
  1. fs_extra

    Expanding std::fs and std::io. Recursively copy folders with information about process and much more.

    v1.3.0 2.6M #directory #file-copy #filesystem #fs-file #recursion #file #copy
  2. include_dir

    Embed the contents of a directory in your binary

    v0.7.4 1.1M #directory #compile-time #directory-tree #assets #embed #glob-pattern #file-metadata
  3. walkdir

    Recursively walk a directory

    v2.5.0 8.4M #directory #recursion #directory-tree #walk #iterator #symbolic-links #cross-platform
  4. etcetera

    An unopinionated library for obtaining configuration, data, cache, & other directories

    v0.10.0 1.1M #xdg-base #directory #directories #path #config-directory #xdg #dirs
  5. inotify

    Idiomatic wrapper for inotify

    v0.11.0 2.0M #linux #events #api-bindings #idiomatic #watch #directory #event-mask
  6. xdg

    storing and retrieving files according to XDG Base Directory specification

    v2.5.2 369K #xdg-base #configuration #directory #specification #desktop #config #group
  7. path-clean

    cleanname or path.Clean

    v1.0.1 462K #path #filesystem #clean #elements #string #directory #eliminate
  8. temp-dir

    temporary directory with cleanup

    v0.1.14 136K #directory #testing #mkdtemp #symbolic-links #temp #tmpdir #depend
  9. dir-diff

    Do two directories have different contents?

    v0.3.3 117K #directory #diff #fs
  10. jwalk

    Filesystem walk performed in parallel with streamed and sorted results

    v0.8.1 148K #filesystem #directory #parallel #recursion #walk #iterator #walk-dir
  11. steamlocate

    locating Steam game installation directories (and Steam itself!)

    v2.0.1 2.4K #steam #directory #vdf #steamapps #appmanifest #filesystem #location
  12. gix-discover

    Discover git repositories and check if a directory is a git repository

    v0.38.0 511K #git-repository #version-control #directory #check #detection #discover
  13. cargo-temp

    A CLI tool that allow you to create a temporary new rust project using cargo with already installed dependencies

    v0.3.2 160 #temp-dir #temporary #cargo #project #dependencies #directory #command-line-tool
  14. gix-path

    gitoxide project dealing paths and their conversions

    v0.10.14 712K #version-control #path #git #conversion #gitoxide #byte-string #directory
  15. mise

    The front-end to your dev env

    v2025.3.0 9.1K #env-var #directory #environment #dev #variables #tasks #manage
  16. scratch

    Compile-time temporary directory shared by multiple crates and erased by cargo clean

    v1.0.8 759K #temp-dir #build-script #cargo-clean #cargo-build #compile-time #directory #temporary
  17. app_dirs2

    Put your app's data in the right place on every platform. Community-maintained project.

    v2.5.5 12K #storage #data #directory #applications #location
  18. junction

    working with NTFS junctions

    v1.2.0 49K #filesystem #ntfs #symlink #api-bindings #windows-file #junctions #directory
  19. egui-file-dialog

    file dialog for egui

    v0.9.0 10K #file-dialog #desktop-applications #file-explorer #egui #directory #open-file
  20. homedir

    help get the home directory of any user on a system

    v0.3.4 83K #home-directory #user-profile #directory #home #profile #utility #system-api
  21. ensync

    A flexible ENcrypted file SYNChroniser suitable for uses where the central location is not fully trusted

    v1.0.2 700 #encryption-key #file-synchronization #key-store #directory #root-directory #client-server #data-transfer
  22. copy_dir

    Copy directories recursively in a straightforward and predictable way

    v0.1.3 76K #filesystem #directory #recursion #copy #walk-dir #predictable #stable
  23. https

    Host These Things Please - a basic http server for hosting a folder fast and simply (now git-only: cargo install --git https://github.com/thecoshman/http)

    v2.1.0 #http-server #server #http #directory #cargo-install #webdav
  24. dav-server

    Rust WebDAV server library. A fork of the webdav-handler crate.

    v0.7.0 3.5K #webdav #http-server #directory #handler #local-filesystem #http-request #fork
  25. typstyle

    The CLI for Typstyle

    v0.13.0 320 #typst #formatter #format-file #file-format #reliable #directory #arguments
  26. leptosfmt

    view macro formatter CLI for the Leptos web framework

    v0.1.33 3.3K #web-framework #view #formatter #macro #format-file #directory #file-format
  27. cargo-trim

    Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache

    v0.14.0 #cache #cargo #clean #remove #manage #directory #config-directory
  28. merkle_hash

    Finds the hashes of all files and directories in a directory tree

    v3.7.0 4.8K #directory-tree #hash-tree #tree-hash #directory #tree #hash #file-tree
  29. zenoh-backend-filesystem

    Backend for Zenoh using the file system

    v1.2.1 440 #zenoh #filesystem #backend #file-storage #pub-sub #directory #zero
  30. fs-set-times

