A list of every single movie I own on either dvd, blu-ray or 4K. This list includes all labels (Arrow,…
Favourite Japanese movies! 好きな日本映画
Some of my favourite films from Japan. One of the best countries for horror & action films with a major influence…
The films of Takashi Miike ranked! My favourite director of all time, just so so creative and original. Never disliked…
Japanese Cyberpunk - 日本のサイバーパンク
A collection of Japanese films that fit into the cyberpunk sub-genre. These films vary from how "cyberpunky" they are but…
Top 100 of All Time!
Current top 100 films, will very likely change a lot. These are marked as ranked, but consider this list as…
Weird, extreme and gross movies!
Weird or otherwise gross films that I think look interesting or are worth watching, sorted by poster colour! I've tried…
Hisayasu Satō ranked - 佐藤 寿保 位置付ける
My ranking of the Satō films ive seen! definitely one of the most unique directors out there, his dreamlike visual…
Naoyuki Tomomatsu Ranked - 友松 直之 ランク付けされた
my ranking of the films of Noayuki Tomomatsu! really enjoy his works, very trashy but always a pretty fun time!…
Iguchi Ranked - 井口ランキング
My ranking of the films of Noboru Iguchi! His films are always a good time, one of my fave directors!…
Sion Sono Ranked - 園 子温 之 ランク付けされた
The films of Sion Sono that I have seen ranked! Always a very unique director, one of my favourites. Loads…
Criterion collection
A list of all the Criterion disks I own. Will obvs update as I get more!
Directed by me
Films that I directed! All are available on my youtube channel: Where.uvi !