
  1. image

    Imaging library. Provides basic image processing and encoders/decoders for common image formats.

    v0.25.5 1.8M #image-processing #codec #image-encoding #pixels #dimension #decoding
  2. infer

    Small crate to infer file type based on magic number signatures

    v0.16.0 1.4M #file-extension #mime #filetype #magic-number #mime-types #file-path #image
  3. fdeflate

    Fast specialized deflate implementation

    v0.3.7 1.6M #png #deflate #image #image-encoding #zlib #optimized #algorithm
  4. softbuffer

    Cross-platform software buffer

    v0.4.6 144K #windowing #framebuffer #graphics #2d-graphics #winit-window #image
  5. fast_image_resize

    fast image resizing with using of SIMD instructions

    v5.1.0 274K #image-resizing #pixel-format #resize #image
  6. plotly

    A plotting library powered by Plotly.js

    v0.11.0 16K #plot #visualization #js #chart #interactive #image #powered
  7. jpeg-decoder

    JPEG decoder

    v0.3.1 1.1M #jpeg #decoder #image #jpg
  8. imagesize

    Quick probing of image dimensions without loading the entire file

    v0.13.0 243K #image #dimension #size #file-format #metadata #reading-file #file-metadata
  9. rust_xlsxwriter

    writing Excel 2007 xlsx files

    v0.80.0 31K #save-file #file-format #excel #image #worksheet #date-time #workbook
  10. webp

    WebP conversion library

    v0.3.0 78K #image-conversion #format-conversion #image #conversion #convert
  11. czkawka_gui

    GTK frontend of Czkawka

    v8.0.0 #gui #gtk #czkawka #duplicates #user-interface #image #front-end
  12. viuer

    Display images in the terminal

    v0.9.1 16K #terminal-graphics #image #terminal #display #terminal-interface #sixel #default
  13. fastembed


    v4.3.0 2.9K #embedding #vector-search #retrieval #model #github #image #semantic
  14. libvips

    Safe bindings for libvips

    v1.7.0 34K #image #bindings #image-encoding #graphics #generated-bindings #api-bindings #bindgen
  15. pngquant

    Convert 24/32-bit PNG images to efficient 8-bit format with alpha channel

    v3.0.3 410 #image-compression #image #quantization #palette #filesize #image-conversion #compression
  16. raqote

    2D graphics library

    v0.8.5 10K #2d-graphics #graphics #2d #image
  17. viu

    View images right from the terminal

    v1.5.1 750 #image #gif #terminal #command-line-utilities #stdin #command-line-interface
  18. aws-sdk-rekognition

    AWS SDK for Amazon Rekognition

    v1.53.0 10K #aws-sdk #amazon #image #label #rekognition
  19. tinybmp

    No-std, low memory footprint BMP image loader

    v0.6.0 3.3K #low-memory #embedded-graphics #bmp #image #graphics #bitmap
  20. mozjpeg

    Higher-level wrapper for Mozilla's JPEG library

    v0.10.11 7.7K #jpeg #codec #image #image-encoding #encoder #decoder #libjpeg
  21. ratatui-image

    An image widget for ratatui, supporting sixels and unicode-halfblocks

    v3.0.0 2.2K #terminal-graphics #tui #image #ratatui #sixel #kitty #unicode-characters
  22. piet

    An abstraction for 2D graphics

    v0.7.0 4.3K #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #2d #cross-platform #cross-platform-gui #image
  23. dssim

    Tool that measures structural similarity between images using a multi-scale variant of the SSIM algorithm

    v3.3.2 390 #ssim #comparison #color-space #visual #compare #image #benchmark
  24. havocompare

    A flexible rule-based file and folder comparison tool and crate including nice html reporting. Compares CSVs, JSON, text files, pdf-texts and images.

    v0.6.1 1.3K #csv #compare #diff #difference #config-file #image #file-metadata
  25. rustracer

    a multi-threaded raytracer in pure rust

    v1.0.4 280 #ray-tracing #ray-tracer #image #thread #convert-images #raytracer #scene-description
  26. libwebp-sys

    Bindings to libwebp (bindgen, static linking)

    v0.11.0 87K #codec #webp #image #encoder #decoder #web-p
  27. krokiet

    Slint frontend of Czkawka Core

    v8.0.0 #slint #image #front-end #czkawka #duplicates #toolkit #gtk
  28. resize

    image resampling library in pure Rust

    v0.8.8 81K #image-resizing #graphics #image #resample #scale
  29. png_pong

    A pure Rust PNG/APNG encoder & decoder

    v0.9.3 154K #png #codec #image-encoding #image #decoder #encoder #apng
  30. ril

    Rust Imaging Library: A performant and high-level image processing crate for Rust

    v0.10.3 1.1K #image-processing #image-encoding #image #imaging #processing #editing #graphics
  31. czkawka_cli