    Set filesystem timestamps

    v0.20.2 266K #timestamp #filesystem #file-access #file #set #api #directory
  31. tor-netdoc

    Network document formats used with the Tor protocols

    v0.28.0 6.2K #tor #parser #arti #document #relay #descriptor #directory
  32. akd

    auditable key directory

    v0.12.0-pre.11 1.1K #encryption-key #key-transparency #directory #end-to-end-encryption #auditable #messaging #registry
  33. dua-cli

    conveniently learn about the disk usage of directories, fast!

    v2.30.0 1.1K #disk-space #directory #analyzer #parallel #terminal-based #ssd #dua
  34. async-walkdir

    Asynchronous directory traversal for Rust

    v2.1.0 67K #directory-traversal #async #async-io #directory #recursion #walk #thread-pool
  35. rfs_tester

    package allows you to create a temporary directory for testing purposes. You can use it to perform tests related to file operations. After the tests are finished, the temporary directory will be deleted automatically

    v1.1.1 750 #temp-dir #directory-structure #directory #sandbox #filesystem #test-files #testing
  36. fs_at

    'at' functions for various platforms

    v0.2.1 86K #filesystem #open-file #directory #operations #syscalls #link #platform
  37. wdcrypt

    CLI to encrypt the current working directory with Fernet encryption

    v2.3.4 750 #symmetric-encryption #directory #fernet #encryption-key #privacy #guarantees #message
  38. cargo-fuzz

    A cargo subcommand for fuzzing with libFuzzer! Easy to use!

    v0.12.0 50K #fuzz-testing #lib-fuzzer #cargo-subcommand #input #target #coverage #directory
  39. dir_tools

    Набор инструментов для работы с директориями

    v0.1.2 #directories #directory #tool #filesystem #tools
  40. caesura

    An all-in-one command line tool to transcode FLAC audio files and upload to gazelle based indexers/trackers

    v0.25.0 2.2K #command-line #command-line-tool #flac #upload #yaml #transcode #directory
  41. aws-sdk-clouddirectory

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudDirectory

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #operation #directory #information #cloud #data-management #web-services
  42. runnables-cli

    cli to run executables in a workspace

    v1.3.7 1.5K #executable #cargo-workspace #cli #run #tui #directory #projects
  43. file-organiser

    Command line file manager to list, move or delete large numbers of files in nested folders filtered by age, file extension, file name pattern and/or size range

    v0.1.8 420 #file-management #filename #file-extension #command-line #filesystem #file-utility #directory
  44. datafusion-sqllogictest

    DataFusion sqllogictest driver

    v45.0.0 440 #data-fusion #query #sql-query #query-engine #postgresql #sqllogictest #directory
  45. dirscribe

    A CLI tool that combines contents of files with specific extensions from a directory

    v1.1.3 950 #file #directory #file-content #concatenate #utility #cli-file #file-extension
  46. dirs-sys

    System-level helper functions for the dirs and directories crates

    v0.5.0 3.6M #directory #helper #functions #system-level #xdg-basedir #knownfolders
  47. cum-build

    C/C++ Build Tool

    v0.2.2 410 #build #cc #toml #cum #header #directory #linker
  48. deno_cache_dir

    Cache directory logic used in Deno

    v0.18.0 8.9K #deno #cache #directory #logic #module #cli
  49. jaso

    jaso normalizes filenames to their Unicode NFC format in parallel, and is much faster than convmv(1)

    v1.0.1 #unicode #nfc #hangul #convmv #cli #directory #symbolic-links
  50. tor-netdir

    Types to represent and use a Tor network directory

    v0.28.0 6.2K #tor #relay #arti #directory #networking #information #state
  51. snakit

    Command-line tool that recursively renames all files and folders within a specified directory to snake_case

    v0.1.1 240 #recursion #rename #directory #snake-case #hidden #folder #verbose
  52. stowsave

    Automates moving files into a stow directory then using stow to create symlinks back to where the files came from

    v0.1.7 260 #stow #symlink #directory #backup #original #package #create
  53. cargo-clean-recursive

    A cargo subcommand cleans all projects under specified directory

    v1.1.0 #cargo-clean #cargo-subcommand #cargo #recursion #directory #projects #build
  54. automod

    Pull in every source file in a directory as a module

    v1.0.15 78K #directory #module #source-file #automatic #pull #macro #no-alloc
  55. backdown

    A smart CLI for removing thousands of duplicates on your disks

    v1.1.2 #duplicates #deduplicate #disk #remove #removal #directory #media
  56. apple-sdk

    Interact with Apple SDKs

    v0.6.0 5.2K #apple #sdk #platform #macos #directory #search #interact
  57. xdvdfs-cli

    interacting with XISO/XDVDFS images

    v0.8.3 #image-path #xdvdfs #command-line #command-line-tool #filesystem #xiso #directory
  58. homeofficetracker

    track which days you worked from home

    v0.7.0 340 #days #home #track #date #directory #export #worked
  59. zmove

    Move files in the command line with ease

    v0.3.3 450 #file #directory #command #moving #ease #line #command-line
  60. camino-tempfile

    managing temporary files and directories, with UTF-8 paths

    v1.1.1 146K #temporary-files #temp-dir #file-path #directory #utf-8 #camino #filesystem
  61. musicbrainz-release-grabber

