I want Jennifer Garner to adopt me
]]>Watched on Wednesday March 5, 2025.
]]>i am stupid and easy to please, i see hot people on a dangerous quest i am happy
]]>é mais assustador ver nossos pais envelhecendo ou tornarmo-nos versões deles?
lili, malu e joana. três mulheres fortes, três gerações diferentes. cada uma carregando seu próprio trauma, questões mal resolvidas, coisas entaladas na garganta há muito – basta um baseado ou uma discussão boba para que tudo isso exploda. malu é uma atriz que vive do passado, em que viveu na pele a ditadura, fez teatro político, foi presa etc. mulher forte, que adora fumar unzinho, comunista e sem papas na língua – o “embate” dela com o padre logo nos primeiros 20 minutos do filme é maravilhoso, assim como o que vem depois. malu e lili se bicam o tempo todo, até mesmo se agridem, é uma relação de mãe e filha conturbadíssima mas que traz muitas nuances; ora temos certa simpatia por uma, ora por outra, ora por nenhuma das duas. joana, a filha-neta, entra nesse fogo cruzado e vemos algo que se repete geração após geração: malu e lili também têm seus problemas. aquela coisa de repetirmos os erros dos nossos pais etc. mas para além desses embates – os diálogos são muito bem escritos –, há o cuidado e o amor. quando lili conta algo sobre seu passado – bem pesado – a filha malu se compadece e, pela primeira vez em longos minutos, vemos alguma troca de afeto entre as duas. e quando malu adoece, jujuca se dedica para cuidar da mãe – e foram esses momentos que me emocionaram minutos a fio.
o tempo e a sensação do acaso e da incerteza do destino é o que torna a verdade a mais cruel das realidades com que se pode lidar.
tudo é efêmero, e cada momento de silêncio se torna uma facada no peito, uma sensação esquisita, desconfortável e incômoda.
rip to this beautiful girl in&outside, you will always be loved and remembered, michelle trachtenberg. ❄️⛸️🤍
]]>“Dad used to say that childhood was like being drunk. Everyone remembers what you did, except you.” – Grace Pudel
Memoir of a Snail is a deeply melancholic yet tender claymation journey through the lives of Grace and Gilbert, two siblings enduring loss, separation, and resilience in 1970s Australia. Director Adam Elliot captures heartbreak and bittersweet love in his signature stop-motion style, crafting a story that’s both personal and universal.
The film’s somber pacing and emotional depth might not be for everyone, but for those who love the slow, poetic beauty of claymation, it’s a poignant experience. I love how the film leans into melancholy while showing that even life’s darkest moments have an odd, fragile charm.
It may not be my first pick for Best Animated Picture, but it absolutely deserves the nomination.
]]>this might be my the most comfort movie ever
]]>petition to cast sophie thatcher in every horror movie from now on
]]>you’re kidding what the fuck was that ending?
the cinematography and acting were great of course and the film had individually strong moments but the more I think about it the more I dislike it. It could have been a fun adult thriller if it were 20% or 30% tighter and if ralph fiennes actually had some influence on the plot. it also could have worked as an oscar-bait political allegory if it didn’t have such an embarrassingly wish-fulfilling ending. overall, it has the same empty aesthetics and incompetent political messaging that made me hate other films in this genre, but at least with a less personally offensive subject.
]]>tbr i always respect a bitch who haunts the narrative
]]>Watched on Friday February 14, 2025.
]]>Fernada Torres the actress that you are.
]]>Watched on Tuesday February 11, 2025.
]]>Watched on Tuesday February 11, 2025.
]]>Watched on Monday February 10, 2025.
]]>currently holding space inside me for jonathan bailey and defying gravity
]]>animated animals and a robot got me bawling my eyes out wtf
]]>kieran culkin the (future) academy award winner that you are
]]>"Nós vamos sorrir. Sorriam!"
“Ainda Estou Aqui” superou todas as expectativas que eu tinha — e elas já eram altas. Não conheço adjetivos suficientes para enaltecer essa obra de arte.