    CLI frontend of Czkawka

    v8.0.0 #image #duplicates #frontend #video #multi-platform #czkawka #heif
  32. qoi

    VERY fast encoder/decoder for QOI (Quite Okay Image) format

    v0.4.1 628K #image-encoding #image #encoding #graphics
  33. stitchy

    CLI tool to combine multiple image files into a single image

    v0.1.7 430 #image #command-line #output-image #command-line-tool #join #command-line-arguments #default
  34. xcap

    cross-platform screen capture library written in Rust. It supports Linux (X11, Wayland), MacOS, and Windows. XCap supports screenshot and video recording (to be implemented).

    v0.0.14 10K #screen-capture #screen-recording #capture #screen #window #image #monitor
  35. avif-parse

    Parser for AVIF image files

    v1.3.2 1.5K #image #parser #demuxer #heif
  36. psd

    API for parsing and working with PSD files

    v0.3.5 500 #png #image #texture #photoshop
  37. annatar

    A command line tool for making memes. Full readme available at: https://github.com/archer884/annatar

    v0.6.11 #command-line #image #text-image #image-processing #meme #command-line-tool #command-line-arguments
  38. zune-core

    Core utilities for image processing in the zune family of crates

    v0.5.0-rc2 718K #image-processing #image-encoding #image #codec #color-space #bit #depth
  39. oculante

    A minimalistic image viewer with analysis and editing tools

    v0.9.1 #image-viewer #image #viewer #graphics
  40. load_image

    Load PNG or JPEG with color profile support

    v3.2.1 1.1K #jpeg #image #color #png #webp #profile #load
  41. rwpspread

    Multi-Monitor Wallpaper Utility

    v0.3.1 140 #wallpaper #utility #back-end #input #image #color-palette #daemon
  42. nshare

    Conversion between n-dimensional types in different Rust crates

    v0.10.0 4.7K #nalgebra #ndarray #convert #image #borrow
  43. oliframe

    Add a simple border to one or more images

    v0.2.3 130 #image #border #frame #graphics #command-line-tool #output-image
  44. image_hasher

    that provides perceptual hashing and difference calculation for images

    v2.0.0 12K #perceptual #difference #hash-values #hash #image
  45. rvimage

    A remote image viewer with a labeling tool

    v0.4.19 160 #image-viewer #bounding-box #image #computer-vision #remote #viewer #label
  46. identicon-rs

    built around custom generation of identicon images

    v6.0.1 2.2K #image-generation #identicon #image #avatar #graphics
  47. turbojpeg

    Fast and easy JPEG encoding, decoding and lossless transforms with TurboJPEG

    v1.1.1 4.5K #jpeg #image-compression #image #encoder #codec #transform #decoder
  48. jxl-oxide

    JPEG XL decoder written in pure Rust

    v0.10.2 19K #jpegxl #jpeg #image #decoder #xl #decoding #pure
  49. tauri-plugin-clipboard

    A clipboard plugin for Tauri that supports text, html, rtf, files and image, as well as clipboard update listening

    v2.1.11 550 #tauri-plugin #clipboard #rich-text #read-write #image #text-image #html
  50. re_types

    The built-in Rerun data types, component types, and archetypes

    v0.20.3 25K #rerun #archetypes #component #image #space-view #computer-vision #datatype
  51. blurhash

    A pure Rust implementation of blurhash

    v0.2.3 6.1K #image #image-encoding #codec #string #decoding #pure #algorithm
  52. pix

    Pixel / raster image library

    v0.13.4 156K #image-conversion #pixel #rgb #image #color #color-conversion #format-conversion
  53. zune-image

    An image library, contiaining necessary capabilities to decode, manipulate and encode images

    v0.5.0-rc0 1.1K #image-processing #image #decoder-encoder #image-encoding #encoder #decoder
  54. rusty-tesseract

    wrapper for Google Tesseract

    v1.1.10 1.1K #tesseract #bounding-box #image #google #dataframe #string #boxes
  55. rimage

    Optimize images natively with best-in-class codecs

    v0.11.0-next.3 100 #image-compression #image-resizing #image #encoder #compression
  56. dify

    A fast pixel-by-pixel image comparison tool in Rust

    v0.7.4 6.7K #compare #diff #image #change #assert #nodejs
  57. exifrename

    Rename or copy files based on EXIF data

    v1.1.0 290 #exif #rename #image #organize #organise
  58. jfifdump

    Read and dump structure of a jpeg file

    v0.6.0 158K #jpeg #image #command-line-tool #jpg
  59. chwp

    Change your wallpaper from the command line interface

    v1.239.31 490 #command-line #wallpaper #image #command-line-interface #image-url #background #command-line-tool
  60. libwebp-sys2