    Check if there are new albums on the musicbrainz release. Give it a folder and it will check the artist ids and save it. Now you can just ask for new releases whenever you want. Don't forget to edit the artists.

    v0.17.2 100 #music-brainz #album #artist #release #find #check #directory
  62. dir-test

    macro to generate tests from files in a directory

    v0.4.1 6.1K #directory #testing #test-cases #test-macro #macro #test #cargo-toml
  63. export-cef-dir

    Export pre-built CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) archives

    v133.4.3 270 #export #directory #archive #cef #chromium #framework #pre-built
  64. ssh-key-dir

    sshd AuthorizedKeysCommand to read ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.d

    v0.1.5 310 #ssh-key #directory #read #authorized-keys-command #sshd #multiple #ssh-authorized-keys
  65. ex-cli

    Command line tool to find, filter, sort and list files

    v1.12.0 #file-listing #file-path #show #directory #command-line #month #file-extension
  66. zcopy

    Copy files in the command line with ease

    v0.1.2 290 #file #directory #command #command-line #seamless #copying #folder
  67. cltemplate

    CLI tool for creating and using templates

    v1.1.0 #template #command-line-tool #directory #create #following #quickly #cli
  68. todotree-tui

    change TODO flags in directory and subdirectory

    v0.12.2 950 #tui #directory #entries #toggle #subdirectory #done #flags
  69. fs-librarian

    Librarian runs pre-configured commands against a group of files that match a set of filters

    v0.3.3 #file #file-manager #config-file #directory #filesystem #organizer #organiser
  70. peace_resource_rt

    Runtime resources for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 110 #automation #peace #state #directory #clean #diff #resources
  71. cargo-skyline

    A cargo subcommand for working with Skyline plugins written in Rust

    v3.3.0 #cargo-subcommand #skyline #switch #install #build #ip #directory
  72. unionfarm

    managing symlink farms

    v0.1.5 230 #symlink #farm #system #data-source #union #directory #overlay
  73. bookmark-cli

    bookmark tool

    v1.2.0 #bookmarks #command-line #directory #user #file #path #command-line-tool
  74. cachedir

    help interacting with cache directories and CACHEDIR.TAG files

    v0.3.1 19K #cache #directory #tags #tagging #file-io #specification #defined
  75. brix

    CLI tool written in Rust for scaffolding and code generation

    v0.4.2 #generation #template #scaffolding #codegen #directory #module #command-line-tool
  76. thwack

    Command line version of Go To File utility, similar to the one on GitHub

    v0.10.1 3.6K #command-line #file-search #command-line-tool #directory #file-utility #open-file #command-name
  77. rawzip

    A Zip archive reader and writer

    v0.1.0 1.2K #zip-archive #zip #zip-file #archive #reader-writer #entries #directory
  78. scandir

    A fast file tree scanner written in Rust

    v2.9.2 330 #file-tree #walk #directory #performance #statistics #directory-tree #class
  79. paq

    Hash file or directory recursively

    v1.1.0 650 #blake3 #directory #directory-traversal #hash #directories #cryptography #file-content
  80. fpick

    Interactive file picker

    v0.7.9 390 #terminal-file #file-path #directory #directory-tree #directory-traversal #interactive #picker
  81. hyperfs

    HTTP server for static files

    v3.0.1 140 #http-server #serve-static #executable #tool #single #directory #python
  82. build-fs-tree

    Generate a filesystem tree from a macro or a YAML tree

    v0.7.1 3.6K #filesystem #yaml #directory-tree #directory #directory-structure #tree #file
  83. janitor-service

    A service that cleans up your downloads folder

    v0.1.39 #download #file #service #cleanup #configurable #pattern #directory
  84. cp_r

    Copy files and directories recursively, preserving mtime and permissions

    v0.5.2 1.3K #recursion #permissions #directory #copy #directory-tree #filesystem #walk-dir
  85. microxdg

    An XDG Base Directory Specification library

    v0.2.0 250 #xdg-base #xdg #file-path #directory #data-file #config-directory #path
  86. testdir

    Semi-persistent, scoped test directories

    v0.9.3 4.8K #temp-dir #cargo-test #testing #directory #temporary #target-directory #test
  87. minifind

    minimal find reimplementation

    v0.5.2 #find #path #symlink #directory #regex #case-insensitive #thread
  88. rustywatch

    Live reloading for any programing languages

    v0.2.11 1.7K #build #programming-language #reloading #live #directory #watcher #monorepo
  89. editpe

