
  1. rustc_version

    querying the version of a installed rustc compiler

    v0.4.1 8.4M #compiler-version #version #rustc #build-script #cargo-build #channel #querying
  2. version_check

    Tiny crate to check the version of the installed/running rustc

    v0.9.5 11.3M #rustc-version #compiler-version #rustc #version #check #minimum #cargo-build
  3. version-compare

    easily compare version numbers with no specific format, and test against various comparison operators

    v0.2.0 878K #version #compare #comparison #comparing #semver
  4. ripemd

    Pure Rust implementation of the RIPEMD hash functions

    v0.2.0-pre.4 609K #hash #digest #cryptography #semver #version #crypto
  5. opencv

    Rust bindings for OpenCV

    v0.93.5 68K #computer-vision #vision #bindings #env-var #version #api #module
  6. ouroboros

    Easy, safe self-referential struct generation

    v0.18.4 1.5M #self-referential #struct #generation #alloc #version #macro #reference
  7. git-version

    Compile the git version (tag name, or hash otherwise) and dirty state into your program

    v0.3.9 313K #git #version #build
  8. bitfield

    macros to generate bitfield-like struct

    v0.17.0 307K #bit-field #bit #macro #struct #generate #version #ipv4
  9. v8

    Rust bindings to V8

    v130.0.1 674K #javascript-engine #build #bindings #binary #variables #version #download
  10. llvm-sys

    Bindings to LLVM's C API

    v191.0.0 45K #llvm #api-bindings #llvm-ir #bindings #compiler #wasm-bindings #version
  11. rversions

    Checks releases and versions of programs through RSS or Atom feed and tells you

    v1.3.3 1.0K #atom-feed #rss #atom #version #command-line #version-checker #yaml
  12. zopfli

    compression algorithm

    v0.8.1 1.1M #compression #experiment #version
  13. psutil

    Process and system monitoring library

    v3.3.0 42K #monitoring #process #python #system #platform #module #version
  14. parse-changelog

    changelog parser, written in Rust

    v0.6.10 3.2K #changelog #parser #version #notes #format #documentation #prefix
  15. libgit2-sys

    Native bindings to the libgit2 library

    v0.17.0+1.8.1 1.5M #native-bindings #libgit2 #version #git2
  16. versions

    parsing and comparing software version numbers

    v6.3.2 170K #sem-ver #version-string #semver #version #semantic #compare #string-parser
  17. aws-sdk-eks

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

    v1.60.0 9.4K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #control-plane #kubernetes #eks #version
  18. reed-solomon-erasure

    Reed-Solomon erasure coding

    v6.0.0 87K #erasure-coding #reed-solomon #erasure #copies #version #simd #post
  19. cargo-unmaintained

    Find unmaintained packages in Rust projects

    v1.5.1 550 #packages #unmaintained #repository #projects #find #cargo #version
  20. parse_link_header

    parsing HTTP Link header

    v0.4.0 30K #header-parser #http-header #link #parse-url #relative #version
  21. cargo-release

    Cargo subcommand for you to smooth your release process

    v0.25.14 4.6K #cargo #cargo-subcommand #update #version #smoothing #process #workspace
  22. resolvo

    Fast package resolver written in Rust (CDCL based SAT solving)

    v0.8.4 7.0K #solver #version #dependencies
  23. nix-installer

    The Determinate Nix Installer

    v0.23.0 1.6K #nix-build #install #user #operating-system #version #planner
  24. openssl-sys

    FFI bindings to OpenSSL

    v0.9.104 5.2M #openssl #bindings #version
  25. pep440_rs

    python version numbers and specifiers, implementing PEP 440

    v0.7.3 101K #python #version #pep #specifier #numbers #version-string #pep-440
  26. lenient_semver

    Lenient Semantic Version numbers

    v0.4.2 56K #semver #version-string #version #string-parser #parser #semantic #lenient
  27. cargo-workspaces

    Cargo workspace manager

    v0.3.6 2.5K #cargo-workspace #version #cargo-command #manager #execute-command
  28. rattler_conda_types

    Rust data types for common types used within the Conda ecosystem

    v0.29.5 5.7K #conda #environment #package-management #version #ecosystem #rattler #python-packages
  29. pact-plugin-cli

    CLI utility for Pact plugins

    v0.1.3 360 #pact #command-line-tool #command-line-interface #plugin #version #contract-testing #utility
  30. scaleway_api_rs

    Generated library to interact with Scaleway API

    v0.1.8 2.1K #api-server #cloud #scaleway #api-client #infrastructure #version #management
  31. slint-updater