    A handwritten raw interface to libwebp

    v0.1.9 11K #webp #image #libwebp #interface #raw #functions #mux
  61. graphicsmagick

    binding for Rust

    v0.6.1 #image #imagemagick #gmagick #imagick #magick
  62. wallheaven

    Random image fetcher for wallhaven.cc

    v1.1.1 800 #wallpaper #api-key #desktop-environment #random #cc #wallhaven #image
  63. cam-geom

    Geometric models of cameras for photogrammetry

    v0.15.0 1.6K #computer-vision #3d-model #photogrammetry #vision #computer #linear-algebra #image
  64. glycin

    Sandboxed image decoding

    v2.0.2 1.4K #image #texture #gdk #loaders #sandboxed #decoding #metadata
  65. openjp2

    Rust port of Openjpeg

    v0.5.3 2.3K #image-compression #jpeg2000 #jp2 #j2k #image
  66. libopenraw

    Digital camera RAW file processing

    v0.4.0-alpha.8 390 #image-processing #image #camera-image #photography #file-processing #graphics #file-format
  67. imgutils

    Cross-platform CLI for quickly parsing & manipulating images

    v0.1.3 260 #image-processing #command-line #cross-platform #arguments-parser #image #command-line-tool #utility
  68. twenty-twenty

    Visual regression testing of H264 frames and images

    v0.8.1 6.7K #frame #image #h264 #testing #image-processing #regression #visual
  69. stylin

    Convert markdown to pandoc markdown with custom styles

    v0.9.2 #convert-markdown #style #markdown-text #name #pandoc #image #strong
  70. t-rec

    Blazingly fast terminal recorder that generates animated gif images for the web written in rust

    v0.7.6 100 #gif #terminal #command-line #recorder #image #terminal-window #generate
  71. ci-hoover

    will delete stuff you don't want from github actions runners

    v0.1.1 240 #ci #github-actions #cleanup #action #dont #delete #image
  72. websum

    Next-gen integrity checker written in Rust

    v0.4.1 400 #sha-256 #file-integrity #image #hash #next-gen #archive #checker
  73. dupimg

    duplicate image finder

    v1.0.0 #image #command-line #comparison #duplicate #hash #finder #distance
  74. leptonica-plumbing

    Safe wrapper of leptonica-sys

    v1.4.0 2.0K #image #leptonica #safe #memory-safety #api #memory-safe #expose
  75. auto-palette

    🎨 A Rust library that extracts prominent color palettes from images automatically

    v0.5.0 #color-palette #color-space #palette #image #graphics #color #color-themes
  76. exif-cleaner-gui

    A graphical EXIF data cleaner using gtk3

    v0.2.3 #metadata #image #exif #gtk #graphical #data #cleaner
  77. img2irc-rs

    CLI utility to convert images to halfblock ANSI or IRC art with various optional post-processing filters

    v1.0.5 #convert-images #image #art #ansi #post-processing #command-line-tool #irc
  78. pylon-cxx

    Rust wrapper of the Pylon libraries for Basler cameras

    v0.4.2 1.3K #camera-image #camera #pylon #bindings #image #basler #api-bindings
  79. aigis-bin

    Binary for Aigis, a simple and configurable content proxy

    v0.2.2 #proxy #content #image #configurable #privacy #binary #cache
  80. bevy_image

    image types for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 4.3K #bevy #image #types
  81. rs_openai

    The OpenAI Rust library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from Rust applications

    v0.5.0 #openai #chat-completion #model #image #embedding #api-access #env-var
  82. machine-vision-formats

    Types and traits for working with raw image data from machine vision cameras

    v0.1.3 1.8K #computer-vision #camera-image #camera #image #images
  83. fitsrotate_rs

    Rotate FITS images

    v0.1.9 440 #fits #image #data #rotation #axis #frequency #cube
  84. imsz

    Get width and height from an image file reading as few bytes as possible

    v0.3.1 9.5K #dimension #image #file-format #metadata #byte #reading #file-metadata
  85. auto-palette-cli

    🎨 A CLI tool to extract prominent color palettes from images

    v0.5.0 #color-palette #color #palette #image
  86. little_exif

    The only pure Rust crate with true read *and* write support for EXIF data, available for PNG, JP(E)G, JXL, TIFF, WebP images - and soon even more!

    v0.6.2 950 #exif #metadata #image #photo #read-write
  87. tapciify

    CLI tool that can let you view images in terminal as ASCII art

    v3.3.1 1.5K #ascii #image #terminal #command-line-tool
  88. collagen

    The collage generator

    v0.8.0 190 #svg #image #graphics #manifest-file #json-file #multimedia #single-file
  89. wallswitch

    randomly selects wallpapers for multiple monitors

    v0.51.8 #wallpaper #desktop #image #random #switch #filesize #dimension
  90. stegano-cli