    Resource Editor for parsing and modification of Windows Portable Executables and their resources

    v0.2.1 3.4K #resources #pe #parser #file-header #section-header #coff #directory
  90. dagger-sdk

    A dagger sdk for rust, written in rust

    v0.16.2 650 #continuous-deployment #devops #sdk #pipeline #dagger #directory #continuous-delivery
  91. ec2hx

    convert EditorConfig to Helix configuration

    v1.7.1 650 #helix #editor-config #section #file #convert #glob #directory
  92. kc

    Kayla's (line) counter (of code) :)

    v1.0.0 1.0K #line #programming-language #counter #directory #scanning #tally #up
  93. r2sync

    cli for synchronizing files between a local directory and Cloudflare R2

    v0.0.4 140 #sync #file #cloudflare #local #r2 #directory #bucket
  94. replacer-cli

    A flexible cli to replace strings in files or a directory

    v0.2.0 200 #config-file #glob-pattern #replace #string #text-replacement #directory #recursion
  95. monofs

    monofs is an immutable distributed file system

    v0.2.1 #directory #immutability #distributed #filesystem #link #io #symbolic
  96. sessionizer

    Tmux session manager

    v0.5.1 120 #tmux-session #session #tmux #directory #path #search-path #shell
  97. monocore

    monocore is a secure MicroVM provisioning system for running untrusted code in isolated environments

    v0.2.1 #micro-vm #service #directory #group #running #isolated #sandbox
  98. iftree

    Include many files in your Rust code for self-contained binaries

    v1.0.6 1.9K #file-path #file-tree #file #file-content #folder #embed #directory
  99. hashhaze

    A CLI application for generating BlurHash from images

    v0.3.1 #image #generate #component #blur-hash #cli #input #directory
  100. group_files_into_dirs

    Group files into directories based on keywords

    v0.3.0 470 #directory #group #organize #command-line-tool #name #filenames #mode
  101. codelist

    A tiny tool for surfing a file structure, intended for codebases

    v1.1.2 180 #codebase #file #directory #tiny #directory-structure #command-line-tool #cli
  102. mchdir

    enter a directory in one command

    v0.3.0 200 #directory #temp-dir #cd #change #mkdir #command-line-tool #chdir
  103. moxide

    powerful tmux session manager

    v0.2.0 #tmux-session #yaml-config #template #directory #manager #tmux-session-manager #projects
  104. rfmp

    A program to pack and install Factorio mods from source code quickly

    v1.3.2 100 #mod #factorio #source #directory #install #version #build-script
  105. jumptag

    Jump to directory using tags as shorthand

    v0.1.4 170 #tags #jump #shorthand #directory #script
  106. easy-install

    v1.3.3 500 #github #install #download #json #json-file #directory #cargo
  107. lacy

    Fast magical cd alternative for lacy terminal navigators

    v0.2.0 100 #cd #terminal #path #shell #directory #navigators #zsh
  108. aws-sdk-directoryservicedata

    AWS SDK for AWS Directory Service Data

    v1.17.0 600 #user-group #directory #aws-sdk #service #user-management #ad #microsoft
  109. tempfs

    A lightweight Rust crate for managing temporary files and directories with automatic cleanup

    v0.13.11 420 #temp-dir #temporary-files #temporary #directories #file #directory
  110. hoard

    backups of files across your filesystem into one location

    v0.6.1 #backup #configuration #dotfiles #config-file #directory #systems #across
  111. gitjuggling

    Run a git command in all repositories under the current working directory

    v1.4.0 #git-repository #directory #fetch
  112. zix

    fast alternative to the traditional Unix ls command, designed specifically for Windows

    v0.0.5 #ls #command #directory #windows #format #executable #unix
  113. diskus

    A minimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh'

    v0.8.0 150 #disk #du #directory #command-line #command-line-tool #size #sh
  114. passnag

    that nags you to train your passwords

    v0.1.0 110 #passwords #train #nags #directory
  115. hashdeep

    Recursively compute file hashes over a tree

    v0.3.1 260 #hash #recursion #hash-tree #compute #file-tree #sha-2 #directory
  116. dowser

    A recursive, canonicalizing file finding library for Unix

    v0.12.0 500 #file-path #unix-file #file-search #symlink #recursion #directory #finding
  117. texted

    A markdown blog platform that lets you in control of your data

    v1.1.1 #blog-post #markdown-text #platform #data #control #directory #system
  118. deepcopy

    copy files and directories recursively, and report current progress

    v0.1.5 320 #recursion #file #progress #copying #directory #multiple #report
  119. project-structure-creator

    A CLI tool to create directory structure using ASCII tree

    v0.2.0 #ascii #directory-structure #directory #cli #tree-structure #command-line-tool
  120. vite-actix

    integrating vite dev server to actix web server

    v0.1.2 300 #vite #dev-server #web-server #actix-web #directory #proxy #integrating
  121. duplicate_destroyer

    Finds and annihilates duplicate directories

    v0.0.8 #duplicate #duplicates #filesystem #directory #finder #cleaner #command-line-tool
  122. recv-dir