    Tool used to update .slint files from previous versions

    v1.8.0 #design #ui-toolkit #ui #toolkit #gui #graphics #version
  32. ra-ap-rustc_abi

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_abi in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit f6cb952dc115fd1311b02b694933e31d8dc8b002 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.85.0 36K #compiler #automatic #language #rustc-abi #package #version #repository
  33. uuid7

    UUID version 7

    v1.1.0 3.2K #uuid #identifier #id-generator #version #numbers #generation #counter
  34. nettle

    Rust bindings for the Nettle cryptographic library

    v7.4.0 5.7K #cryptography #bindings #version #build
  35. dvm

    Deno Version Manager - Easy way to manage multiple active deno versions

    v1.9.0 120 #deno #version-manager #version #run-time #utilities #typescript #manage
  36. cargo-tally

    Cargo subcommand for drawing graphs of the number of dependencies on a crate over time

    v1.0.56 800 #cargo-subcommand #cargo #graph #io #numbers #version #depend
  37. engram

    A fast and atomic version control system for portable file backups

    v0.2.9 1.2K #backup #file #portable #atomic #control #version #repo
  38. rustc_version_runtime

    querying the version of the rustc compiler used in runtime

    v0.3.0 160K #compiler-version #rustc-version #rustc #version #debug-information #run-time #debugging
  39. rustpython

    A python interpreter written in rust

    v0.4.0 1.9K #python #interpreter #cpython #wasm-interpreter #jit-compiler #run #version
  40. webc

    WebContainer implementation for wapm.io

    v7.0.0-rc.2 49K #container #io #web-container #wapm #version #error #occurs
  41. aws-sdk-iot

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT

    v1.57.0 2.5K #aws-iot #aws-sdk #web-services #aws-credentials #version #name
  42. partial_sort

    provide a Rust version std::partial_sort

    v1.0.0 168K #sorting #algorithm #partial #version #cpp
  43. ra-ap-rustc_parse_format

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_parse_format in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit f6cb952dc115fd1311b02b694933e31d8dc8b002 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.85.0 36K #compiler #version #script #format #language #rustc-parse-format #rustc-auto-publish
  44. revision

    A serialization and deserialization implementation which allows for schema-evolution

    v0.10.0 21K #serialization #serialization-deserialization #bincode #version #encoding #data-structures
  45. semver-parser

    Parsing of the semver spec

    v0.10.3 2.1M #semver #parser #version #semantic
  46. rustc_tools_util

    small helper to generate version information for git packages

    v0.4.0 91K #git-version #package-version #version #git-repository #git #rustc #tool
  47. clang

    A somewhat idiomatic Rust wrapper for libclang

    v2.0.0 131K #libclang #idiomatic #version #somewhat
  48. rithm

    Arbitrary precision arithmetic

    v14.6.0 850 #math #fraction #precision #big-integer #version #python
  49. aws-sdk-greengrassv2

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Greengrass V2

    v1.51.0 270 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #web-services #component #greengrass #deployment #version
  50. oxc-browserslist

    Rust-ported Browserslist for Oxc

    v1.1.0 6.7K #web #oxc #version #browserslist #port #performance #query
  51. volta-cli/volta

    JS Toolchains as Code. ⚡

    GitHub 1.1.1 #package #package-manager #javascript #toolchain #node #tool #version
  52. version-sync

    ensuring that version numbers in README files and other files are kept in sync with the crate version

    v0.9.5 18K #version #numbers #integration-tests #sync #cargo-toml #file #md
  53. rfmp

    A program to pack and install Factorio mods from source code quickly

    v1.3.1 700 #mod #factorio #source #directory #version #file #install
  54. ra-ap-rustc_index

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_index in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit f6cb952dc115fd1311b02b694933e31d8dc8b002 The publishing script for this crate lives at:…

    v0.85.0 36K #compiler #language #rustc-auto-publish #automatic #version #package #script
  55. zenoh-backend-influxdb-v2

    Backend for Zenoh using InfluxDB v2.x

    v1.1.0 330 #zenoh #influx-db #backend #version #pub-sub #volume #git-commit
  56. datafusion-ffi

    Foreign Function Interface implementation for DataFusion

    v43.0.0 1.7K #foreign-interface #data-fusion #apache #table-provider #create #version #stable
  57. cargo-debstatus

    cargo-tree for debian packaging

    v0.6.1 #debian #packaging #check #queue #cargo-tree #version #traverse
  58. hermes_rs

    A dependency-free disassembler and assembler for the Hermes bytecode

    v0.1.8 600 #bytecode #hermes #disassembler #assembly #instructions #version #binary
  59. semver-bump