    Hiding secret data with steganography in PNG images and WAV audio files

    v0.5.3 #steganography #hiding #command-line-tool #image #command-line #binary-data #data-file
  91. surf_n_term

    Posix terminal rendering library

    v0.17.4 #terminal #posix #rendering #events #image #protocols #surface
  92. quircs

    QR code detection and scanning. Pure Rust.

    v0.10.2 2.3K #qrcode #qr #scanner #scanning #detection #pure #image
  93. blit

    Blit sprites on a buffer with a mask

    v0.8.5 120 #image #sprite #gamedev #blitting #generics
  94. image-convert

    A high level library for image identification, conversion, interlacing and high quality resizing

    v0.19.0 270 #image-resizing #image-conversion #image #resize #conversion #interlacing #format-conversion
  95. pixcil

    Pixel art editor

    v0.7.0 320 #pixel-art #editor #png #image #canvas #infinite #animation
  96. spirv-std

    Standard functions and types for SPIR-V

    v0.9.0 2.4K #spir-v #gpu #shader #image #texture #gpgpu #buffer
  97. gift

    reading and writing GIF images

    v0.10.6 #gif #image #image-encoding #codec
  98. ecolor

    Color structs and color conversion utilities

    v0.29.1 220K #color-conversion #color #conversion #gui #gamedev #image #convert
  99. typora-img-to-base64

    Typora image to base64

    v0.2.0 130 #image #convert-images #base64 #typora #html #automatic #local
  100. cloudinary


    v0.7.0 200 #upload #video #image #image-resizing #file-upload #image-url #api
  101. dezoomify-rs

    Allows downloading zoomable images. Supports several different formats such as zoomify, iiif, and deep zoom images.

    v2.9.4 #image #png #download #image-viewer #tile #downloader #url
  102. jpeg2k

    JPEG 2000 image loader

    v0.9.1 2.8K #image #convert-images #jp2 #j2k #jpeg2000
  103. miniaturs

    Client for miniaturs server

    v0.1.0 #image-processing #image #client #server-client #manipulation
  104. png-glitch-cli

    Cli to glitch PNG images

    v0.3.0 230 #png #image #command-line-tool
  105. catppuccin-catwalk

    🚶 Soothing pastel previews for the high-spirited!

    v1.3.2 #image #preview #themes #catppuccin #pastel #tool #ports
  106. ispc-downsampler

    Image downsampler crate using ISPC

    v0.4.0 210 #image #ispc #filter #downsampling #lanczos #seconds #pre-compiled
  107. sic

    Accessible image processing and conversion from the terminal (and a front-end for the 'image' crate)

    v0.22.4 #image #front-end #converter #image-cli #input-output
  108. aarty

    Mini-framework to display pictures on your terminal

    v0.7.0-alpha.4 #ascii-art #convert-images #image #ascii #art #images
  109. czkawka_core

    Core of Czkawka app

    v8.0.0 120 #image #czkawka #duplicates #multi-platform #gtk #cleaner #directories
  110. libavif

    High-level API for AVIF image files

    v0.14.0 1.0K #avif #image #codec #av1
  111. pnglitcher

    PNG glitcher

    v0.3.2 #png #image #filter
  112. spng

    Rust bindings to libspng

    v0.2.0-alpha.3 850 #png #image #decoder
  113. svg_metadata

    Extracts metadata (like the viewBox, width, and height) from SVG graphics

    v0.5.1 1.1K #svg #dimension #metadata #graphics #image #file-metadata
  114. ku-logo

    A CLI tool to overlay logos on images with size and position control

    v1.1.0 270 #logo #image #overlay #cli #watermark #command-line-tool
  115. embed_anything

    Embed anything at lightning speed

    v0.4.16 190 #embedding #vector-database #machine-learning #model #streaming #image #multimodal
  116. picst

    A CLI tool to resize clipboard images on the fly

    v2.0.5 #image-resizing #image #command-line-tool #tool #terminal #utility
  117. respicta

    versatile project offering a library, command-line interface (CLI), and web service for resizing images and changing their formats seamlessly

    v0.3.1 #image-resizing #convert-images #web-services #image #resize #command-line-interface #cli
  118. jpeg-encoder

    JPEG encoder

    v0.6.0 17K #jpeg #encoder #image-compression #image #pixel-format #jpg
  119. erdy


    v0.1.3 #gis #image #tiled #performance #gdal #collection #input
  120. icns

    encoding/decoding Apple Icon Image (.icns) files

    v0.3.1 6.3K #icons #image-encoding #image #icon
  121. sixel-rs

    A safe Rust wrapper for libsixel (active fork)

    v0.4.0 1.5K #terminal-graphics #sixel #graphics #image #terminal #api-bindings
  122. pict-rs-aggregator

    image aggregation service for pict-rs

    v0.5.2 1.9K #aggregator #image #aggregation #service #pict-rs #server #collector
  123. ndotter