    Recursive directory walker

    v0.3.1 170 #directory-traversal #directory #traversal #dir-traverse #directory-traverse
  123. flatten-project

    Flattens nested project directories into a single directory with underscore-delimited filenames while preserving the original structure

    v0.2.0 #directory #llm #cli #file-structure #command-line-tool
  124. legdur

    keep your legacy durable, detect changes to your directories over time

    v0.3.4 #directory #filesystem #compare #directory-structure #filetime #legacy #hash
  125. npkl

    Like npkill, but written in Rust

    v1.0.3 170 #nodejs #node-modules #npm #directory #front-end #package #npkill
  126. add-license

    Subcommand for Cargo that creates a file with a user-defined license in the project's directory

    v0.2.1 400 #cargo-toml #create-file #cargo-subcommand #user-defined #attributes #replace #directory
  127. licensing

    Subcommand for Cargo that creates a file with a user-defined license in the project's directory

    v0.2.1 400 #cargo-toml #cargo-subcommand #create-file #user-defined #add #directory
  128. bookmark-cd

    Bookmark directories and move to them

    v1.0.15 370 #utility #directory #filesystem #cd #bookmarks #bookmarked #move
  129. xfs-fuse

    Read-only FUSE server implementing XFS

    v0.4.4 #filesystem #fuse #xfs #file #read-only #server #directory
  130. quiet-stroll

    A web server to deliver basic File System informations

    v1.1.3 700 #filesystem #web-server #system-information #file #glob #directory #walk
  131. regroot

    A modern, colorful directory tree viewer with glob pattern support

    v0.3.0 #glob-pattern #directory-tree #glob #tree #directory #cli #filesystem
  132. repo-summarizer

    generating a text file summary of directory contents

    v0.0.2 #directory-structure #directory #summary #file-content #documentation #snapshot #code
  133. loppel

    local file backups with a bit of compression

    v0.1.1 #backup #local-file #local-backup #cli #directory
  134. swim-marlin

    Parallel test runner for Marlin tests

    v0.1.0 #swim #marlin #testing #directory #pattern #name #runner
  135. lorevault

    program to create a directory from a recipe

    v1.4.0 #directory #config-file #git-repository #version-control #reproducible #path #hash
  136. precious-testhelper

    A helper library for precious tests - not for external use

    v0.7.3 1.2K #run-command #config-file #precious #directory #quality #testing #file-path
  137. git_fetch_concurrently

    Do git fetch -p && git gc in each sub directory concurrently

    v0.0.2 #git #concurrently #gc #fetch #sub #directory #asyncrun
  138. glu

    Unpacks a Markdown document full of code snippets into a temp directory

    v0.7.26 550 #markdown #directory #snippets #file #article #full #document
  139. Calen-sCLI

    A very basic CLI utility tool

    v0.1.1 #calen-scli #cli #find #command-line-tool #basic #utility #search-pattern #directory
  140. prun

    🍺 Run —

    v0.1.3 550 #run-command #git #command-line-tool #directory #parallel #pattern #git-status
  141. taita

    A project manager (pre-alpha)

    v0.1.7 #manager #directory #projects #information #pre-alpha #hyperspecific #mvp
  142. proompt

    Concatenate a directory full of files into a single prompt for use with LLMs

    v0.1.0 #llm #cli #concatenation #single #prompt #directory #full
  143. fre

    A command line frecency tracking tool

    v0.4.1 #command-line #directory #command-line-tool #sorting #tracking #fzf #frecency
  144. ant-protocol

    Defines the network protocol for Autonomi

    v1.0.1 1.3K #protocols #autonomi #messages #directory #module #error #define
  145. bulkcp

    command line bulk copying tool

    v0.1.3 180 #command-line #copying #bulk #rename #directory #moving #mv
  146. uu_mktemp

    mktemp ~ (uutils) create and display a temporary file or directory from TEMPLATE

    v0.0.29 12K #temporary-files #temp-dir #coreutils #cross-platform #directory #utility #uutils
  147. files-diff

    differing files and ZIP archives

    v0.1.1 550 #zip-archive #diff #patch #patch-file #differing #operations #directory
  148. dock_sprout

    Rust CLI tool to bring up or down multiple docker-compose files from a parent directory

    v1.0.3 370 #docker-compose #docker #up #multiple #directory #yaml #command-line-tool
  149. directoree

    Print current directory tree

    v0.0.3 #directory-tree #tree #directory #cli
  150. dotsy

    A basic dotfile manager created to replace my usage of dotbot

    v1.0.1 210 #dotfiles #profile #created #directory #dotbot #file #json-file
  151. phd

    an esoteric gopher server

    v0.1.15 #gopher #daemon #directory #text-file #server #server-port #ascii-art
  152. codepack