Todo o elenco entrega atuações excepcionais, mas é impossível não destacar a renomada Fernanda Torres. Sua presença domina completamente o ambiente, enchendo a tela com um talento que parece não ter limites.
A fotografia é irretocável. É deslumbrante, meticulosamente planejada e perfeitamente encaixada em cada cena. As sequências que simulam uma câmera de mão retrô são, sem dúvida, a cereja do bolo: esplêndidas.
O longa desenvolve sua narrativa de maneira impecável, resultando em uma experiência profundamente imersiva, emocionante e comovente. Perdi a conta de quantas vezes chorei enquanto assistia.
Outro ponto que merece atenção é o salto temporal presente no filme. Embora esse recurso possa ser arriscado, aqui ele é executado com maestria. As escolhas de elenco e a transição do envelhecimento de Eunice — desde Fernanda Torres até a substituição pela lendária Fernanda Montenegro — são feitas com uma precisão admirável, tornando tudo incrivelmente autêntico.
“A tática do desaparecimento político é a mais cruel de todas, pois a vítima permanece viva no dia a dia. Mata-se a vítima e condena-se toda a família a uma tortura psicológica eterna.”
“Ainda Estou Aqui” é uma obra perfeita: um grito que exige ser ouvido, uma narrativa dolorosa e incrivelmente realista. Nós precisamos lembrar para nunca esquecer.
]]>This review may contain spoilers.
“Oh, my old friend. You haven’t changed a bit.”
This film brings what i already think about all the time, and i love the way it was done. it’s not only about beauty standards and how important appearance is for society, but also just about self-acceptance and the difference that makes.
Edward thought he had to change so that he could love himself and be loved too, and it worked, but he wasn’t him anymore, then there’s someone just like his old self being everything he could’ve been and having everything he could’ve had. it didn’t matter that he had it all, he wanted what was now lost. he had to listen to everyone talk about what still felt like it was him, it had been him up until this point but the tragedy of it is that now it was lost forever… as he chose to kill it completely.
I kept wondering how different things might’ve been if he hadn’t faked his death and just told everyone the truth, but it’s clear that wasn’t really an option for him - it wasn’t about others but about his own struggle to accept himself.
Sebastian Stan honestly deserved an Oscar nom for this, his performance was definitely a highlight for me; he was absolutely captivating and brought so much depth to his character. Overall, it was a unique experience and I’m glad I saw it.
]]>Watched on Friday January 24, 2025.
]]>your wife is happy?
oh yes. it doesn't take much to make her happy. a villa, swimming pool, champagne, simple things like that.
♡ ̆̈ ⋆.˚ㅤit is hard to keep the same level of intimacy as time passes, not because we don't love each other but because we have a responsibility to keep. two for the road shows how time affects the relationship between a couple from the moment they meet to the moment they question their love, burden, and freedom.
the two here are audrey hepburn and albert finney at their prime. the road is the bumpy road of relationships and marriage. as this couple travel this rocky road you, the viewer, observe how a charming, charismatic couple can change and evolve and hurt one another while still being in love. stanley donnen, director, does a masterful job in moving things along. the storyline is not linear. you get to see the couple a various times in their relationship revisiting them at crucial stages. the result is an engaging film that demands your attention. the european setting is romantic, the humor balancing the pathos of their life, and the viewer coming away with perhaps some universal truths of what it means to be connected. audrey hepburn is a class, missing her endlessly. 🤍
you haven't been happy since the day we met, have you?
ps: i NEED joanna's wardrobe so bad
]]>rest in peace, david lynch. there will never be anyone else like you. 🕊️❤️🩹
]]>texas chainsaw massacre if the family served cunt
]]>david lynch make a film i understand on the first watch challenge
]]>]]>“this whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.”
Watched on Saturday January 4, 2025.
]]>Watched on Wednesday January 1, 2025.
