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Mulholland Drive 2001
David Lynch truly is the master of surrealism when it comes to cinema. I've never quite had a more memorable viewing experience than when I watched a Lynch film for the first time and it was in fact, Mulholland drive. Mulholland Drive is his best work in my opinion, deconstructing fantasy and making a huge commentary on the potentially wicked world of Hollywood. It truly showcases how one can be chewed up and spat out by the industry and to…
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984
Immaculate sound design and cinematography provided an enthralling watch within a sub-genre that doesn't entirely appeal to me. The slasher genre. It takes the generic slasher formula and entirely reforms it with the brilliance of surrealism. The idea of our characters having to avoid the unavoidable in order to evade death, truly contributes to the existential dread that our characters must be enduring. Freddy looks great and is subtly comical throughout his screen time. Some of the other acting performances were close to mediocre, however there isn't much else to flaw this film for.
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Kev liked George Carmi’s review of 28 Days Later
Kev reviewed and rated 28 Days Later on Monday Dec 16, 2024