    A *lightning-fast* tool that transforms a directory into a single, LLM-friendly text file, perfect for easy processing and analysis

    v0.9.5 270 #text-file #file-processing #directory #single #txt-file #transform #filter
  153. jpre

    A JDK management tool

    v0.3.0 550 #java #version #version-manager #download #process-id #directory #temurin
  154. derive-visitor

    Derive visitor pattern for arbitrary data structures

    v0.4.0 5.5K #macro-derive #visitor #data-structures #derive #macro #directory
  155. ant-node

    The Autonomi node binary

    v0.3.7 140 #binary #directory #data #autonomi #python #events #node
  156. rusk-profile

    handle Rusk profile directories

    v1.0.1 480 #rusk #profile #dusk #directory #platform #reference #setup
  157. ognibuild

    Detect and run any build system

    v0.0.33 1.0K #build-system #build-tool #debian-package #directory #install #detect #interface
  158. nfsserve

    NFS Server implementation

    v0.10.2 800 #filesystem #nfs #cross-platform #mount #system #protocols #directory
  159. cloup

    template manager that provides the files you desire when you need them

    v0.2.0 #config-file #template #file-manager #package-json #apply #directory #reuse
  160. cli_util

    Command-line utilitiy for unix based systems

    v0.2.35 500 #command-line #directory #display #ls #find #filename #text
  161. cunw

    A tiny utility that generates a file representing the structure and content of a directory. Made to easily give context to a LLM.

    v0.3.0 #directory #file-content #llm #context #prompt #directory-traversal #language-model
  162. fuse_mt

    A higher-level FUSE filesystem library with multi-threading and inode->path translation

    v0.6.1 440 #fuse #filesystem #path #directory #higher-level #translation #multi-threading
  163. filetree-traversing

    working with file trees

    v0.1.10 #file-tree #filesystem #file #directory #file-explorer #tree #file-permissions
  164. Fasching

    Track Filesystem Integrity via Snapshots which contain a HashMap of the files and their corresponding hash signature from a specified directory

    v0.2.4 1.4K #fasching #file-integrity #directory #file-hashing #filesystem-hashing #folder-hashing #filesystem-integirty
  165. rldd

    A program to print shared object dependencies

    v0.3.0 120 #elf #linux #mach-o #cli #directory
  166. simpleio

    file io that i use in my personal projects

    v0.2.3 500 #file-io #file #io #personal #projects #directory
  167. muxme

    Easily start tmux sessions named from the current directory

    v0.0.5 120 #tmux-session #directory #name #root-directory #join #path #named
  168. tauri-plugin-tinys-internal-fs

    This plugin is primarily designed for Tinywang's convenience in developing Tauri applications and is tailored to personal needs only

    v0.1.3 150 #file-path #tauri-plugin #file-content #applications #tauri-app #directory #developing
  169. folder

    The package allows for scanning directories in parallel

    v0.9.0 #directory #parallel #walk #scan #recursion
  170. rust-rtree

    A simplified version of the tree tool written in rust

    v0.9.6 #r-tree #directory #version #tool #depth #show #hidden
  171. refile-m4b

    Refile a directory of m4b files by artist, album (where specified) and title. Used to refile m4b versions of converted aax files for use by Smart Audiobook Player.

    v0.3.1 #directory #title #version #refile #m4b #album #series
  172. ntfs

    A low-level NTFS filesystem library

    v0.4.0 3.5K #filesystem #low-level #nt #index #version #primary #directory
  173. rwalk

    A blazing fast web directory scanner

    v0.9.0 #directory #web #scanner #brute-force #fuzzing #bruteforce
  174. cicero_path

    Access paths relevant for CI code

    v0.3.0 290 #ci #path #xtask #directory #root #repository #cicero
  175. dircnt

    Count directory entries faster than ls -f | wc -l

    v1.0.2 #directory #count #entries #ls #wc #faster #special
  176. config-better

    Configure your application in a friendlier and more consistent way!

    v1.3.1 230 #xdg-base #config #xdg #applications #directory #user-friendly #consistent
  177. prettier-ls

    list directories and files in a tree-like structure with customizable display options

    v0.1.1 #directory #tree #file #cli #ls
  178. pint-cli

    Pint's package manager and CLI plugin host

    v0.13.0 #package-manager #pint #host #line #path #plugin #directory
  179. ldap-test-server-cli

    Command line for running OpenLDAP server for testing

    v0.1.2 130 #ldap-server #ldap #testing #command-line #open-ldap #directory #port
  180. jwalk-meta

    Filesystem walk performed in parallel with streamed and sorted results

    v0.9.4 #filesystem #directory #parallel #walk #recursion #iterator #walk-dir
  181. leottaro_commands

    some simple commands

    v1.0.1 #directory #command #tar #gitignore #create #archive #prompt
  182. osh_dir_std

    humans and machines deal with the OSH directory standard: https://github.com/hoijui/osh-dir-std

    v0.8.3 110 #directory-structure #file-listing #directory #osh #structure #norm #parser
  183. ask-rm

    arm (ask rm), a command line utility that loops over the files in the given (or current) directory and asks if it should remove them

    v0.1.0 #ask #rm #remove #arm #directory #utility #line
  184. withd

    Run a command in another directory

    v0.3.2 #run-command #cd #directory #shell #cargo-command #cdpath #different
  185. slim-runner