    Convert bitmaps to N-dot SVG art

    v1.0.0 160 #svg #convert #art #bitmap #image #black #white
  124. pixelbomber

    Insanely fast pixelflut client for images and animations

    v0.9.0 1.3K #pixelflut #image #pixel #animation #client #command #real-time
  125. gert

    CLI tool to download media from Reddit

    v0.2.6 #reddit #command-line-tool #image #cli
  126. image-sorter

    A terminal user interface for sorting images

    v0.5.0 430 #tui #sorting #image #user-interface #cli
  127. imspect

    Explore features of images during debug session

    v0.1.0 #image #cv #gui #computer-vision #gui-applications
  128. image_sieve

    GUI based tool to sort out and categorize images, raw images and videos

    v0.5.17 1.5K #image #video #sorting #folder #events #date #photo
  129. tinywad

    manage/compose WAD resources

    v0.1.3 220 #wad #doom #patch #lumps #lib #image
  130. show-image

    quickly show images in a window for debugging

    v0.14.0 1.0K #image-processing #image #debugging #show #visualize #debug #keyboard-events
  131. image_thumbs

    create thumbnails and store them in a object store like Google Cloud Storage

    v0.4.3 130 #cloud-storage #object-storage #google-cloud #thumbnail #image #gc
  132. image-hdr

    HDR Radiance Estimation using Poisson Photon Noise Estimator for creating HDR image from a set of images

    v0.5.1 350 #image #hdr #camera-image #merge
  133. printimg

    Print an image or a video in terminal

    v0.5.6 700 #terminal #opencv #image #video #camera #url
  134. pipeless-ai

    An open-source computer vision framework to build and deploy applications in minutes

    v1.11.0 490 #computer-vision #machine-learning #image-processing #vision #video #video-stream #image
  135. rpfixer

    fix Minecraft: Java Edition resource pack image protection

    v0.2.0 #pack #resource #protection #image #directory #java #edition
  136. image-blend

    Type-agnostic support for image blending operations (add, multiply, screen, etc) for the image crate. Support for custom blends and utils for alpha channel manipulation.

    v0.1.7 320 #image #alpha #blend #blending-modes #imagechops
  137. image_search

    designed to search Google Images based on provided arguments

    v0.4.5 600 #image #search #google #async #google-api #require
  138. apple-dmg

    reading and writing dmg images

    v0.5.0 210 #dmg #macos #apple #image #reading #platform
  139. ix-match

    matching and moving IIQ files so they can be easily imported into IX Capture

    v0.3.1 #image #rgb #matching #iiq #preprocessor #capture #camera
  140. stb_image

    Bindings to the stb image encoding/decoding library

    v0.3.0 10K #png #jpeg #gif #image #bmp
  141. blockish

    display images in a terminal with UTF8 blocks

    v1.0.2 #image #terminal #utf-8 #utf8
  142. icy_sixel

    A 100% rust sixel library

    v0.1.2 3.4K #sixel #image #libsixel #original #routines #people #who
  143. rendercsv

    Command line tool to convert CSV table to a png picture

    v0.1.0 #png #csv #command-line-tool #visualization #csv2png #image #csv2pic
  144. serialimage

    Serialization for the image crate’s DynamicImage type, with additional metadata

    v4.1.1 #image #serialization #deserialize
  145. rawkit

    extract images from camera raw files

    v0.1.0 120 #camera #camera-image #raw #image #tiff #encoding
  146. splix

    Lightning-fast image splitter

    v0.2.1 110 #image #image-processing #command-line #command-line-tool #split #grid #splitter
  147. manga-tui

    Read manga in your terminal

    v0.4.0 210 #manga-downloader #reader #tui #command-line #manga-dex #reading #image
  148. yazi-adapter

    Yazi image adapter

    v0.4.0 1.9K #file-manager #terminal-file #async-io #image #yazi #tui #adapter
  149. menyoki

    Screen{shot,cast} and perform ImageOps on the command line

    v1.7.0 #gif #convert-images #image #screenshot #image-resizing #recorder #screencast
  150. simagef

    CLI tool for finding similar images

    v0.2.6 500 #image #comparison #similarity #finding #compare #image-path #command-line-tool
  151. image-colorizer

    Never settle for images outside your colorscheme again!

    v1.1.4 #image-processing #image #color #gpu #web-gpu #wgsl #graphics
  152. footile

    A 2D vector graphics library

    v0.7.0 #vector-graphics #2d-vector #2d-graphics #edge #raster #image #area
  153. qirust

    QR code generator written in Rust using standard library

    v0.1.9 #qr #generator #standard #generate #content #image #helper
  154. image_processing