    A command-line tool for bumping semver-compliant version numbers

    v1.0.1 140 #version-bump #semver #version #numbers #pre-release #identifier #bumping
  60. clang-sys

    Rust bindings for libclang

    v1.8.1 3.8M #libclang #clang #bindings #run-time #version #cargo #environment
  61. nextsv

    Next semantic version calculator

    v0.18.0 2.1K #semver #conventional-commits #version #semantic #calculator
  62. python-launcher

    The Python launcher for Unix

    v1.0.1 1.3K #python #launcher #interpreter #py #environment #version #command
  63. molybdenum

    Recursive search and replace CLI application

    v0.1.10 550 #file-search #recursion #replace #cli-applications #command-line-tool #version #folder
  64. fiat-lux

    Offline terminal-accessible Bible

    v0.3.8 180 #bible #offline #version #dat #standard #github #database
  65. pin-utils


    v0.1.0 8.3M #pinning #pin #async-foundations #version #cargo
  66. core-grep

    core grep project

    v0.1.9 550 #grep #path #query #version
  67. boavizta_api_sdk

    client/sdk to access Boavizta API

    v1.3.3 120 #api-client #boavizta #sdk #version #boavizta-api #access #generate
  68. pci_types

    types for handling PCI devices

    v0.10.0 2.5K #pci #devices #configuration #types #enumeration #version
  69. jpre

    A JDK management tool

    v0.3.0 #java #version #version-manager #download #process-id #directory #cache
  70. rust-releases

    Find, index and obtain all officially available Rust releases

    v0.29.0 7.6K #toolchain #binary-search #release #version #index #versioning #semver
  71. nvrs

    🚦 fast new version checker for software releases 🦀

    v0.1.6-pre1 800 #version #checker #key-file #package #config-file #latest #github
  72. ghlast

    Inspects the last release published to a GitHub repository

    v0.1.4 200 #github #version #release #latest-version #command-line-interface
  73. azure_mgmt_hybridkubernetes

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #resource-manager #api-bindings #operation #generated-bindings #version
  74. vrchatapi

    VRChat API Client for Rust

    v1.18.8 250 #vr-chat #api-client #response #unofficial #create #calls #version
  75. azure_mgmt_servicefabricmanagedclusters

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #service #operation #microsoft-azure #azure-api #resource-manager #version
  76. sp-variant

    Detect the Linux distribution for the StorPool build system

    v3.5.2 1.3K #linux-distro #build-system #build-environment #distribution #stor-pool #detect #version
  77. azure_mgmt_imagebuilder

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #operation #version #service #generated-bindings
  78. aws-sign-v4

    Generate AWS Signature 4 headers easily

    v0.3.0 293K #aws #signature #header #generate #version #authorization #authentication
  79. azure_mgmt_resourcegraph

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 410 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings #operation #version #service
  80. modrinth-apitool

    A command line interface for interacting with the modrinth api, currently it allows you to search the database for projects, in future it may allow you to download mods and create modlists to auto update

    v0.2.2 470 #download #modrinth #mod #search #projects #api #version
  81. clippy_utils

    tools for writing lints, provided as they are used in Clippy

    v0.1.85 #lint #clippy #rustc #add #following #warnings #version
  82. subtle-ng

    Pure-Rust traits and utilities for constant-time cryptographic implementations

    v2.5.0 280K #constant-time #cryptography #utilities #crypto #version
  83. dart-sdk-sys

    Rust bindings to Dart SDK

    v3.4.4 #dart #bindings #flutter #sdk #applications #version #dart-ffi
  84. version-ranges

    Performance-optimized type for generic version ranges and operations on them

    v0.1.1 13K #range #version #selector #pubgrub
  85. azure_mgmt_hybridaks

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #resource-manager #service #api-bindings #version
  86. unarm

    Disassembles ARM instructions

    v1.6.7 700 #arm #instructions #disassembler #set #version #opcode #thumb
  87. cargo-smart-release

    Cargo subcommand for fearlessly releasing crates in workspaces

    v0.21.5 650 #cargo-workspace #cargo #changelog #cargo-subcommand #releasing #release #version
  88. intuicio-core

    Core module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.5K #modular-scripting #intuicio #platform #language #solution #gamedev #version
  89. libharu_ng

    Easily generate PDFs from your Rust app

    v1.0.10 250 #pdf #libharu #api #document #generate #generator #version
  90. hdf5

    Thread-safe Rust bindings for the HDF5 library

    v0.8.1 12K #thread-safe #bindings #array #multi-dimensional #version #mutex #multidimensional-array
  91. xplm

