

    A small cmp clone

    v0.4.0 #diff #compare #cmp #file #cli
  55. baz-difftastic

    A structural diff that understands syntax. Based on difftastic, the OSS

    v0.53.4 #diff #syntax #difftastic #git-diff #structural #understand #compare
  56. konst_macro_rules

    detail of the konst crate

    v0.2.19 45K #compile-time #parser #detail #konst #functions #compare #std
  57. redis-cas

    Redis native module to add support for compare and swap

    v1.1.0 #redis #cas #compare #swap #module #value #key-value
  58. similar-string

    Find similar strings in Rust

    v1.4.3 1.5K #string-similarity #string #similarity #find #compare #similar
  59. dirtcomp

    A command line utility to compare modification times between file globs

    v0.1.1 #file #filesystem #time #compare #command-line-tool #modification #glob
  60. dssim-core

    that measures structural similarity between images using a multi-scale variant of the SSIM algorithm

    v3.2.11 6.5K #image #ssim #comparison #metrics #compare #objective #color-space
  61. dewey

    version parser and comparator that works with non-semantic versions

    v0.3.0 #version #compare #parser #netbsd #comparator #xbps #pattern
  62. num-cmp

    Comparison between differently typed numbers

    v0.1.0 628K #comparison #compare #numeric #order
  63. ballast

    api snapshot load testing

    v0.1.2 #load-testing #performance-testing #api-testing #testing-tools #snapshot #tool #compare
  64. metrics_evaluation

    Small foot-print parser and solver for (nested) text-based comparisons

    v0.1.8 #comparison #evaluation #metrics #compare #parser #text-parser #arithmetic-operations
  65. egui-screenshot-testing

    Helper functions to test egui applications using screenshots and comparing them to a snapshot version

    v0.3.1 #egui #screenshot #applications #snapshot #compare #visual #comparing
  66. html-compare

    compare html files

    v0.1.3 #html #compare #mjml
  67. deb-version

    Compare (Debian-style) version numbers

    v0.1.1 100 #version #debian #numbers #compare #policy #debian-style
  68. img_diff

    Command line tool to diff images in 2 structurally similar folders and output diff images

    v5.0.0 180 #image #command-line-tool #comparison #compare
  69. css-compare

    compare css stylesheets

    v0.1.3 #style-sheet #css #compare #mjml
  70. difftastic-lib

    A structural diff that understands syntax

    v0.0.2 #diff #syntax #difftastic #structural #compare #line #understand
  71. git-tracker

    Find and compare all your scattered git repos

    v0.3.1 #git-repository #git #compare #repos #across #machines #find
  72. archlinux-userland-fs-cmp

    Forensic tool to read all installed packages from a mounted Arch Linux drive and compare the filesystem to a trusted source

    v0.1.0 #arch-linux #forensics #compare #package #security #source #read
  73. jsonfilter

    Filter and compare JSON objects

    v0.2.1 #json #json-object #serde-json #filter #compare #order #match
  74. almost

    comparing floating point numbers

    v0.2.0 5.6K #comparison #floating-point #equals #compare #approximate #float
  75. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  76. debugging_helpers

    Trivial functions to make debugging easier

    v0.2.0 #debugging #equality #compare #output #functions #trivial #eq
  77. folder_compare

    Compare two folders and get a list of changed and new files

    v0.4.0 340 #diff #directory #changed #compare #list #folder #recursion
  78. kolmogorov_smirnov

    Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test as a Rust library

    v1.1.0 #statistical #distribution #data #statistics #compare #sample #test
  79. spielrs_diff

    compare two direcories or two files asynchronously

    v0.2.1 #directory #watcher #compare #async #server #diff #file
  80. numcmp

    Comparison between differently typed numbers

    v0.1.0 110 #numeric #comparison #compare #order
  81. pep440

    Parse and compare Python PEP440 style version numbers

    v0.2.0 850 #version #python #parser #version-string #compare #numbers #testing
  82. real_float

    Floating point types that check for correctness and implement total ordering

    v0.3.0 270 #nan #panic #float #compare #floating-point #order #math
  83. dir-assert

    Assertion to compare directories recursively

    v0.2.0 650 #compare #directories #recursion #contents #error #symlink #macro
  84. xmldiff

    compare 2 .xml files and show their differences

    v0.7.0 130 #xml #compare #logi-sheets #difference #show #issue #welcome
  85. fuzzypath

    Quick & dirty fuzzy path comparison

    v2.0.0 #path #comparison #fuzzy #cmp #compare #partial-eq #partialeq
  86. diffdir

    deep compare two directories for differences

    v0.4.4 #compare #cli #cli-input #input #diff #terminal #command-line-tool
  87. forgiving-semver

    Semantic version parsing and comparison. Fork of https://docs.rs/crate/semver which supports parsing outside of semver spec, e.g. "1.0" -> "1.0.0".

    v0.11.0 170 #semver #version #semantic #compare
  88. vercomp

    comparing versions

    v0.5.0 #version #compare #comparing #stage #style #versioning #numbers
  89. seccomp

    higher-level bindings to libseccomp

    v0.1.2 #higher-level #linux #libc #libseccomp #compare #action #arg
  90. flexver-rs