    This package provides tools for image processing with a focus on edge detection and morphological transformations

    v0.1.0 #image #transformation #morphological #processing #detection #edge #de
  155. convolve2d

    Easy and extensible pure rust image convolutions

    v0.2.0 #image-processing #computer-vision #convolution #image #convolve
  156. mdbook-tailor

    mdbook preprocessor for image-tailor

    v0.8.2 #mdbook #image #tailor #page #delay #element #dimension
  157. histogram_equalization

    Histogram equalization

    v0.2.2 120 #histogram #dimension #color-space #image #yuv #equalization #adaptive
  158. color-thief

    Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image

    v0.2.2 11K #color-palette #image #graphics #color #dominant #algorithm #representative
  159. mmpx

    image magnification algorithm

    v0.2.0 120 #scaling #image #pixel-art #pixelart #graphics
  160. typst-render

    Raster image exporter for Typst

    v0.12.0 3.4K #typst #typesetting #image #raster #system #exporter #document
  161. allmytoes

    thumbnails according to the freedesktop.org specification

    v0.4.0 160 #thumbnail #image #shell #freedesktop #file-path #file-format
  162. pixman

    low-level software library for pixel manipulation, providing features such as image compositing and trapezoid rasterization

    v0.2.0 1.6K #2d #pixel #graphics #low-level #bindings #compositing #image
  163. pcx

    reading & writing PCX images

    v0.2.4 240 #image #read-write #reading #paintbrush
  164. imghash

    Image hashing for Rust

    v1.3.1 400 #hashing #hash #image #hasher #perceptual #difference #image-hashing
  165. zipimgzip

    Resize and ZipArchive the images in the Zip

    v0.4.2 430 #image-resizing #image-compression #zip-file #zip #image #resize #jpeg
  166. rido

    Fetch valid URLs and checksums of Microsoft Operating Systems

    v0.5.4 1.0K #operating-system #windows #checksum #microsoft #url #download #image
  167. silicon

    Create beautiful image of your code

    v0.5.2 270 #image #source #carbon #snippets #line #font #presentation
  168. musicedit

    music image slideshow edit

    v0.1.0 120 #image #edit #music #slideshow
  169. dicom-fromimage

    A CLI tool for replacing the image content from DICOM files

    v0.8.0 120 #dicom #image-conversion #command-line-tool #image #command-line-arguments #file-content
  170. writedisk

    writing a disk image to a USB drive

    v1.4.0 #disk-image #usb #disk #burn #image
  171. openexr

    High-level bindings to OpenEXR 3.0.5

    v0.11.0 #image #graphics #vfx #exr #image-compression #computer-vision #api-bindings
  172. tinytga

    No-std, low memory footprint TGA image loader

    v0.5.0 300 #embedded-graphics #image #low-memory #tga #graphics #targa #file-access
  173. rating-graph-processor

    Converts the specified image to an image that fits the X (formerly Twitter) header

    v0.2.1 #convert-images #image #header #output-image #twitter #config-file #opaque
  174. edges

    getting the edges of objects in images with transparency

    v0.5.1 430 #edge #transparency #image #sprite #bevy
  175. onix

    Decode image files using V4L2

    v0.2.0 #image #v4l2 #decoding #hardware #decoder #linux #wayland-compositor
  176. rs-paint

    A light-weight image editor

    v1.0.0 110 #image #editor #light-weight #color #paint #layer #free
  177. artano

    Adds text to pictures

    v0.3.11 #text-image #image-processing #image #meme #pepe #kek
  178. web-crawler

    Finds every page, image, and script on a website (and downloads it)

    v0.1.3 #download #website #finds #page #crawler #script #image
  179. dicom-toimage

    A CLI tool for converting DICOM files into general purpose image files

    v0.8.0 140 #dicom #image-conversion #command-line-tool #image
  180. imageformat

    Quick probing of image format without loading the entire file

    v0.2.1 700 #format #image #metadata
  181. libvips-rs

    Safe bindings for libvips

    v8.15.1 #image #bindings #libvips #graphics #generated-bindings #encoding
  182. image-interlacer

    interlace an image or multiple images for web-page usage

    v0.1.24 1.2K #image #gif #jpeg #png #interlacing
  183. joyful_create

    Photo editing software. Designed to function like GIMP or PhotoShop, although still indev

    v0.0.5 280 #editing #create #gimp #photo-shop #joyful #image #indev
  184. bmp

    Small library for reading and writing BMP images in Rust

    v0.5.0 2.9K #image #bitmap #reading #codec #decoding #encoding
  185. termimage

    Display images in your terminal, kind of

    v1.2.1 270 #image #display #picture #show #terminal
  186. scarlet

    Colors and color spaces made simple

    v1.2.0 1.4K #rgb #color-space #image-processing #color #image #visualization
  187. limbus-image