    High-level interfaces to the X-Plane plugin SDK

    v0.4.2 #x-plane #sdk #plugin #plugin-api #interface #version #xplane-plugin
  92. debversion

    Debian version parsing, manipulation and comparison

    v0.4.4 7.1K #debian #version #dpkg
  93. azure_mgmt_databoxedge

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #service #future #update #microsoft-azure #version
  94. opencv-binding-generator

    Binding generator for opencv crate

    v0.93.0 71K #opencv #computer-vision #binding-generator #bindings-generator #version #api #field
  95. azure_svc_operationalinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #operations #tags #version
  96. cargo-verison

    Bump a package version

    v0.1.82 750 #version-bump #package-version #cargo-version #bump #cargo #version #verison
  97. elma

    reading and writing Elasto Mania files

    v0.2.16 140 #elasto-mania #level #file #progress #handler #reading #version
  98. rust-rtree

    A simplified version of the tree tool written in rust

    v0.9.6 240 #r-tree #directory #version #tool #depth #show #hidden
  99. azure_svc_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #attestation #azure-api #generated-bindings #version #operations #service
  100. icu_properties_data

    Data for the icu_properties crate

    v2.0.0-beta1 2.2M #unicode #localization #icu #internationalization #cldr #version #icu-properties
  101. azure_svc_mixedreality

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #generated-bindings #version #service
  102. autd3

    AUTD3 library

    v29.0.0-rc.11 1.0K #autd #devices #ultrasound #details #version #pi #drive
  103. podman-rest-client

    Interface for querying the podman REST API. Supports connections over SSH.

    v0.13.0 #rest-client #podman #container #ssh #version #default #connection
  104. libssh-rs

    Bindings to the libssh library

    v0.3.3 3.8K #libssh #bindings #vendored #version #openssl #static #user
  105. publish-ws

    Publish Workspace Packages

    v0.1.11 #workspace #cargo-workspace #publish #packages #functional-programming #version #requires
  106. ppp

    A Proxy Protocol Parser written in Rust. See HAProxy for the protocol specification.

    v2.2.0 31K #header-parser #proxy-server #protocols #text #binary #ha-proxy #version
  107. azure_mgmt_resourceconnector

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #resource-manager #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #version #generated-bindings
  108. node-semver

    compliant semver implementation in Rust

    v2.1.0 14K #semver #javascript #node #range #compatible #tooling #version
  109. teemiao

    versatile toolkit designed to streamline application development workflows

    v0.1.4 200 #build #applications #timestamp #metadata #workflow #version #git
  110. minivec

    A version of Vec that's only the size of a single pointer

    v0.5.0 1.0K #vec #pointers #size #vector #container #single #version
  111. azure_mgmt_datalakestore

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #generated-bindings #service #version
  112. rdkafka-sys

    Native bindings to the librdkafka library

    v4.8.0+2.3.0 368K #native-bindings #kafka #cmake #build-system #rdkafka #librdkafka #version
  113. azure_mgmt_servicemap

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 180 #azure-sdk #azure-api #service #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #generated #version
  114. deb

    working with files and formats commonly found when working with Debian's project tooling, or infrastructure

    v0.5.6 390 #architecture #debian #package #found #format #version #infrastructure
  115. multimoon

    installer of MoonBit language toolchain

    v0.1.2 130 #toolchain #install #moon-bit #version #backup #restore #language
  116. dtz-observability

    a generated client for the DTZ Observability API

    v1.0.4 1.0K #api-client #observability #generated-client #dtz #version #api-version
  117. gdman

    A CLI application for managing versions of Godot

    v0.0.19 #godot #version #version-manager #game-engine #command #cli-applications #installed
  118. azure_mgmt_migrateprojects

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #generated #version
  119. icu_normalizer_data

    Data for the icu_normalizer crate

    v2.0.0-beta1 2.2M #unicode #icu #cldr #internationalization #version #localization #lstm
  120. Sph2-rs

    An improved version of Sph-rs, that uses a mod to calculate the desired values

    v0.1.9 380 #sph2-rs #math #calculate #version #values #mod #module #sph-rs
  121. rocketmq-common

    Apache rocketmq common

    v0.3.0 #rocket-mq #messaging #apache #java #version #consistency #rocketmq-client
  122. cbsk_base

    locked version cargo crates

    v2.0.6 250 #locked #version #cargo #traits #cbsk #macro #callback
  123. lsprotocol

    Rust types for Language Server Protocol generated from LSP specification

    v1.0.0-alpha.2 #client-server #language-server-protocol #protocols #version #lsp
  124. fixed-type-id