]]>“when you give me health insurance, workers' comp and a 401K, then you can tell me when i work”
I'm officially rooting for anora to win best picture... this film is the definition of a masterful character study. It works brilliantly as both a comedy and a drama. I love cinderella stories and anora is simply the best. mikey madison has a long career ahead of her! i cried at least four times, and this was my second viewing. also, the soundtrack is 10/10.
]]>Imagine having Mikey Madison as your wife and not devoting your life to her???
]]>Watched on Thursday November 21, 2024.
]]>they didnt have to make pyramid head that hot
]]>"They'll forget you."
It’s possible engaging with the songs through subtitles hurts their impact, but it’s more likely the songs are just bad. I won’t speak to the film’s success with the trans representation, except to say that I didn’t interpret it as phobic, but possibly underdeveloped. In fact that’s my main thought, that if the film took out all the boring singing and used the extra time to just delve deeper into each character, it might be an interesting narrative.
I feel for Zoe Saldana and Karla Sofía Gascón, who give great performances despite such a poor script. Selena Gomez, though, straight to jail. But for a film with such big ideas and big emotions, I felt almost nothing. I just didn't find the story to be that interesting, exciting, moving, or even engaging. In fact, as a trans story, it felt more like the film didn't want it to be about that. The film spends the first half building up this trans story, only to move on to something else completely different in the second half. I just didn't care about what's happening.
As a musical, this was a total failure. Incredibly dull and cringeworthy songs are made worse by, and I'm sorry to say, actors who cannot sing and incredibly poorly staged and choreographed musical numbers, with exception of Zoe Saldana's sequence in the red suit.
]]>]]>in my restless dreams, i see that town...
silent hill.
gay people can’t ever get a happy ending huh
]]>sally running around covered in blood and screaming for over 30 minutes straight! oh this will forever be my roman empire <3
]]>two men talk about being gay for 90 minutes without any deeper substance. honestly, it sucks.
]]>"What are girls for?"
"Woman of the Hour" marks Anna Kendrick's thrilling and masterful directorial debut, evoking a range of intense emotions. I felt genuine fear and crippling anxiety at times, yet found myself laughing at moments of irony. Kendrick tells a crucial story about the brutal crimes committed against women and how history often neglects them. The film doesn't shy away from showing the harsh reality—it's raw and unapologetically loud, reflecting the unfortunate truth of these events.
By portraying different women dealing with the same vile individual at various points, the film highlights their resourcefulness in the face of such inhumane situations. Some of these encounters end tragically, while others do not.
Several of the transition shots were particularly striking. It has similarities to 'Late Night with the Devil', though it surpasses it in many ways. Kendrick masterfully built suspense from one scene to the next, with the parking lot sequence standing out. I especially appreciated how she portrayed the female characters. Overall, a gripping thriller worth watching.
]]>alexa play ‘the other woman’ by lana del rey
]]>natalie portman wearing a pink wig in a strip club you will always be famous
]]>this movie changed me forever
]]>Watched on Saturday October 19, 2024.
]]>unsettling but such a necessary message about how unforgiving the porn industry is
]]>bodies bodies bodies but y’all are straight
]]>Watched on Thursday October 17, 2024.
]]>where do i get the substance to become margaret qualley?
]]>🇧🇷 REVIEW
Abordando uma trama cearense que explora e mistura gêneros de pornochanchada e thriller, "Motel Destino" se destaca em suas cores quentes e vibrantes, tentando e conseguindo (em pequenas doses) ser eufórico na sua própria maneira de construção narrativa.
Visualmente, "Motel Destino" é atraente. A cinematografia captura a atmosfera claustrofóbica do motel, refletindo a solidão e os conflitos internos dos personagens. A trilha sonora também merece elogios, complementando os momentos de suspense e reflexão.
No entanto, o filme enfrenta algumas limitações. A narrativa, por vezes, pode parecer arrastada, especialmente em certos momentos de desenvolvimento de personagens que poderiam ter sido mais dinâmicos. Além disso, algumas reviravoltas, que deveriam ser impactantes, acabam parecendo previsíveis, o que diminui o efeito surpresa.