    CLI Limbus company image generator

    v0.4.1 #config-file #image #config-toml #command-line-tool #list #company #generator
  188. image-to-ascii

    Converts images and gifs to ascii art

    v0.6.0 #ascii-art #convert-images #image #gif #font #character
  189. dithor

    Pixilisation/dithering library

    v0.4.0 #image #color #dithering #pixel #level #low #square
  190. svscr

    that allows you to quickly save a picture from the clipboard to a file

    v1.0.0 #save-file #clipboard #screenshot #image #command-line #command-line-tool #quickly
  191. wordcloud-rs

    A word-cloud image generation crate

    v0.1.15 140 #word #image #image-generation #visualization #wordcloud #text-image #data-visualization
  192. tauri-icns

    encoding/decoding Apple Icon Image (.icns) files

    v0.1.0 104K #icons #icns #image-encoding #icon #image #file-format
  193. metaframer

    generate frames for images from their metadata

    v1.0.0 #image #exif #svg #generator #command-line-tool #watermark #cli
  194. rendiff

    Image comparison (diffing) for computer graphics renderer test cases

    v0.2.1 270 #image #test-cases #comparison #visual #testing #renderer #diffing
  195. math_images_processor

    preprocessing images of mathematical formulas, ideally for machine learning applications for formula recognition

    v0.1.1 #image #preprocessor #machine-learning #math #science #mathematical
  196. exifmv

    Moves images into a folder hierarchy based on EXIF tags

    v0.4.1 #image #exif #sorting #images #graphics #organzing
  197. nekosbest

    nekos.best API wrapper

    v0.20.1 130 #image #best #api-client #nekos #tokio #download #blocking
  198. palette-transfer

    Statistical copy palette from one image to another

    v0.2.0 220 #color-palette #color-space #image #palette #statistical #different #another
  199. image_diff_review

    Reporting tool of image differences for snaphost testing

    v0.2.0 310 #diff #image #report
  200. pdf2image

    A simplified port of Python's pdf2image that wraps pdftoppm and pdftocairo to convert PDFs into images

    v0.1.2 550 #image-conversion #pdf #image #poppler #conversion #convert #pdf2img
  201. stegosaurust

    A steganography tool, written in rust

    v0.4.6 #steganography #text-image #image #image-encoding #hide #secret
  202. ndarray-vision

    A computer vision library built on top of ndarray

    v0.5.1 500 #image-processing #image-encoding #vision #image #graphics #conversion
  203. captcha-rs

    Generate verification images dynamically

    v0.2.10 850 #captcha #image #verification #recaptcha #dynamically #generate #captcha-generation
  204. buildstamp

    Returns a buildstamp, like 23W42.12345

    v0.2.1 #build #tagging #image #minecraft #date #minute #week
  205. res2br

    convert between resolutions and bitrates

    v2.0.3 #video #image #cli
  206. waldl

    A command line wallpaper downloader

    v0.2.1 220 #wallpaper #command-line #download #downloader #image #api #wallhaven
  207. plumers

    Multi-format image library with first-class support for paletted images

    v1.0.2 #image-encoding #codec #image #jpeg #png #decoding #graphics
  208. spirv_combimgsampsplitter

    SPIRV combined image sampler splitter for wgpu

    v0.3.0 420 #spir-v #graphics #sampler #combined #gamedev #wgpu #image
  209. revolt_little_exif

    (fork which includes support for passing filetype directly) Basic reading and writing of EXIF (related) metadata for PNG, JP(E)G, JXL and WebP image files (other file types - e.g…

    v0.5.1 #exif #metadata #image #photo #file-metadata #file-format
  210. imagepig

    Package to use Image Pig, the API for AI images

    v1.0.2 360 #image #api #ai #pig #api-key
  211. docker-image

    no_std-compatible Docker image reference parser with strict adherence to Docker's naming rules

    v0.1.0 #docker #validation #parser #container #image #containers #format
  212. captcha

    generating CAPTCHAs

    v0.0.9 22K #captcha #png #image #generate #captcha-library
  213. smartcrop2

    Clone of smartcrop library in JavaScript

    v0.3.1 #image #ratio #aspect #smartcrop #cropping #javascript #attempt
  214. foundation-firmware

    Foundation Devices, Inc. Passport Firmware image parser. This provides a command-line tool to verify the signatures of a Passport firmware and also a #[no_std] library to parse the firmware images.

    v0.2.0 650 #firmware #devices #passport #foundation #image #signature-verification #parser
  215. icapture_cli

    Command line interface for capturing images and video on Windows

    v0.1.0 170 #capturing #image #video #windows #interface #line #command
  216. zune-imageprocs

