I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more Spice!
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Lost in Translation 2003
For the sake of science, I am going to take the most liked review of this movie, Google Translate it into Japanese, then Google Translate it back into English. Let's see what happens.
Original review by Lisa Bettany: "Who doesn't love a movie that starts on Scarlett Johansson's bum?"
Lisa Bettany's review Lost in Translation: "Who starts in the ass of Scarlett Johansson, you do not love movies?"
Over the Garden Wall 2014
My ranking of the frog's many names:
1. Doctor Cucumber
2. Benjamin Franklin
3. Ronald
4. Kitty
5. George Washington
6. Jason Funderburker
7. Mr. President
8. Skipper
9. Wirt Jr.
10. Greg Jr.
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4,085Daily Quiz 2,885: Can you name the given animated movie characters by the given animation studio? 1 film
Daily Quiz 2,884: Can you name the movie from the image and a single word from its title? 1 film
Allrussman reviewed and rated Bad Faith on Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
russman commented on his own Daily Quiz 2,884: Can you name the movie from the image and a single word from its title? list
russman listed Daily Quiz 2,885: Can you name the given animated movie characters by the given animation studio?
russman reviewed and rated The Piano Lesson on Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
russman reviewed and rated Star Wars: Clone Wars on Tuesday Dec 10, 2024