    Comparer for FlexVer-spec versions

    v0.1.2 #versions #compare #flex-ver #comparer #ord #struct #string
  91. ish

    Sometimes things are true-ish

    v0.0.2 #true #false #true-ish #false-ish #compare #integer #boolean
  92. dyn_ord

    Equality and ordering for trait objects

    v0.2.1 #trait-object #comparison #order #equality #compare #dynamic-typing
  93. subweight

    Compare weight files of the Substrate blockchain SDK

    v3.4.2 #weight #substrate #compare #polkadot #commit #blockchain #terms
  94. cmp_wrap

    Let you compare structes by context

    v0.2.2 #compare #cmp #key #data-structures
  95. dir-cmp

    compare two directories

    v0.1.0 #compare #diff #directory #file #recursion #lib #light
  96. metrum

    Easily work with and compare temeratures in different units

    v0.5.0 #temperature #unit-conversion #measurement #different #compare
  97. bazel-execlog-cmp

    CLI tool that helps compare Bazel execution logs

    v0.1.1 #bazel #logs #execution #compare #execlog #command-line-tool #helps
  98. fastcmp

    A fast byte slice comparison library

    v1.0.1 160 #compare #byte-slice #array #cmp #memcmp #performance #fast
  99. num-ord

    Numerically ordered wrapper type for cross-type comparisons

    v0.1.0 100 #comparison #compare #type #numeric #numbers #algorithm
  100. degrees

    Easily work with and compare temeratures in different units

    v0.6.0 #temperature #units #conversion #degree #compare #different #values
  101. range-compare

    compare ranges

    v0.1.1 #range #compare #overlapping #parts #original #included #range-cmp-result
  102. version-lp

    a version struct library for use with version comparing, and wildcard resolving

    v0.2.1 #version #wildcard #comparison #compare #latest-version
  103. alt_semver

    Semantic version parsing and comparison

    v0.9.0 #semver #version #semantic #compare
  104. sixarm_assert

    Assert macros for Rust tests. By SixArm.com.

    v1.1.1 #assert #compare #testing #test
  105. int_cmp

    Small library for comparing unsigned integers with signed integers

    v0.2.1 #integer #int #cmp #compare #signed-integer #unsigned-integer
  106. subweight-web

    Compare weight files of the Substrate blockchain SDK

    v3.4.2 #substrate #weight #compare #blockchain #polkadot #diff #extrinsic
  107. nilsimsa

    locality-sensitive hashing algorithm

    v0.2.0 #hashing #algorithm #locality-sensitive #hash #string #compare #input
  108. ord_by

    Conveniently attach a custom compare function to any type

    v0.1.1 #sorting #compare #ord #sort-by #no-std #sort
  109. fmt_compare_nostd

    comparing Display and Debug traits against &str without allocation. No_std compatible.

    v0.1.1 #fmt #no-std #display #compare #traits #debugging #str
  110. foldiff

    Easily configurable tool to get the difference between a reference folder and others

    v0.2.0 #directories #diff #compare #directory
  111. difference

    text diffing and assertion library

    v2.0.0 386K #text #diff #compare #change #assert
  112. memcmp

    Optimized memory comparisons for integer slices. Temporary solution until rust issue 16913 is resolved.

    v0.0.6 #compare #slice #integer #optimized #issue #temporary #solution
  113. alpmver

    compare package Pacman package versions

    v0.1.3 #package #compare #version #pacman
  114. n_best

    Convenient collection to gather the N highest elements, and discard the others

    v0.1.0 #compare #sorting #sort-by #sort
  115. cond_utils

    range and set comparison utils

    v0.1.0 #set #range #comparison #condition #utilities #compare #utils
  116. croncat-mod-generic

    Allows for CosmWasm raw queries through this module, helpful when making CronCat tasks with queries

    v1.0.4 #cosmwasm #query #module #generic #raw #cron-cat #compare
  117. discombobulate

    Compare and contrast directories

    v0.1.3 #contrast #directories #compare #flay
  118. semver2

    Semantic version parsing and comparison

    v0.1.0 #semver #version #semantic #compare
  119. imeq

    imeq aims to quickly compare two images to see if they are the same image

    v0.1.0 #image #jpeg #compare #aims #quickly #images-baseline #imeq-rs
  120. gff_diff

    generate a diff (in JSON format) between two GFF3 files

    v0.1.1 #gff #diff #json-diff #json-format #generate-json #gff3 #compare
  121. difftastic-oc

    A syntactic diff

    v0.23.0 #diff #syntax #difftastic #tree-sitter #compare #understand #language
  122. ddiff

    CLI utility to compare directories like a superhero

    v0.1.0 #hash #directory #blake3 #compare #directories #hashing #cli
  123. seccomp-droundy

    higher-level bindings to libseccomp

    v0.1.0 #seccomp #linux #higher-level #wrapper #libseccomp #droundy #compare
  124. cmp_json

    Comparators for JSON represented by serde_json::Value

    v0.1.0 #compare #assert #serde #testing
  125. atomic-stamped-ptr

    AtomicStampedPtr for x86_64

    v0.1.1 #x86-64 #atomic #pointers #stamped #version #exchange #compare