    Make your types have a fixed type id&stable type name with version support between different builds

    v0.1.2 #type-id #name #fixed #version #reflection #different #builds
  125. azure_mgmt_powerplatform

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-rest #generated-bindings #api-bindings #operation #version
  126. py32-metapac

    Peripheral Access Crate (PAC) for all PY32 chips, including metadata

    v0.2.0 320 #peripheral #pac #py32 #metadata #version #chips
  127. libprotonup

    Custom Proton Download and installation

    v0.8.5 #proton #download #linux #steam #wine #version #update
  128. azure_svc_schemaregistry

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings #service #version #specification
  129. aftman

    command line toolchain manager

    v0.3.0 #command-line #toolchain #version #toml #github #manager #install
  130. jirust-cli

    A CLI tool to interact with Jira

    v0.10.0 180 #jira #issue #version #command-line-tool #component #interact #management
  131. monoverse

    A CLI tool for managing version numbers in monorepos

    v0.1.7 360 #version #semantic-version #monorepo #git-version #yaml #cli-tool #regex
  132. azure_mgmt_addons

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #add-on #generated-bindings #api-bindings #operation #version
  133. azure_svc_applicationinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings #version #application-insights
  134. zstd-seekable

    Bindings to the seekable version of ZStandard

    v0.1.23 1.9K #compression #seekable #bindings #facebook #version #z-standard #format
  135. cskk

    C ABIから使う事を目的とした SKK(Simple Kana Kanji henkan)方式のかな漢字変換ライブラリ

    v3.1.2 170 #kanji #kana #skk #version #ime #build #henkan
  136. supergitignore

    Quickly generate a massive gitignore file!

    v3.0.0 700 #gitignore #version #generate #file #ignore #massive #quickly
  137. magic_migrate

    Automagically load and migrate deserialized structs to the latest version

    v0.2.1 #latest-version #migrate #version #serde #upgrade #isomorphic
  138. unic-ucd-version

    UNIC — Unicode Character Database — Version

    v0.9.0 658K #unicode #version #unicode-text
  139. changelogging

    Building changelogs from fragments

    v0.7.0 170 #changelog #change #fragments #version #context #building #installed
  140. embedded-nal-async

    An Async Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) for Embedded Systems

    v0.8.0 13K #abstraction-layer #networking #async-networking #embedded-nal #traits #version
  141. libscu

    fetching software/hardware info on Unix-like OSs

    v2.2.0 1.3K #system-info #linux #linux-macos #devices #version #name #cpu
  142. nextver

    parsing and incrementing arbitrarily-formatted versions

    v0.8.4 350 #version-string #version-bump #sem-ver #version #format-string #semver #bump
  143. azure_mgmt_managementpartner

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #generated #version #specification
  144. txn_lock

    support transactional versioning

    v0.10.0 #lock #transactional #versioning #transaction #version
  145. gbump

    Git tag semantic version bumper

    v1.1.2 #semver #version-bump #tags #git-version #git #bump #version
  146. opusic-c

    High level bindings to libopus

    v1.5.2-beta.4 380 #opus #level #high #bindings #libopus #version #decoder
  147. ply-rs-bw

    reading/writing ascii and binary PLY files

    v1.0.0 #ply #file-format #ascii #binary #read-file #read-write #version
  148. version-number

    Two and three component 'major.minor' and 'major.minor.patch' version number parsing

    v0.4.0 280 #semver #version #cargo-manifest #package-version #rust-version #semver-shorthand #version-core
  149. dtn7

    Rust delay-tolerant-networking daemon and CLI tools implementing Bundle Protocol Version 7 (RFC9171)

    v0.21.0 #dtn #bundle #protocols #delay-tolerant-networking #layer #version #bp7
  150. icu_decimal_data

    Data for the icu_decimal crate

    v2.0.0-beta1 132K #cldr #icu #internationalization #localization #unicode #version #icu4x
  151. javalocate

    Command line utility to find JVM versions on macOS, Linux and Windows

    v0.7.1 #java #jvm #version #command-line-tool #macos #find #apple-silicon
  152. restate-sdk-shared-core

    SDK Shared core

    v0.1.0 1.6K #sdk #shared #build #language #python #version
  153. azure_iot_hub

    Azure IoT Hub

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #iot #hub #iot-hub #version #collection
  154. mikufans-proto

    gRPC APIs for Mikufans

    v8.25.3+build.16957865 850 #grpc #mikufans #version #patch #grpc-api #content #change
  155. refile-m4b

    Refile a directory of m4b files by artist, album (where specified) and title. Used to refile m4b versions of converted aax files for use by Smart Audiobook Player.