    Run SLiM simulation grid runs in parallel

    v0.1.1 110 #simulation #grid #parameters #parallel #s-li-m #write #directory
  186. simpath

    Search for files on a path defined in an environment variable

    v2.5.0 200 #search-path #env-vars #path-environment #file-path #variables #file-search #directory
  187. fdn

    uniformly change file or directory names and support rollback these operations

    v0.8.5 #directory #filename #rollback #file #file-change
  188. cache-dir


    v0.1.8 320 #directory #cache #android #ios
  189. rust_search_fork

    Blazingly fast file search library built in Rust. Forked due to abandoned project.

    v2.1.3 #file-search #file #directories #directory #search #library
  190. ldap-rs

    LDAP client for Rust

    v0.5.1 270 #ldap-client #ldap #client #directory #tls #tls-connection
  191. findfont

    find font by file name

    v0.1.1 #font #find #name #path #filename #font-file #directory
  192. ios

    Light-weight CLI tool to extract iOS backup

    v0.2.1 700 #backup #sqlite #ios-backup #extract #directory #arguments #path
  193. pushd

    that implements pushd

    v0.0.2 #directory #error #original #dropped #created #temp-dir #changing
  194. cross-xdg

    Cross-platform XDG Base Directory Specification implementation

    v0.3.0 150 #xdg-base #directory #xdg #directories
  195. bonky

    The blazingly fast touch alternative written in rust. Made for the sole purpose to create files.

    v0.4.0 #create-file #touch #file #directory #create #command-line-tool #mkdir
  196. yolo_binding

    A yolo prediction frame with torch-rs

    v0.2.6 600 #prediction #frame #binding #yolo #load #export #directory
  197. standard_paths

    A port of QStandardPaths class which provides methods for accessing standard paths on the local filesystem (config, cache, user directories and etc.)

    v2.1.0 #path #config-directory #directory #standard #local-filesystem #location #storage
  198. sync-rs

    A CLI tool to sync files between directories

    v1.1.1 #sync #directory #cli #tool #command-line-tool
  199. cheeseburger

    The Safe Script Execution Environment

    v0.1.0 #command #execution #script #environment #pattern #protection #directory
  200. cd-pls

    A pretty LS-like screen for when you CD

    v0.1.7 600 #cd #icons #screen #pls #directory #color #information
  201. cxd

    a command for commands

    v0.1.1 #execute-command #command #workflow #directory #utility #tool #command-line-tool
  202. kaps

    🔐 Enterprise-grade file encryption toolkit

    v0.1.0 120 #encryption #file-encryption #directory #directory-structure #salt #iv #key
  203. orengine

    Optimized ring engine for Rust. It is a lighter and faster asynchronous library than tokio-rs, async-std, may, and even smol

    v0.7.0-alpha.1 #async-io #io #async #non-blocking #directory #high-performance #shared-nothing
  204. tree-create

    create directory structures from a tree-like text input

    v0.3.0 140 #directory-structure #directory #directory-tree #text-input #tree #cli #filesystem
  205. sycamore-template

    Generates sycamore templates

    v0.1.2 190 #sycamore #template #css #generates #directory #template-generator #assets
  206. rskill

    npkill like cli utility for removing node_modules

    v0.4.0 300 #npkill #node-modules #cli #delete #clone #directory #user
  207. havsalt-here

    Effortlessly grab and copy file locations

    v0.17.0 #path #copy #directory #clipboard #copy-file #locations #symlink
  208. verneuil

    A sqlite VFS for asynchronous replication to S3-compatible blob stores

    v0.6.4 430 #sqlite #replication #vfs #s3-compatible #sqlite-extension #snapshot #directory
  209. broken-md-links

    A command-line tool and library to detect broken links in Markdown files

    v2.1.1 #broken-links #markdown #command-line-tool #header-file #target-file #directory #detect
  210. fire-stream

    A more or less simple communication protocol library

    v0.4.3 #encryption #stream #plain-text #fire #how #directory #api
  211. dir-iterator

    Iterator that recursively scans and filters files from a directory

    v0.1.4 #directory #iterator #filter #recursion #scan #walk-dir #wildcard
  212. jump-kun

    directory jumper made by rust

    v0.4.16 #directory #cd #jumper #automatic #records #list #enhancd
  213. dsum

    Checksum for directories

    v0.1.0 #checksum #directory #algorithm #blake3 #default #sums #sum
  214. safe-remove

    Safe Remove (srm): Move files to a safe location instead of deleting them immediately

    v0.1.2 290 #deleting #safe #srm #remove #directory #deleted #command
  215. clipdir

    wayland clipboard manager with a syncable directory backend

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #directory #wayland #manager #sync #back-end #clipboard-history
  216. efs

