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Deleting tags…
- w/ kian 120
- w/ angier 88
- w/ lynzi 60
- w/ carrie 50
- w/ my bro 40
- w/ the fam 26
- w/ my bros 24
- w/ dad 23
- w/ ted 23
- w/ jeaba 19
- w/ dan 16
- w/ mom 14
- childhood classic 12
- w/ althea 12
- w/ ben 12
- w/ wilson 12
- star wars marathon 11
- w/ elino 10
- w/ the bros 9
- w/ alex 5
- w/ kira 5
- w/ lynzi (she wasn't watching 👎👎) 5
- w/ brandon 4
- w/ idk 4
- auf deutsch 3
- free on youtube 3
- full review soon 3
- w/ angier (he quit halfway through and left us to burn) 3
- w/ heredicarrie 3
- w/ santi 3
- whisper of the heart 3
- airplane watch 2
- animation 2
- free on youtube! watch it! 2
- german dub 2
- i promise i'll post longer reviews again soon 2
- it's joever 2
- mcu 2
- ugly sobbing 2
- w/ ashe 2
- w/ darkchocolate 2
- w/ grandma 2
- w/ lynzi (in spirit) 2
- w/ m1aow 2
- w/ randomswede 2
- (for the pilot)
- *commits death*
- 1k lessgo
- 400th review
- 52 week challenge
- a new majora's mask movie for the collection
- about
- actual cannibal shia labeouf
- actually almost fell asleep
- adult animation
- adult swim
- ai artists aren't real artists
- alpha male gamer apex predator
- anime
- another bong hit
- beatrice was the imposter
- better than the godfather
- big time nostalgia
- bob's burgers
- boromir is underrated
- bring back king harold
- but your honor the free bird solo was playing
- can quote every line
- change that banner i hate floating heads
- characters should matter
- childhood classic?
- christmas party watch
- cried for that ending
- cryin rn
- cute
- danny devito
- darth vader
- depression
- does not pass the bechdel test
- don't
- dont do crack kids
- dr seuss more like dr sus
- dune part 2 why did you leave me
- emotional damage
- expecto patronuuuuuuuuuuum
- extended edition
- family is good
- finally watched it :)
- fire soundtrack
- first film back in america
- full review soon maybe
- funny
- gentlemen of the fist
- ghibli
- good summer movie
- guardians 3 hype train
- happy 100 years!
- happy birthday noah!
- happy st patrick's day
- have you worn wigs
- high school classic
- his name sounds like pee pee
- how many can you spot
- i am kenough
- i frickin hate todd
- i have decided
- i looked up teehee
- i pity the fool
- i want a pet phoenix
- i'd love to expose you to great things like billie holiday and foreign films
- i'm so sorry
- im in shock
- im the joker baby
- imagine being old can't relate
- inappropriate snuggling warning
- it is now fall
- it le killed people?
- its saulover
- itsa me a mario
- justice for ken