    v0.3.1 240 #directory #title #version #refile #m4b #album #series
  156. proto_shim

    working with proto shims

    v0.5.0 600 #shim #proto #language #toolchain #version #programming-language #bun
  157. krile

    A static site generator

    v0.5.7 #static-site-generator #markdown #frontend #version #shtola #pre-release #plugin
  158. evcxr

    An Evaluation Context for Rust

    v0.18.0 4.8K #evaluation #context #variables #version #eval #local #eval-context
  159. sentry-release-parser

    A parser for the sentry release name format

    v1.3.2 550 #sentry #parser #semver #name #version #object #convert
  160. version_spec

    A specification for working with partial, full, or aliased versions. Supports semver and calver.

    v0.7.1 1.0K #semver #version #specification #requirements #alias #range #partial
  161. sanakirja

    Copy-on-write datastructures, storable on disk (or elsewhere) with a stable format

    v1.4.3 290 #data-structures #copy-on-write #stable #disk #format #file #version
  162. pest_typed_generator

    Pest-typed's code generator

    v0.17.1 4.7K #pest-parser #pest #generator #statically-typed #parser-generator #syntax-tree #version
  163. erased-discriminant

    Type-erased version of core::mem::Discriminant<T>

    v1.0.0 140 #discriminant #mem #erased #version #type-erased #enums
  164. mattermost-rust-client

    Rust client for Mattermost

    v4.0.8 #version #mattermost #server
  165. jomy-ap-rustc_target

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_target in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 #target #rustc #linker #llvm #version #script #compiler
  166. lending-stream

    A lending version of Stream

    v1.0.1 180 #lending #stream #projection #version #pin
  167. proto_pdk_test_utils

    testing proto WASM plugins

    v0.30.4 180 #wasm-plugin #testing #proto #version #toolchain #pluggable #programming-language
  168. xous-semver

    porting semantic versions between build system and binary objects

    v0.1.3 1.7K #build-system #semver #version #cross-platform #xous #semantic #versioning
  169. kafka_wire_protocol

    Generated implementation of Apache Kafka wire protocol

    v1.0.0 120 #version #protocols #kafka #message #client #generated #wire
  170. icu_plurals_data

    Data for the icu_plurals crate

    v2.0.0-beta1 116K #icu #cldr #version #localization #internationalization #unicode #icu4x
  171. coe

    full implementation of the CoEv2 protocol by Technische Alternative

    v0.2.2 #protocols #version #co-ev2 #safe #packet #payload #deserialize
  172. version-track

    used to track changes to complex data, when direct comparison or hashing is too expensive

    v1.0.0 130 #tracking #version #cache #data-structures
  173. bump2version

    ⬆️ Easily manage version numbers in your projects

    v0.1.4 200 #version #config-file #parser #command-line-tool #cli-parser #numbers #regex-parser
  174. quote2

    An alternative lightweight version of quote

    v0.9.0 370 #quote #proc-macro #token-stream #version #performance #instance #direct
  175. mayachain_rs

    Mayanode REST API

    v1.113.0 320 #version #rest #generated #was #mayanode #api-version #client
  176. jomy-ap-rustc_span

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_span in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 140 #spans #interning #symbols #macro #version #position #string-interning
  177. ghaction_version_gen

    Generate various version options as github action outputs

    v0.14.0 #github-action #version #deployment #generate #docker #numbers #output
  178. trunkver

    A CLI for generating trunk version numbers

    v20241213025244.0.0-2a7793d32b80af3bb852c79708f0ea1695e646f3-12308690120-49 #cli #trunk #numbers #version #generate
  179. vbsp

    Rust parser for valve bsp files

    v0.6.0 #parser #bsp #valve #sourcemod #tf2 #version
  180. m3u8-parser

    parsing and creating M3U8 files (HLS)

    v0.6.1 500 #m3u8 #tags #parser #hls #playlist #version #rfc
  181. wcc

    my own version of wc for personal use

    v1.0.11 #line-count #word-count #wc #personal #own #version #counter
  182. axoupdater-cli

    Self-updater executable for use with cargo-dist

    v0.8.2 140 #updater #github #cargo-dist #self-updater #version #executable #standalone
  183. azure_mgmt_edgemarketplace

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 140 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings #operation #version #tags
  184. minecraft_data

    v1.3.4 #minecraft #version #data
  185. azure_mgmt_scom

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #operation #scom #version
  186. fermium

