skepticalscully has logged 22 entries for films released in the 1970s during 2022.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
14 | Black Christmas | 1974 | | |||||
13 | Obsession | 1976 | | |||||
24 | A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving | 1973 | | |||||
07 | The Girl Chewing Gum | 1976 | | |||||
04 | Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris | 1970 | | |||||
31 | Halloween | 1978 | | |||||
11 | The Texas Chain Saw Massacre | 1974 | | Read the review | ||||
08 | Deep Red | 1975 | | |||||
01 | Jaws | 1975 | | Read the review | ||||
03 | Suspiria | 1977 | | |||||
12 | The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion | 1970 | | Read the review | ||||
11 | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | 1978 | | |||||
11 | The Velvet Vampire | 1971 | | Read the review | ||||
04 | Jaws | 1975 | | Read the review | ||||
10 | A Bay of Blood | 1971 | | |||||
17 | Tourist Trap | 1979 | | Read the review | ||||
24 | Star Wars | 1977 | | |||||
24 | The Godfather | 1972 | | Read the review | ||||
01 | Saint Jack | 1979 | | Read the review | ||||
01 | What's Up, Doc? | 1972 | | Read the review | ||||
01 | Paper Moon | 1973 | | Read the review | ||||
31 | High Anxiety | 1977 | | Read the review |