    An OS and architecture independent implementation of some Unix filesystems in Rust

    v0.4.2 600 #filesystem #directory #read-write #devices #symlink #ext2 #symbolic-links
  217. froggr

    🐸 Simple file system implementation using the 9P protocol

    v0.1.0 #bind #namespaces #9p #fuse #filesystem #directory #virtualization
  218. dirby

    command line tool for speedily creating large amounts of directories

    v0.1.1 #directory #command-line-tool #fs #cli #input-file
  219. quickcfg

    Do basic configuration of a system, declaratively and quickly

    v0.6.3 #configuration #system #dotfiles #template #directory #directory-structure #quickly
  220. for-all-projects

    run cargo commands for all projects in a directory, recursively

    v0.1.7 #cargo-command #projects #recursion #repository #directory #entertainment #mono
  221. places-cli

    A cli program to get file and directory locations from XDG

    v0.1.2 #directory #file-path #xdg #env-vars #cli-file #location #user-data
  222. envpath

    parsing and deserialising paths with special rules. The format is similar to ["$proj(com.xy.z): data ? cfg", "$const: os", "$val: rand-16"]

    v0.0.1-beta.3 200 #file-path #env #directory #config-file #cfg #proj #config-parser
  223. get_dir

    get directory

    v0.4.0 #directory #target-directory #fs #utilities #target-file #filesystem #search
  224. fuzip

    Fuzzy zipping for scripting

    v0.1.1 #scripting #fuzzy #directory #command #match #execute-command #execution
  225. combiner

    Rust-based command-line tool that processes text files in a given directory, combining their contents into a single output file

    v0.2.2 #single-file #command-line #directory #command-line-tool #processing #parallel-processing #file-content
  226. spade-docker

    Manage Linux images for Spade

    v0.1.0 #spade #image #manage #docker #linux #directory
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. simpletree

    CLI tool to list files recursively in a directory

    v0.1.0 #directory #recursion #list #tool #command-line-tool
  229. solr_post

    command line tool and library to post files in a directory to a Solr server

    v0.1.5 160 #solr #command-line-tool #post #directory #collection #default #server
  230. qdir

    A quick directory generator

    v0.1.2 140 #directory #alphanumeric #command-line #cli #names #naming #quick
  231. ortfodb

    (https://github.com/ortfo/db) client library for Rust

    v1.6.1 550 #client #database #text #github #directory #com-ortfo-db #schema
  232. dirscomp

    comparing two directories using BLAKE3 hashing

    v0.2.2 #blake3 #hashing #comparison #file #directory #compare #file-content
  233. promptress

    Lightning-fast, customizable terminal prompt

    v0.2.3 #git-branch #prompt #customizable #exit #directory #terminal #show
  234. heron-rebuild

    Workflow runner for complex build commands

    v0.2.0 #build-system #workflow #task #branch #complex #different #directory
  235. squinter

    interface with SquashFS filesystems

    v0.3.1 240 #squashfs #read-file #filesystem #file-content #directory #interface #squash-fs
  236. tree-lint

    lint your directory structure

    v0.1.0 #lint #structure #directory #directory-structure
  237. rm_rf

    Force-remove a file/directory and all descendants

    v0.6.2 2.3K #file-directory #directory #delete-file #recursion #remove #delete #file
  238. projects

    tracking, searching, and jumping to your projects

    v1.1.2 #cd #directories #command-line-utilities #search #directory #cli
  239. rust_search

    Blazingly fast file search library built in Rust

    v2.1.0 5.2K #file-search #file #directories #directory #search #filesystem #library
  240. merkle-root

    calculating the Merkle root of either a file, or walked directory

    v1.1.0 #merkle #root #hash #merkle-tree #directory #recursion #individual
  241. ferris-files

    A CLI to find large files

    v0.1.2 #utility #find #file-path #directory #cli #error #entries
  242. random-dir

    Create directories and files with random contents in tests

    v0.2.4 #directory #random #testing #test
  243. file_picker

    Prompts the user to pick a file interactively from the current directory

    v0.4.0 #prompt #user #file #pick #interactively #directory #label
  244. ocdm

    OpenPGP Certificate Directory Manager

    v0.1.0 #certificate #openpgp #directory #manager #cert #show #tags
  245. real_parent

    Symlink-safe path extension for parent directory

    v0.4.0 #path #symlink #filesystem #parent #directory #extension #safe
  246. tin-summer

    Command-line tool to find build artifacts and thing occupying space on your computer. Shatters records not glass.

    v1.21.14 170 #disk-space #artifact #build #command-line-tool #find #du #directory
  247. AJ_jmp

    jump to a directory

    v0.1.0 #aj_jmp #directory #jump #jmp #path #folder #file-path #bash
  248. wut

    Outputs current directory

    v0.1.0 #wut #outputs #directory