    An opinionated crate of SDL2 bindings

    v22605.0.0 850 #sdl2 #bindings #error #version #source #call #dev
  187. salat_mv

    show prayer times in The Maldives

    v0.3.18 #prayer #times #maldives #mv #salat #version #show
  188. mozversion

    accessing Firefox version metadata

    v0.5.3 2.2K #firefox #mozilla #version #metadata #accessing
  189. awesome-cli

    A command runner designed to streamline command orchestration

    v0.1.1 #command-runner #orchestration #version
  190. lyric-resolution-changer-cli

    Clone Hero chart file resolution changing made easy! cli version

    v0.2.16 210 #chart #hero #resolution #file #changing #version
  191. qqwing

    software for generating and solving Sudoku puzzles. This is a rust version.

    v1.3.5 240 #sudoku #puzzle #solve #generate #version #ps #command
  192. version-manager

    version manager for your projects

    v2.5.0 220 #version #rust #manager
  193. flipperzero-sys

    Flipper Zero

    v0.13.0 180 #flipper-zero #applications #version #embedded
  194. github-workflows-update

    Check github workflows for actions that can be updated

    v0.3.19 120 #github-actions #github-action #workflow #version #check #latest-version #version-update
  195. memos-api

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v0.3.0 #api-client #openapi-generator #generated #openapitools #version #github #com
  196. wasmtime-versioned-export-macros

    Macros for defining versioned exports in Wasmtime

    v27.0.0 209K #wasmtime #wasm #macro #versioned #exports #run-time #version
  197. jomy-ap-rustc_errors

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_errors in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 #diagnostics #rustc #automatic #version #github #com #emitting
  198. satstream-rust-sdk

    Satstream API SDK for Rust

    v1.0.17 280 #satstream #client #version #api-client #api-version #server-api #sdk
  199. icu_locale_data

    Data for the icu_locale crate

    v2.0.0-beta1 #icu #icu-locale #cldr #version
  200. nacl

    Rust version of NaCl Cryptographic library with Scrypt added

    v0.5.3 4.3K #scrypt #cryptography #added #version #ecma-nacl
  201. fil_actors_runtime

    System actors for the Filecoin protocol

    v9.0.1 #filecoin-actors #virtual-machine #on-chain #version #protocols #epoch #reference
  202. mclr

    run mc in rust

    v2.3.1 1.2K #assets #java #mc #download #version #jar #command
  203. jomy-ap-rustc_index

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_index in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 300 #rustc-auto-publish #automatic #version #github #script #lives #repository
  204. corrator

    verify the versions of apps used inside docker containers

    v1.4.0 #version #applications #querying
  205. playit-agent-proto

    Contains the protocol messages for a playit.gg agent

    v1.1.1 #agent #protocols #playit #messages #gg #command #version
  206. playit-agent-core

    Contains the logic to create a playit.gg agent

    v0.17.5 240 #agent #gg #playit #logic #create #playit-agent #version
  207. jomy-ap-rustc_parse

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_parse in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 #rustc-auto-publish #automatic #parser #version #build #compiler #script
  208. cargo-information

    A cargo subcommand to show information about crates

    v0.7.0 #cargo #information #cargo-subcommand #cargo-toml #info #version #show
  209. azure_mgmt_mongocluster

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 140 #operation #resource-manager #azure #service #azure-sdk #future #version
  210. korrect

    A kubectl version managing shim that invokes the correct kubectl version ☸

    v0.0.3 400 #kubectl #k8s #shell-completion #version #correct #shim #setup
  211. ehelply

    SuperStack SDK

    v1.1.118 #api-client #service #sdk #open-api #super-stack #version #superstack
  212. semver-cli-check

    cli util to validate semver

    v0.1.8 #semver #cargo-subcommand #subcommand #version #validation #cargo #command-line-tool
  213. opendal_compat

    Apache OpenDAL Compat

    v1.0.1 130 #opendal #apache #compat #compatibility #data-access #issue #version
  214. versionize

    A version tolerant serialization/deserialization framework

    v0.2.0 2.7K #serialization #deserialize #version #data-structures #bincode #size #overhead
  215. versio

    manage and publish project versions

    v0.8.3 130 #conventional-commits #version #semantic-version #git-commit #config-file #deployment #publish
  216. swc_fast_graph

    Faster version of petgraph

    v6.0.0 28K #javascript-compiler #typescript-compiler #swc #petgraph #version #typescript-parser #web
  217. synthizer

    bindings to Synthizer, a library for 3D audio and effects

    v0.5.6 120 #audio #effect #bindings #gamedev #benefits #version #dont
  218. pkix

    TLS Certificate encoding and decoding helpers

    v0.2.3 240 #tls-certificates #certificate #codec #decoding #certificate-handling #helper #version
  219. populated