A atuação do Iago Xavier infelizmente deixa muito a desejar, em algumas cenas ela se torna lamentável, principalmente por estar sempre em tela com a Nataly Rocha e o Fabio Assunçao, que desde o primeiro momento em que são introduzidos no filme estão espetaculares.
O que vou destacar aqui é o fato de venderem o filme como cinema erótico e LGBTQ+, mas as tentativas de eroticidade são falhas e os dois únicos momentos que se criam uma “tensão sexual gay”, um é fraco e o outro é para justificar a imagem do hétero valentão.
"Motel Destino" tackles a plot set in Ceará, blending the genres of pornochanchada and thriller. It stands out for its warm and vibrant colors, attempting—and succeeding, in small doses—to be euphoric in its own way of narrative construction.
Visually, "Motel Destino" is appealing. The cinematography captures the claustrophobic atmosphere of the motel, reflecting the loneliness and internal conflicts of the characters. The soundtrack also deserves praise, complementing moments of suspense and reflection.
However, the film faces some limitations. The narrative can sometimes feel slow, especially during certain character development moments that could have been more dynamic. Additionally, some plot twists that should be impactful end up feeling predictable, which lessens the element of surprise.
Unfortunately, Iago Xavier's performance falls short. In some scenes, it becomes regrettable, especially since he is constantly sharing the screen with Nataly Rocha and Fabio Assunção, who are spectacular from the moment they are introduced in the film.
One point worth mentioning is how the film is marketed as erotic and LGBTQ+ cinema. However, the attempts at eroticism fall flat, and the only two moments where "gay sexual tension" is created, one is weak and the other is simply to justify the image of the macho straight guy.
]]>"I don't think you're boring. You just haven't met your people yet."
Does anyone know where I can find a queer ranch like the one in this movie? The people there were so warm and welcoming; I wish I knew a place like that in real life.
An absolutely stunning debut. Thank you, Luke Giford, for this film, for the representation, and for the celebration of queer joy. I lost count of how many times I cried, starting from the moment Dylan arrives at the ranch and lasting until the credits rolled. The tears were partly due to the cinematography, which beautifully captured these intimate moments with close shots of the characters' faces. It felt almost intrusive, especially with the incredible chemistry between Dylan and Sky. I can't recall the last time I saw on-screen chemistry that powerful. I’d be remiss not to mention the soundtrack, which enhanced these personal moments—Perfume Genius!!!
]]>samara weaving covered in blood in the year 2024 but at what cost
]]>"Are you a serial killer?"
A striking achievement in horror filmmaking, JT Mollner masterfully subverts genre tropes with finesse. The visual storytelling is elevated by brilliant color coding: blue for the vulnerable moments, which feature some of the best dialogue I’ve seen all year; red for the steamy, cat-and-mouse game; and a draining of all color for a poetic, long-sequenced grand finale—simply brilliant. Filmed on 35mm, the movie is a technical masterpiece with flawless pacing, stunning framing, and exceptional cinematography. Add in one of the best soundtracks of the year, and Strange Darling stands as a true cinematic gem.
Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Gallner completely earn the title of Scream Royalties. Every moment they're on screen, they give it their all. Their remarkable performances are sure to be remembered for a long time.
]]>୨୧ — A ranking of every film released in 2024 that I have seen.
...plus 48 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>]]>a ranking of every film released in 2025 that i have seen.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 a running list of spooky movies I've never seen, but I've always wanted to see, that I'll endeavor to see this spooky fall season. 🧟♀️
...plus 21 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ films where fire is used in symbolism or as major aesthetic feature.
...plus 14 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 4 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ films featuring characters with mommy issues or mothers who leave their kids with issues.
...plus 54 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
“i want to be defined by the things that i love.” ❤︎
...plus 58 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>1910s — 2020s
inspired by ele!
...plus 2 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.