What the sofa gives the sofa takes away. I've barely finished praising the metaphysical capabilities of my couch while watching Caddo Lake before I already find myself contradicting them. The truth is that my sofa actually lies on an old and haunted Indian cemetery, surrounded by a plantation of hallucinogenic mushrooms, and I don't know if the Indian spirits are angrier or the mushrooms more hallucinogenic, the fact is that I thought I was traveling in time, but I'm actually…
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Caddo Lake 2024
I've been so tired lately that I really struggle to keep my eyes open while watching a movie. I often have to turn it off and finish it the next day, which isn't great. Caddo Lake kept me awake for its entire duration, which is a good thing... I understood why halfway through the second act. And it's the sofa's fault. I practically discovered that every time I was about to give in and abandon myself in the arms of…
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What a wonderful experience this movie is.
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AlllOUiS dE lAMbERTAiN reviewed and rated The Party on Sunday Dec 15, 2024
lOUiS dE lAMbERTAiN reviewed and rated Caddo Lake on Sunday Dec 15, 2024
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