    Collection types that are guaranteed to be populated (i.e. non-empty). Based on std::collections types.

    v0.0.6 300 #collection #non-empty #collections #slice #version #nonempty
  220. vbs

    Version-tagged serialization adaptor with compile-time version checking

    v0.1.7 3.7K #serialization #compile-time #version #data #deserialize #immutability #checking
  221. rs-es

    Client for the ElasticSearch REST API

    v0.12.3 160 #elasticsearch #aggregation #api-client #query #search-query #index #version
  222. rc-box

    Known unique versions of Rc and Arc

    v1.2.0 11K #reference-counting #rc #arc #unique #box #shared-ptr #version
  223. azure_mgmt_datatransfer

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #service #future #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #version
  224. ntfs

    A low-level NTFS filesystem library

    v0.4.0 5.0K #filesystem #low-level #nt #index #version #primary #directory
  225. smvr

    A flexible parser and evaluator for interacting with Semantic Version strings

    v0.1.3 120 #version-string #semver #version #semantic #parser
  226. cargo-packager-updater

    Rust executable updater

    v0.2.2 110 #update #updater #signature #packager #executable #version #cargo
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. hoox

    Git hooks on steroids

    v0.3.0 #git-hook #git-workflow #git-repository #script-file #version #command-line #pre-commit
  229. rclog

    that combines changelogs of pre-release versions into the more stable version and pulls out information for a specific version

    v0.1.3 130 #changelog #version #merge #pre-release #stable #combine #information
  230. ydcv-rs

    version of YouDao Console Version

    v0.6.3 120 #version #console #ydcv #you-dao
  231. jomy-ap-rustc_serialize

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_serialize in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 150 #github #com #types #rustc-auto-publish #automatic #build #version
  232. jomy-ap-rustc_type_ir

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_type_ir in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 250 #automatic #version #com #language #rustc-auto-publish #compiler #repository
  233. jomy-ap-rustc_abi

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_abi in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 #rustc-auto-publish #reliable #automatic #version #script #github #lives
  234. kernel-builder

    select kernel version from available sources, build and install

    v0.4.0 140 #kernel #kernel-module #build #build-system #install #source #version
  235. flatc

    Vendored executable of flatbuffer’s flatc

    v0.2.2+23.5.26 1.1K #build-script #flat-buffers #build-tool #flatbuffers #vendored #version #run-time
  236. sqlite-tiny

    A minimalistic SQLite crate which ships the amalgamation variant and provides a tiny Rust API

    v0.6.0 170 #sqlite #minimalist #tiny #api #variant #amalgamation #version
  237. bosion

    Gather build information for verbose versions flags

    v1.1.1 700 #git-version #version #git #verbose #long
  238. tosic-http

    A basic but powerful HTTP server implementation based on actix-web

    v0.0.3 260 #http #http-server #async #actix-web #middleware #ready #version
  239. cfg_rust_features

    Set cfg options according to probing for Rust compiler, language, and library features

    v0.1.2 150 #build #cfg #compiler-version #version #rustc #autoconf
  240. rtx-cli-test

    Polyglot runtime manager (asdf rust clone)

    v1.2.6 #env-var #rtx #nodejs #run-time #version #programming-language #latest-version
  241. vfio-bindings

    Rust FFI bindings to vfio generated using bindgen

    v0.3.1 9.8K #linux-kernel #vfio #bindings #generated-bindings #version #vfio-v5-0-0 #features
  242. iCalendar_parser

    iCalendar (.ical) file parsing and putting into handy structure

    v0.1.10 170 #icalendar_parser #ical #events #summary #organizer #version #date #uid
  243. glibc_version

    Discover GNU libc version at build time

    v0.1.2 40K #build-time #version #gnu #libc #projects #discover #delta-lake
  244. azure

    Project root for all Azure SDK-related crates

    v0.38.0 #azure-sdk #sdk #root #version #github #information #future
  245. osu-rs

    reading osu! beatmaps

    v0.2.1 290 #osu #parser #reading #beatmaps #time #file #version
  246. jomy-ap-rustc_feature

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_feature in the rust-lang/rust repository from version 1.83.0 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rustc-auto-publish

    v1.83.0 #rustc #features #attributes #version #removed #gate #unstable
  247. rbspy-ruby-structs

    Helper crate for rbspy. Contains Rust bindings for various internal Ruby structures for version 1.9.3 to 3.x.

    v0.27.0 500 #ruby #bindings #structures #helper #rbspy #internal #version
  248. wdm

    Decentralized WordPress Plugin Dependency Manager

    v0.1.0 #repository #wordpress #private #decentralized #version #control #manager