    Common image processing routines for zune-image

    v0.5.0-rc0 200 #image-processing #image #channel #pixel #color-space #zune #routines
  217. kindle2cbz

    extracting images from kindle books in MOBI format to CBZ archives

    v0.1.0 #ebook #book #cbz #image #kindle #mobi #file-format
  218. is-photo

    determine if an image is likely a photograph or a 2D graphic

    v0.1.1 #image #graphic #vector #classification #photograph #computer-vision
  219. open_texture_packer

    Open source and free Texture Packer tool written in rust

    v0.2.3 #packing #texture #packer #algorithm #image #free #texture-pack
  220. qrc

    generating and manipulating QR code images in various formats

    v0.0.5 #qrcode #qr #barcode #color-scheme #images #image
  221. distance-field

    Generate distance fields from images for pseudo-vector rendering

    v0.2.1 #image #sdf #convert-images #gamedev #vector-graphics #vector
  222. imgfx

    Image filtering and modulating with bitwise, arithmetic, and logical operations

    v0.2.1 120 #image #graphics #bit-manipulation #color #operations #arithmetic #channel
  223. pixel8bit

    applying 8-bit pixelation effects with symmetry detection and mirroring

    v1.0.2 310 #symmetry #8-bit #image #pixelation #graphics
  224. binary_image

    handling binary images

    v0.4.1 350 #image #bit #bitmap
  225. sophus_image

    sophus - geometry for robotics and computer vision

    v0.10.0 #computer-vision #2d-3d #image #robotics #optimization #geometry #group
  226. qrcodegen-image

    Draw QR codes to a PNG canvas. Wrapper around the qrcodegen and image crates.

    v1.5.0 16K #qrcode #png #codes #image #canvas #drawing
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. usvgr

    An SVG simplification library

    v0.43.2 120 #svg-parser #svg #tree-structure #xml-parser #image #attributes #path
  229. leptess

    Productive Rust binding for Tesseract and Leptonica

    v0.14.0 450 #tesseract #ocr #image #leptonica #bindings
  230. xbm

    XBM encoding and decoding library

    v0.1.3 480 #image #codec #encoding #decoding #pure
  231. shave

    shaving data from websites

    v0.2.2 250 #web-scraping #web #scraping #html #async #image #api-bindings
  232. quantizr

    Fast library for converting RGBA images to 8-bit palette images

    v1.4.2 #image #palette #rgba #quantization #8-bit #converting #programs
  233. daily_scry

    Post random scryfall image to mastodon, telegram or stdout

    v1.2.0 #telegram-bot #mastodon #image #magic #gathering #post #card
  234. allegro_image

    Allegro 5 image addon Rust wrapper

    v0.0.46 #allegro #graphics #image #add-on #game
  235. convert-image

    conversion functions to convert between image formats

    v0.1.0 1.0K #camera-image #image #camera #computer-vision
  236. dzi

    command line utility for deep zom images (DZI)

    v0.3.0 #image #image-viewer #zoom #deep #tile #command-line-tool #utility
  237. phomo-cli

    CLI for phomo - generate photo mosaics from the command line

    v0.2.3 #image #art #photo-mosaic #cli #command-line
  238. anime-grubber

    A convenient library for extracting images of cute characters from websites

    v0.0.7 #anime #image #gif #fetch #api-bindings
  239. jfifdump-cli

    Read and dump structure of a jpeg file

    v0.6.0 #jpeg #image #file #dump #structure #command-line-tool #read
  240. galerio

    Generate static HTML galleries from a directory containing JPEGs

    v1.2.0 #jpeg #generate-static #flexbox #image #gallery #image-resizing #html
  241. android-sparse-image

    Low-level Android sparse image parsing headers

    v0.1.2 270 #header #chunk #file-header #sparse #image #android #parser
  242. ezwallpaper

    change wall paper from multiple sources

    v0.2.1 #image #background #desktop #wallpaper #bing #change #local-file
  243. spotifymosaic

    A CLI tool for generating Spotify playlist covers using album artworks

    v0.2.3 #spotify #playlist #album #image #command-line-tool #generate #cover
  244. image-resizer

    Resize or just shrink images and sharpen them appropriately

    v0.2.18 #image-resizing #image #resize #shrink #sharpen #filesize
  245. eqr

    Encode text into svg/png/jpg/terminal-format QR codes

    v1.1.5 180 #qr #encode #generator #terminal #image #computer-vision
  246. phomo

    A photo mosaic generation library

    v0.3.1 430 #image #art #photo-mosaic
  247. cultivar

    Build tool for the mango operationg system

    v0.2.1 #operating-system #build-tool #build-system #kernel #run-time #mango #image
  248. pdf_process

    rendering and extracting metadata/text from PDF files using poppler

    v0.2.0 110 #pdf #image-conversion #image #conversion #encoding